Private Sub drawChart(viewer As WebChartViewer)
Dim data() As Double = {219, 156, 141, 116, 74, 53, 36, 24, 24, 18, 12, 9, 219, 156, 141, 116, 74, 53, 36, 24, 24, 18, 12, 9, 219, 156, 141, 116, 74, 53, 36, 24, 24, 18, 12, 9, 219, 156, 141, 116, 74, 53, 36, 24, 24, 18, 12, 9, 219, 156, 141, 116, 74, 53, 36, 24, 24, 18, 12, 9, 219, 156, 141, 116, 74, 53, 36, 24, 24, 18, 12, 9}
Dim data2() As Double = {24.83, 42.48, 58.47, 71.61, 79.99, 85.99, 90.07, 95.54, 92.82, 97.58, 98.98, 100.0, 24.83, 42.48, 58.47, 71.61, 79.99, 85.99, 90.07, 95.54, 92.82, 97.58, 98.98, 100.0, 24.83, 42.48, 58.47, 71.61, 79.99, 85.99, 90.07, 95.54, 92.82, 97.58, 98.98, 100.0, 24.83, 42.48, 58.47, 71.61, 79.99, 85.99, 90.07, 95.54, 92.82, 97.58, 98.98, 100.0, 24.83, 42.48, 58.47, 71.61, 79.99, 85.99, 90.07, 95.54, 92.82, 97.58, 98.98, 100.0, 24.83, 42.48, 58.47, 71.61, 79.99, 85.99, 90.07, 95.54, 92.82, 97.58, 98.98, 100.0}
' The labels for the chart
Dim labels() As String = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1", "f1", "g1", "h1", "i1", "j1", "k1", "l1", "a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "f2", "g2", "h2", "i2", "j2", "k2", "l2", "a3", "b3", "c3", "d3", "e3", "f3", "g3", "h3", "i3", "j3", "k3", "l3", "a4", "b4", "c4", "d4", "e4", "f4", "g4", "h4", "i4", "j4", "k4", "l4", "a5", "b5", "c5", "d5", "e5", "f5", "g5", "h5", "i5", "j5", "k5", "l5"}
' Create a XYChart object of size 400 x 225 pixels. Use golden background color,
' with a 2 pixel 3D border.
Dim c As XYChart = New XYChart(600, 425, Chart.goldColor(), -1, 2)
' Add a title box using Arial Bold/11 pt font. Set the background color to
' metallic blue (9999FF). Use a 1 pixel 3D border.
c.addTitle("Hardware Defects", "Arial Bold", 11).setBackground( _
Chart.metalColor(&H9999FF), -1, 1)
' Set the plotarea at (50, 40) and of 300 x 150 pixels in size, with a silver
' background color.
c.setPlotArea(50, 40, 500, 350, Chart.silverColor())
' Add a line layer for the pareto line
Dim lineLayer As LineLayer = c.addLineLayer()
' Add the pareto line using the scaled data. Use deep blue (0x80) as the line
' color, with light blue (0x9999ff) diamond symbols
lineLayer.addDataSet(data2, &H80 _
).setDataSymbol(Chart.DiamondSymbol, 9, &H9999FF)
'' Set the line width to 2 pixel
'' Tool tip for the line layer
lineLayer.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='Top {={x}+1} items: {value|2}%'")
Dim barLayer As BarLayer = c.addBarLayer(data, c.xZoneColor(4.5, &H80FF3333, &H0))
' Set soft lighting for the bars with light direction from the right
barLayer.setBorderColor(Chart.Transparent, Chart.softLighting(Chart.Right))
' Tool tip for the bar layer
barLayer.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{xLabel}: {value} pieces'")
' Set the labels on the x axis.
'c.xAxis.addZone(-1, 4, Chart.silverColor)
'c.xAxis.addZone(4, 4, &H0)
'c.yAxis2.addZone(80, 80, &H0)
'this is for adding color to the entire zone
'c.xAxis.addZone(0, 4, Chart.silverColor)
'c.xAxis.addZone(3.9, 12, &H0)
'c.yAxis2.addZone(80, 80, &H0)
'c.yAxis2.addZone(81, 120, &H0)
' Set the label format of the y-axis label to include a percentage sign
' Add a title to the secondary y-axis
' Set the secondary y-axis label foramt to show no decimal point
If viewer.GetCustomAttr("minY") = "" Then
' The axis scale has not yet been set up. This means this is the first time the chart is
' drawn and it is drawn with no zooming. We can use auto-scaling to determine the
' axis-scales, then remember them for future use.
' explicitly auto-scale axes so we can get the axis scales
' save the axis scales for future use
viewer.SetCustomAttr("minX", c.xAxis().getMinValue())
viewer.SetCustomAttr("maxX", c.xAxis().getMaxValue())
viewer.SetCustomAttr("minY", c.yAxis().getMinValue())
viewer.SetCustomAttr("maxY", c.yAxis().getMaxValue())
' Retrieve the original full axes scale
Dim minX As Double = CDbl(viewer.GetCustomAttr("minX"))
Dim maxX As Double = CDbl(viewer.GetCustomAttr("maxX"))
Dim minY As Double = CDbl(viewer.GetCustomAttr("minY"))
Dim maxY As Double = CDbl(viewer.GetCustomAttr("maxY"))
' Compute the zoomed-in axis scales by multiplying the full axes scale with the view port
' ratio
Dim xScaleMin As Double = minX + (maxX - minX) * viewer.ViewPortLeft
Dim xScaleMax As Double = minX + (maxX - minX) * (viewer.ViewPortLeft + _
Dim yScaleMax As Double = maxY - (maxY - minY) * viewer.ViewPortTop
Dim yScaleMin As Double = maxY - (maxY - minY) * (viewer.ViewPortTop + _
' Set the axis scales
'c.xAxis().setLinearScale(xScaleMin, xScaleMax)
Dim xIndexStart As Integer = Math.Round(xScaleMin)
Dim xIndexEnd As Integer = Math.Round(xScaleMax)
Dim yIndexStart As Integer = Math.Round(yScaleMin)
Dim yIndexEnd As Integer = Math.Round(yScaleMax)
Dim visibleXLabels(xIndexEnd - xIndexStart) As String
Array.Copy(labels, xIndexStart, visibleXLabels, 0, xIndexEnd - xIndexStart + 1)
c.xAxis().setLinearScale2(xIndexStart, xIndexEnd, visibleXLabels)
'c.yAxis().setLinearScale(yScaleMin, yScaleMax)
'c.yAxis2().setLinearScale(yIndexStart, yIndexEnd)
' By default, ChartDirector will round the axis scale to the tick position. For zooming, we
' want to use the exact computed axis scale and so we disable rounding.
c.xAxis().setRounding(False, False)
c.yAxis().setRounding(False, False)
End If
' Create the image
' Output the chart
viewer.Image = c.makeWebImage(Chart.PNG)
' Include tool tip for the chart
viewer.ImageMap = c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", _
"title='[{dataSetName}] Alpha = {x|G}, Beta = {value|G}'")
End Sub |