Hi al,
You may be unable to access the system default "php.ini". However, from experience, in 95% of the case, you should be able to configure a private "php.ini" for your web site. Also from experience, the method to configure a private "php.ini" is different for each hosting vendor.
The steps I suggested are:
(a) Many ISPs nowadays allow their customers to use a custom "php.ini". You may search the support forum of your ISP (eg. using the keyword "custom php.ini") to see if there are any instructions. Some ISPs may provide a "control panel" to allow you to enable a custom "php.ini". Some ISPs will enable this feature only if you ask. If you have not yet chosen an ISP, please choose one that supports custom "php.ini". (If you google for "custom php.ini", you can see a lot of ISPs supporting this feature.)
(b) If you can copy ChartDirector to the PHP extension directory, you may not need to access "php.ini" at all. If you cannot access the PHP extension directory and the ISP does not offer the private "php.ini" feature, you may try to ask your ISP if they can copy the ChartDirector library to the PHP extension directory for you. Some ISPs will do this for their customers.
(c) If your web site supports CGI (99.5% of hosting accounts support CGI), you may configure your system to use a private instance of the PHP interpreter instead of the default PHP interpreter provided by your system. The usual method is to use ".htaccess" to redirect the PHP request to your own CGI script. In your CGI script, you may forward the request to the CGI PHP interpreter, with an environmental variable to tell it to use your own private "php.ini".
To use method (c), you would need to be familiar with Apache/PHP administration. Because every server is different, it is hard to mention all possible cases (it may require writing a book). Even I myself may need around half to one hour to figure out which method works. Anyway, if you want to try (c), I can send some brief instructions to you.
Finally, if you can private a guest account to me to allow me to upload files to your web server document and CGI directories, I can try to use the last method to install ChartDirector for you. You may email the details to me at pkwan@advsofteng.net.
Peter Kwan |