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  Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Hun Siong on Nov-19-2013 21:00
Dear Sir/Madam,

Please help.. Urgent.. I am having difficulty adding zoom feature to the real time directory chart. Below is my code. Please advise anything I have missed out. The zoom feature is totally not working.

Thank You.

Imports ChartDirector

Public Class FrmZoomScrollTrack2

    ' Data arrays
    'Dim timeStamps As DateTime()
    'Dim dataSeriesA As Double()
    'Dim dataSeriesB As Double()
    'Dim dataSeriesC As Double()
    ' The data arrays that store the visible data. The data arrays are updated in realtime. In
    ' this demo, we plot the last 240 samples.
    Private Const sampleSize As Integer = 240
    Private dataSeriesA(sampleSize - 1) As Double
    Private dataSeriesB(sampleSize - 1) As Double
    Private dataSeriesC(sampleSize - 1) As Double
    Private timeStamps(sampleSize - 1) As Date

    ' The index of the array position to which new data values are added.
    Private currentIndex As Integer = 0

    ' In this demo, we use a data generator driven by a timer to generate realtime data. The
    ' nextDataTime is an internal variable used by the data generator to keep track of which
    ' values to generate next.
    Private nextDataTime As DateTime = New DateTime((Now.Ticks \\ 10000000) * 10000000)

    ' Flag to indicated if initialization has been completed. Prevents events from firing before
    ' controls are properly initialized.
    Private hasFinishedInitialization As Boolean

    Private Sub FrmZoomScrollTrack2_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles MyBase.Load

        ' Load the data

        '' Initialize the WinChartViewer

        '' Can handle events now
        'hasFinishedInitialization = True

        '' Trigger the ViewPortChanged event to draw the chart

        ' Initialize the view port to show the latest 20% of the time range

        winChartViewer1.setFullRange("x", 0, timeStamps.Length - 1)

        ' Initialize the view port to show the latest 250 points
        winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth = timeStamps.Length
        winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft = 1 - winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth

        'Set the maximum zoom to 10 points
        winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit = 10 / timeStamps.Length
        winChartViewer1.ZoomDirection = WinChartDirection.HorizontalVertical

        ' Initially set the mouse usage to "Pointer" mode (Drag to Scroll mode)
        ' Data generation rate
        dataRateTimer.Interval = 250

        ' Chart update rate
        chartUpdateTimer.Interval = CInt(samplePeriod.Value)

        ' Initialize data buffer. In this demo, we just set the initial state to no data.
        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 0 To UBound(timeStamps)
            timeStamps(i) = DateTime.MinValue

        ' Set the maximum zoom to 10 points
        'winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit = 10.0 / timeStamps.Length

        ' Initially set the mouse usage to "Pointer" mode (Drag to Scroll mode)
        pointerPB.Checked = True
        ' Enable RunPB button
        runPB.Checked = True

        ' Now can start the timers for data collection and chart update

        'winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, True)

    End Sub

    ' Load the data
    Private Sub loadData()

        ' In this example, we just use random numbers as data.
        Dim r As RanSeries = New RanSeries(127)
        timeStamps = r.getDateSeries(1827, New DateTime(2007, 1, 1), 86400)
        dataSeriesA = r.getSeries2(1827, 150, -10, 10)
        dataSeriesB = r.getSeries2(1827, 200, -10, 10)
        dataSeriesC = r.getSeries2(1827, 250, -8, 8)

    End Sub

    ' Initialize the WinChartViewer
    Private Sub initChartViewer(ByVal viewer As WinChartViewer)

        ' Set the full x range to be the duration of the data
        viewer.SetFullRange("x", timeStamps(0), timeStamps(timeStamps.Length - 1))

        ' Initialize the view port to show the latest 20% of the time range
        viewer.ViewPortWidth = 0.2
        viewer.ViewPortLeft = 1 - viewer.ViewPortWidth

        ' Set the maximum zoom to 10 points
        viewer.ZoomInWidthLimit = 10.0 / timeStamps.Length

        ' Initially set the mouse usage to "Pointer" mode (Drag to Scroll mode)
        pointerPB.Checked = True

    End Sub

    ' The ViewPortChanged event handler. This event occurs if the user scrolls or zooms in
    ' or out the chart by dragging or clicking on the chart. It can also be triggered by
    ' calling WinChartViewer.updateViewPort.
    Private Sub winChartViewer1_ViewPortChanged(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As WinViewPortEventArgs) Handles winChartViewer1.ViewPortChanged

        ' In addition to updating the chart, we may also need to update other controls that
        ' changes based on the view port.

        ' Update the chart if necessary
        If e.NeedUpdateChart Then
        End If

        ' We need to update the track line too. If the mouse is moving on the chart (eg. if
        ' the user drags the mouse on the chart to scroll it), the track line will be updated
        ' in the MouseMovePlotArea event. Otherwise, we need to update the track line here.
        If (Not winChartViewer1.IsInMouseMoveEvent) And winChartViewer1.IsMouseOnPlotArea Then
            trackLineLegend(winChartViewer1.Chart, winChartViewer1.PlotAreaMouseX)
        End If
    End Sub

    ' Update controls when the view port changed
    Private Sub updateControls(ByVal viewer As WinChartViewer)

        ' Update the start date and end date control to reflect the view port.
        startDateCtrl.Value = Chart.NTime(viewer.GetValueAtViewPort("x", viewer.ViewPortLeft))
        endDateCtrl.Value = Chart.NTime(viewer.GetValueAtViewPort("x", viewer.ViewPortLeft + _

        ' Update the scroll bar to reflect the view port position and width of the view port.
        hScrollBar1.Enabled = winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth < 1
        hScrollBar1.LargeChange = Math.Ceiling(winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth * _
            (hScrollBar1.Maximum - hScrollBar1.Minimum))
        hScrollBar1.SmallChange = Math.Ceiling(hScrollBar1.LargeChange * 0.1)
        hScrollBar1.Value = Math.Round(winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft * _
            (hScrollBar1.Maximum - hScrollBar1.Minimum)) + hScrollBar1.Minimum

    End Sub

    ' Draw the chart and display it in the given viewer.
    Private Sub drawChart(ByVal viewer As WinChartViewer)

        ' Create an XYChart object 600 x 270 pixels in size, with light grey (f4f4f4)
        ' background, black (000000) border, 1 pixel raised effect, and with a rounded frame.
        Dim c As XYChart = New XYChart(640, 350, &HF4F4F4, &H0, 1)

        ' Set the plotarea at (55, 55) and of size 520 x 185 pixels. Use white (ffffff)
        ' background. Enable both horizontal and vertical grids by setting their colors to
        ' grey (cccccc). Set clipping mode to clip the data lines to the plot area.
        c.setPlotArea(55, 55, 520, 185, &HFFFFFF, -1, -1, &HCCCCCC, &HCCCCCC)

        ' Add a title to the chart using 15 pts Times New Roman Bold Italic font, with a light
        ' grey (dddddd) background, black (000000) border, and a glass like raised effect.
        c.addTitle("Field Intensity at Observation Satellite", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 15 _
            ).setBackground(&HDDDDDD, &H0, Chart.glassEffect())

        ' Set the reference font size of the legend box

        ' Configure the y-axis with a 10pts Arial Bold axis title
        c.yAxis().setTitle("Intensity (V/m)", "Arial Bold", 10)

        ' Configure the x-axis to auto-scale with at least 75 pixels between major tick and 15
        ' pixels between minor ticks. This shows more minor grid lines on the chart.
        c.xAxis().setTickDensity(75, 15)

        ' Set the axes width to 2 pixels

        ' Now we add the data to the chart
        Dim firstTime As DateTime = timeStamps(0)
        If firstTime <> DateTime.MinValue Then
            ' Set up the x-axis scale. In this demo, we set the x-axis to show the 240 samples,
            ' with 250ms per sample.
            c.xAxis().setDateScale(firstTime, firstTime.AddSeconds( _
                dataRateTimer.Interval * timeStamps.Length / 1000))

            ' Set the x-axis label format

            ' Create a line layer to plot the lines
            Dim layer As LineLayer = c.addLineLayer2()
            ' The x-coordinates are the timeStamps.

            ' The 3 data series are used to draw 3 lines.
            layer.addDataSet(dataSeriesA, &HFF0000, "Alpha")
            layer.addDataSet(dataSeriesB, &HCC00, "Beta")
            layer.addDataSet(dataSeriesC, &HFF, "Gamma")
        End If

        ' Include track line with legend. If the mouse is on the plot area, show the track
        ' line with legend at the mouse position; otherwise, show them for the latest data
        ' values (that is, at the rightmost position).
        trackLineLegend(c, IIf(viewer.IsMouseOnPlotArea, viewer.PlotAreaMouseX, _

        'viewer.syncLinearAxisWithViewPort("x", c.xAxis())
        'viewer.syncLinearAxisWithViewPort("y", c.yAxis())
        'viewer.syncDateAxisWithViewPort("x", c.xAxis())
        ' Assign the chart to the WinChartViewer
        viewer.Chart = c

    End Sub
    '' Draw the chart.
    'Private Sub drawChart(ByVal viewer As WinChartViewer)

    '    ' Get the start date and end date that are visible on the chart.
    '    Dim viewPortStartDate As DateTime = Chart.NTime(viewer.GetValueAtViewPort("x", viewer.ViewPortLeft))
    '    Dim viewPortEndDate As DateTime = Chart.NTime(viewer.GetValueAtViewPort("x", viewer.ViewPortLeft + _
    '        viewer.ViewPortWidth))

    '    ' Get the array indexes that corresponds to the visible start and end dates
    '    Dim startIndex As Integer = Math.Floor(Chart.bSearch(timeStamps, viewPortStartDate))
    '    Dim endIndex As Integer = Math.Ceiling(Chart.bSearch(timeStamps, viewPortEndDate))
    '    Dim noOfPoints As Integer = endIndex - startIndex + 1

    '    ' Extract the part of the data array that are visible.
    '    Dim viewPortTimeStamps As DateTime() = Chart.arraySlice(timeStamps, startIndex, noOfPoints)
    '    Dim viewPortDataSeriesA As Double() = Chart.arraySlice(dataSeriesA, startIndex, noOfPoints)
    '    Dim viewPortDataSeriesB As Double() = Chart.arraySlice(dataSeriesB, startIndex, noOfPoints)
    '    Dim viewPortDataSeriesC As Double() = Chart.arraySlice(dataSeriesC, startIndex, noOfPoints)

    '    '
    '    ' At this stage, we have extracted the visible data. We can use those data to plot the chart.
    '    '

    '    '================================================================================
    '    ' Configure overall chart appearance.
    '    '================================================================================

    '    ' Create an XYChart object of size 640 x 350 pixels
    '    Dim c As XYChart = New XYChart(640, 350)

    '    ' Set the plotarea at (55, 50) with width 80 pixels less than chart width, and height 85 pixels
    '    ' less than chart height. Use a vertical gradient from light blue (f0f6ff) to sky blue (a0c0ff)
    '    ' as background. Set border to transparent and grid lines to white (ffffff).
    '    c.setPlotArea(55, 50, c.getWidth() - 80, c.getHeight() - 85, c.linearGradientColor(0, 50, 0, _
    '        c.getHeight() - 35, &HF0F6FF, &HA0C0FF), -1, Chart.Transparent, &HFFFFFF, &HFFFFFF)

    '    ' As the data can lie outside the plotarea in a zoomed chart, we need enable clipping.
    '    c.setClipping()

    '    ' Add a title to the chart using 18 pts Times New Roman Bold Italic font
    '    c.addTitle("   Zooming and Scrolling with Track Line (2)", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 18)

    '    ' Add a legend box at (55, 25) using horizontal layout. Use 8pts Arial Bold as font. Set the
    '    ' background and border color to Transparent and use line style legend key.
    '    Dim b As LegendBox = c.addLegend(55, 25, False, "Arial Bold", 8)
    '    b.setBackground(Chart.Transparent)
    '    b.setLineStyleKey()

    '    ' Set the axis stem to transparent
    '    c.xAxis().setColors(Chart.Transparent)
    '    c.yAxis().setColors(Chart.Transparent)

    '    ' Add axis title using 10pts Arial Bold Italic font
    '    c.yAxis().setTitle("Ionic Temperature (C)", "Arial Bold Italic", 10)

    '    '================================================================================
    '    ' Add data to chart
    '    '================================================================================

    '    '
    '    ' In this example, we represent the data by lines. You may modify the code below to use other
    '    ' representations (areas, scatter plot, etc).
    '    '

    '    ' Add a line layer for the lines, using a line width of 2 pixels
    '    Dim layer As LineLayer = c.addLineLayer2()
    '    Layer.setLineWidth(2)

    '    ' In this demo, we do not have too many data points. In real code, the chart may contain a lot
    '    ' of data points when fully zoomed out - much more than the number of horizontal pixels in this
    '    ' plot area. So it is a good idea to use fast line mode.
    '    Layer.setFastLineMode()

    '    ' Now we add the 3 data series to a line layer, using the color red (ff33333), green (008800)
    '    ' and blue (3333cc)
    '    Layer.setXData(viewPortTimeStamps)
    '    ' Layer.addDataSet(viewPortDataSeriesA, &HFF3333, "Alpha")
    '    ' Layer.addDataSet(viewPortDataSeriesB, &H008800, "Beta")
    '    ' layer.addDataSet(viewPortDataSeriesC, &H3333CC, "Gamma")
    '    ' The 3 data series are used to draw 3 lines.
    '    layer.addDataSet(dataSeriesA, &HFF0000, "Alpha")
    '    layer.addDataSet(dataSeriesB, &HCC00, "Beta")
    '    layer.addDataSet(dataSeriesC, &HFF, "Gamma")

    '    '================================================================================
    '    ' Configure axis scale and labelling
    '    '================================================================================

    '    ' Set the x-axis as a date/time axis with the scale according to the view port x range.
    '    viewer.SyncDateAxisWithViewPort("x", c.xAxis())

    '    '
    '    ' In this demo, the time range can be from a few years to a few days. We demonstrate how to set
    '    ' up different date/time format based on the time range.
    '    '

    '    ' If all ticks are yearly aligned, then we use "yyyy" as the label format.
    '    c.xAxis().setFormatCondition("align", 360 * 86400)
    '    c.xAxis().setLabelFormat("{value|yyyy}")

    '    ' If all ticks are monthly aligned, then we use "mmm yyyy" in bold font as the first label of a
    '    ' year, and "mmm" for other labels.
    '    c.xAxis().setFormatCondition("align", 30 * 86400)
    '    c.xAxis().setMultiFormat(Chart.StartOfYearFilter(), "<*font=bold*>{value|mmm yyyy}", _
    '        Chart.AllPassFilter(), "{value|mmm}")

    '    ' If all ticks are daily algined, then we use "mmm dd<*br*>yyyy" in bold font as the first
    '    ' label of a year, and "mmm dd" in bold font as the first label of a month, and "dd" for other
    '    ' labels.
    '    c.xAxis().setFormatCondition("align", 86400)
    '    c.xAxis().setMultiFormat(Chart.StartOfYearFilter(), _
    '        "<*block,halign=left*><*font=bold*>{value|mmm dd<*br*>yyyy}", Chart.StartOfMonthFilter(), _
    '        "<*font=bold*>{value|mmm dd}")
    '    c.xAxis().setMultiFormat2(Chart.AllPassFilter(), "{value|dd}")

    '    ' For all other cases (sub-daily ticks), use "hh:nn<*br*>mmm dd" for the first label of a day,
    '    ' and "hh:nn" for other labels.
    '    c.xAxis().setFormatCondition("else")
    '    c.xAxis().setMultiFormat(Chart.StartOfDayFilter(), "<*font=bold*>{value|hh:nn<*br*>mmm dd}", _
    '        Chart.AllPassFilter(), "{value|hh:nn}")

    '    '================================================================================
    '    ' Output the chart
    '    '================================================================================

    '    viewer.Chart = c

    'End Sub

    ' Pointer (Drag to Scroll) button event handler
    Private Sub pointerPB_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles pointerPB.CheckedChanged

        If sender.Checked Then
            winChartViewer1.MouseUsage = WinChartMouseUsage.ScrollOnDrag
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Zoom In button event handler
    Private Sub zoomInPB_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles zoomInPB.CheckedChanged

        If sender.Checked Then
            winChartViewer1.MouseUsage = WinChartMouseUsage.ZoomIn
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Zoom Out button event handler
    Private Sub zoomOutPB_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles zoomOutPB.CheckedChanged

        If sender.Checked Then
            winChartViewer1.MouseUsage = WinChartMouseUsage.ZoomOut
        End If

    End Sub

    ' The scroll bar event handler
    Private Sub hScrollBar1_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles hScrollBar1.ValueChanged

        ' When the view port is changed (user drags on the chart to scroll), the scroll bar will get
        ' updated. When the scroll bar changes (eg. user drags on the scroll bar), the view port will
        ' get updated. This creates an infinite loop. To avoid this, the scroll bar can update the
        ' view port only if the view port is not updating the scroll bar.
        If hasFinishedInitialization And Not winChartViewer1.IsInViewPortChangedEvent Then
            ' Set the view port based on the scroll bar
            winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft = (hScrollBar1.Value - hScrollBar1.Minimum) / _
                (hScrollBar1.Maximum - hScrollBar1.Minimum)

            ' Trigger a view port changed event to update the chart
            winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)
        End If

    End Sub

    ' Start Date control event handler
    Private Sub startDateCtrl_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles startDateCtrl.ValueChanged

        ' The date control can update the view port only if it is not currently being updated in the
        ' view port changed event (that is, only if the date is changed due to user action).
        If hasFinishedInitialization And Not winChartViewer1.IsInViewPortChangedEvent Then
            ' The updated view port width
            Dim vpWidth As Double = winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft + winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth - _
                winChartViewer1.GetViewPortAtValue("x", Chart.CTime(startDateCtrl.Value))

            ' Make sure the updated view port width is within bounds
            vpWidth = Math.Max(winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit, Math.Min(vpWidth, _
                winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft + winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth))

            ' Update view port and trigger a view port changed event to update the chart
            winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft += winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth - vpWidth
            winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth = vpWidth
            winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)
        End If

    End Sub

    ' End Date control event handler
    Private Sub endDateCtrl_ValueChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles endDateCtrl.ValueChanged

        ' The date control can update the view port only if it is not currently being updated in the
        ' view port changed event (that is, only if the date is changed due to user action).
        If hasFinishedInitialization And Not winChartViewer1.IsInViewPortChangedEvent Then
            ' The updated view port width
            Dim vpWidth As Double = winChartViewer1.GetViewPortAtValue("x", _
                Chart.CTime(endDateCtrl.Value)) - winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft

            ' Make sure the updated view port width is within bounds
            vpWidth = Math.Max(winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit, Math.Min(vpWidth, _
                1 - winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft))

            ' Update view port and trigger a view port changed event to update the chart
            winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth = vpWidth
            winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)
        End If

    End Sub

    ' We want to use the mouse wheel for zoom in/out when the mouse is over the chart. To to do, we need
    ' to set the WinChartViewer to be the "active control" when the mouse enters the chart.

    ' Variable to save the original active control
    Private activeControlSave As Control = Nothing

    ' Mouse Enter event handler
    Private Sub winChartViewer1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles winChartViewer1.MouseEnter

        ' Save the original active control and set the WinChartViewer to be the active control, so that
        ' the WinChartViewer can receive the mouse wheel event.
        activeControlSave = winChartViewer1.FindForm().ActiveControl
        winChartViewer1.FindForm().ActiveControl = winChartViewer1

    End Sub

    ' Mouse Leave event handler
    Private Sub winChartViewer1_MouseLeave(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) _
        Handles winChartViewer1.MouseLeave

        ' Restore the original active control.
        winChartViewer1.FindForm().ActiveControl = activeControlSave

    End Sub
    ' Mouse Wheel event handler
    Private Sub winChartViewer1_MouseWheel(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles winChartViewer1.MouseWheel

        ' We zoom in or out by 10% depending on the mouse wheel direction.
        Dim rx As Double = IIf(e.Delta > 0, 0.9, 1 / 0.9)
        Dim ry As Double = rx

        ' We do not zoom in beyond the zoom in width or height limit.
        rx = Math.Max(rx, winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit / winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth)
        ry = Math.Max(ry, winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit / winChartViewer1.ViewPortHeight)
        If rx = 1 And ry = 1 Then
        End If

        Dim c As XYChart = winChartViewer1.Chart

        ' Set the view port position and size so that it is zoom in/out around the mouse by the
        ' desired ratio.

        Dim mouseOffset As Double = (winChartViewer1.ChartMouseX - c.getPlotArea().getLeftX()) / _
        winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft += mouseOffset * (1 - rx) * winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth
        winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth *= rx

        Dim mouseOffsetY As Double = (winChartViewer1.ChartMouseY - c.getPlotArea().getTopY()) / _
        winChartViewer1.ViewPortTop += mouseOffsetY * (1 - ry) * winChartViewer1.ViewPortHeight
        winChartViewer1.ViewPortHeight *= ry

        ' Trigger a view port changed event to update the chart
        winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)

    End Sub

    '' Mouse Wheel event handler
    'Private Sub winChartViewer1_MouseWheel(ByVal sender As Object, _
    '    ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles winChartViewer1.MouseWheel

    '    ' We zoom in or out by 10% depending on the mouse wheel direction.
    '    Dim r As Double = IIf(e.Delta > 0, 0.9, 1 / 0.9)
    '    ' We do not zoom in beyond the zoom in width limit.
    '    If ((r = Math.Max(r, winChartViewer1.ZoomInWidthLimit / winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth)) = 1) Then
    '        Return
    '    End If

    '    Dim c As XYChart = winChartViewer1.Chart

    '    ' Set the view port position and size so that it is zoom in/out around the mouse by the
    '    ' desired ratio.
    '    Dim mouseOffset As Double = (e.X - c.getPlotArea().getLeftX()) / c.getPlotArea().getWidth()
    '    winChartViewer1.ViewPortLeft += mouseOffset * (1 - r) * winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth
    '    winChartViewer1.ViewPortWidth *= r

    '    ' Trigger a view port changed event to update the chart
    '    winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)

    'End Sub

    ' Draw track cursor when mouse is moving over plotarea
    Private Sub winChartViewer1_MouseMovePlotArea(ByVal sender As Object, _
        ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles winChartViewer1.MouseMovePlotArea

        'Dim viewer As WinChartViewer = sender
        'trackLineLabel(viewer.Chart, viewer.PlotAreaMouseX)

        '' Hide the track cursor when the mouse leaves the plot area

        Dim viewer As WinChartViewer = sender
        trackLineLegend(viewer.Chart, viewer.PlotAreaMouseX)

    End Sub

    ' Draw track line with data labels
    Private Sub trackLineLabel(ByVal c As XYChart, ByVal mouseX As Integer)

        ' Clear the current dynamic layer and get the DrawArea object to draw on it.
        Dim d As DrawArea = c.initDynamicLayer()

        ' The plot area object
        Dim plotArea As PlotArea = c.getPlotArea()

        ' Get the data x-value that is nearest to the mouse, and find its pixel coordinate.
        Dim xValue As Double = c.getNearestXValue(mouseX)
        Dim xCoor As Integer = c.getXCoor(xValue)

        ' Draw a vertical track line at the x-position
        d.vline(plotArea.getTopY(), plotArea.getBottomY(), xCoor, d.dashLineColor(&H0, &H101))

        ' Draw a label on the x-axis to show the track line position.
        Dim xlabel As String = "<*font,bgColor=000000*> " & c.xAxis().getFormattedLabel(xValue, _
            "mmm dd, yyyy") & " <*/font*>"
        Dim t As TTFText = d.text(xlabel, "Arial Bold", 8)

        ' Restrict the x-pixel position of the label to make sure it stays inside the chart image.
        Dim xLabelPos As Integer = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(xCoor - t.getWidth() / 2, c.getWidth() - t.getWidth( _
        t.draw(xLabelPos, plotArea.getBottomY() + 6, &HFFFFFF)

        ' Iterate through all layers to draw the data labels
        For i As Integer = 0 To c.getLayerCount() - 1
            Dim layer As Layer = c.getLayerByZ(i)

            ' The data array index of the x-value
            Dim xIndex As Integer = layer.getXIndexOf(xValue)

            ' Iterate through all the data sets in the layer
            For j As Integer = 0 To layer.getDataSetCount() - 1
                Dim dataSet As ChartDirector.DataSet = layer.getDataSetByZ(j)

                ' Get the color and position of the data label
                Dim color As Integer = dataSet.getDataColor()
                Dim yCoor As Integer = c.getYCoor(dataSet.getPosition(xIndex), dataSet.getUseYAxis())

                ' Draw a track dot with a label next to it for visible data points in the plot area
                If (yCoor >= plotArea.getTopY()) And (yCoor <= plotArea.getBottomY()) And (color <> _
                    Chart.Transparent) And (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataSet.getDataName())) Then

          , yCoor, 4, 4, color, color)

                    Dim label As String = "<*font,bgColor=" & Hex(color) & "*> " & c.formatValue( _
                        dataSet.getValue(xIndex), "{value|P4}") & " <*/font*>"
                    t = d.text(label, "Arial Bold", 8)

                    ' Draw the label on the right side of the dot if the mouse is on the left side the chart,
                    ' and vice versa. This ensures the label will not go outside the chart image.
                    If xCoor <= (plotArea.getLeftX() + plotArea.getRightX()) / 2 Then
                        t.draw(xCoor + 5, yCoor, &HFFFFFF, Chart.Left)
                        t.draw(xCoor - 5, yCoor, &HFFFFFF, Chart.Right)
                    End If
                End If

    End Sub

    Private Sub chartUpdateTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chartUpdateTimer.Tick
        winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)
    End Sub
    Private Sub dataRateTimer_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles dataRateTimer.Tick

        Do While nextDataTime < DateTime.Now
            ' In this demo, we use some formulas to generate new values. In real applications,
            ' it may be replaced by some data acquisition code.
            Dim p As Double = nextDataTime.Ticks / 10000000.0 * 4
            Dim dataA As Double = 20 + Math.Cos(p * 2.2) * 10 + 1 / (Math.Cos(p) * Math.Cos(p) + 0.01)
            Dim dataB As Double = 150 + 100 * Math.Sin(p / 27.7) * Math.Sin(p / 10.1)
            Dim dataC As Double = 150 + 100 * Math.Cos(p / 6.7) * Math.Cos(p / 11.9)

            ' We provide some visual feedback to the numbers generated, so you can see the
            ' values being generated.
            valueA.Text = dataA.ToString(".##")
            valueB.Text = dataB.ToString(".##")
            valueC.Text = dataC.ToString(".##")

            ' After obtaining the new values, we need to update the data arrays.
            If currentIndex < timeStamps.Length Then
                ' Store the new values in the current index position, and increment the index.
                dataSeriesA(currentIndex) = dataA
                dataSeriesB(currentIndex) = dataB
                dataSeriesC(currentIndex) = dataC
                timeStamps(currentIndex) = nextDataTime
                currentIndex += 1
                ' The data arrays are full. Shift the arrays and store the values at the end.
                shiftData(dataSeriesA, dataA)
                shiftData(dataSeriesB, dataB)
                shiftData(dataSeriesC, dataC)
                shiftData(timeStamps, nextDataTime)
            End If

            ' Update nextDataTime. This is needed by our data generator. In real applications,
            ' you may not need this variable or the associated do/while loop.
            nextDataTime = nextDataTime.AddMilliseconds(dataRateTimer.Interval)
        winChartViewer1.updateViewPort(True, False)
    End Sub

    ' Utility to shift a value into an array
    Private Sub shiftData(ByVal data As Object, ByVal newValue As Object)

        Dim i As Integer
        For i = 1 To UBound(data)
            data(i - 1) = data(i)
        data(UBound(data)) = newValue

    End Sub

    ' Draw the track line with legend
    Private Sub trackLineLegend(ByVal c As XYChart, ByVal mouseX As Integer)

        ' Clear the current dynamic layer and get the DrawArea object to draw on it.
        Dim d As DrawArea = c.initDynamicLayer()

        ' The plot area object
        Dim plotArea As PlotArea = c.getPlotArea()

        ' Get the data x-value that is nearest to the mouse, and find its pixel coordinate.
        Dim xValue As Double = c.getNearestXValue(mouseX)
        Dim xCoor As Integer = c.getXCoor(xValue)

        ' Draw a vertical track line at the x-position
        d.vline(plotArea.getTopY(), plotArea.getBottomY(), xCoor, d.dashLineColor(&H0, &H101))

        ' Container to hold the legend entries
        Dim legendEntries As ArrayList = New ArrayList()

        ' Iterate through all layers to build the legend array
        For i As Integer = 0 To c.getLayerCount() - 1
            Dim layer As Layer = c.getLayerByZ(i)

            ' The data array index of the x-value
            Dim xIndex As Integer = layer.getXIndexOf(xValue)

            ' Iterate through all the data sets in the layer
            For j As Integer = 0 To layer.getDataSetCount() - 1
                Dim dataSet As ChartDirector.DataSet = layer.getDataSetByZ(j)

                ' We are only interested in visible data sets with names
                Dim dataName As String = dataSet.getDataName()
                Dim color As Integer = dataSet.getDataColor()
                If (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(dataName)) And (color <> Chart.Transparent) Then
                    ' Build the legend entry, consist of the legend icon, name and data value.
                    Dim dataValue As Double = dataSet.getValue(xIndex)
                    legendEntries.Add("<*block*>" & dataSet.getLegendIcon() & " " & dataName & ": " & IIf( _
                        dataValue = Chart.NoValue, "N/A", c.formatValue(dataValue, "{value|P4}")) & "<*/*>")

                    ' Draw a track dot for data points within the plot area
                    Dim yCoor As Integer = c.getYCoor(dataSet.getPosition(xIndex), dataSet.getUseYAxis())
                    If (yCoor >= plotArea.getTopY()) And (yCoor <= plotArea.getBottomY()) Then
              , yCoor, 4, 4, color, color)
                    End If
                End If

        ' Create the legend by joining the legend entries
        Dim legendText As String = "<*block,maxWidth=" & plotArea.getWidth() & _
            "*><*block*><*font=Arial Bold*>[" & c.xAxis().getFormattedLabel(xValue, "hh:nn:ss.ff") & _
            "]<*/*>        " & Join(CType(legendEntries.ToArray(GetType(String)), String()), "        ") & _

        ' Display the legend on the top of the plot area
        Dim t As TTFText = d.text(legendText, "Arial", 8)
        t.draw(plotArea.getLeftX() + 5, plotArea.getTopY() - 3, &H0, Chart.BottomLeft)

    End Sub

    Private Sub freezePB_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles freezePB.CheckedChanged

        chartUpdateTimer.Enabled = runPB.Checked
    End Sub
End Class

  Re: Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Hun Siong on Nov-19-2013 21:03
Dear Sir/Madam,

I am using zooming and scrolling with track line sample and integrate with the real time track line. But having issue on the zooming issue.

Please help.

Hun Siong

  Re: Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Hun Siong on Nov-20-2013 20:23
Hi Peter,

Please help me. Urgent.

Thank You.

Best Regards,
Hun Siong

  Re: Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Peter Kwan on Nov-21-2013 03:30
Hi Hun Siong,

There are many ways to add realtime chart features to a zoomable and scrollable chart. I happend to have an example written in C++/MFC. I have just ported it to VB as attached.

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

9.79 Kb

  Re: Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Hun Siong on Nov-22-2013 11:13
Dear Peter,

It works. Thanks a lot.

Best Regards,
Hun Siong

  Re: Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Arumugam on Mar-23-2015 16:31
Hi Peter,

Can you give same sample code for C# also with zoom & pan in all direction support.


  Re: Add zoom to real time chart
Posted by Peter Kwan on Mar-24-2015 03:10
Hi Arumugam,

Yes. You may download it from:

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan