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ChartDirector for ColdFusion Released
Date: Nov-28-2006 00:06
Advanced Software Engineering is pleased to announce the immediate availability of ChartDirector Ver 4.1 for ColdFusion.

ChartDirector for ColdFusion supports all features available to other programming languages editions of ChartDirector, including the rich chart styles, layering architecture, object oriented API, zoomable and scrollable charts with AJAX chart updates, etc.

ChartDirector for ColdFusion is implemented in pure Java and can run on any platform ColdFusion MX can run. It provides native support for ColdFusion data types and query objects, which means no "Javacast" or data conversions are needed. Installation is by simply including the ChartDirector JAR library in the ColdFusion library class path.

ChartDirector for ColdFusion includes plenty of sample CFM scripts and with over 700 pages of fully indexed and searchable documentation. Free trial download is available from