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  Need help on customising the finance demo example in chartdirector
Posted by Jaikumar on Jan-14-2009 00:30
Hi, i need to customize the financedemo example in chartdirector, so that it can be used
along with the database. The problem that i am facing is that how on what basis should i
retrieve the values from the database.

e.g, if i want to generate a chart on daily basis, then as per my understanding, you get
the high, low, open, closing and volume data for that company for that day, and all
these type of values shall have one value each for a day, but when i check the values
that are created by the FinanceSimulator class then it produces 26 values each, along
with the timestamp having 26 values. This happenes if you change the code to the
following in the financedemochart.php (attached), else when you select to draw a chart
for 1 day (15 min chart), the the simulator class generates about 88 values for the
timestamp and 78 for high and low, and 77 for open and close.

How are these values generated, and where is the function callmethod that is used to
generate the values in the FinanceSimulator class.
I have attached the file.

if ($durationInDays <= 10) {
        # 10 days or less, we assume 15 minute data points are available
        $resolution = 900;

        # We need to adjust the startDate backwards for the extraPoints. We assume
        # 6.5 hours trading time per day, and 5 trading days per week.
        $dataPointsPerDay = 6.5 * 3600 / $resolution;
     // $adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)(
       //     $extraPoints / $dataPointsPerDay * 7 / 5 + 0.9999999) * 86400 - 2 * 86400;

        # Get the required 15 min data
       // get15MinData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);
   $resolution = 86400;

        # Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints. We multiply the days
        # by 7/5 as we assume 1 week has 5 trading days.
        $adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)((
            $extraPoints * 7 + 4) / 5) * 86400 - 2 * 86400;

        # Get the required daily data
        getDailyData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);

    } else if ($durationInDays >= 4.5 * 360) {

You can see the changed values in the file attached.

How do i figure out how much data needs to be passed, and when.

# Utility to compute modulus for large positive numbers. Although PHP has a built-in fmod
# function, it is only for PHP >= 4.2.0. So we need to define our own fmod function.
function fmod2($a, $b) { return $a - floor($a / $b) * $b; }

# Create a finance chart based on user selections, which are encoded as query
# parameters. This code is designed to work with the financedemo HTML form.

# The timeStamps, volume, high, low, open and close data
$timeStamps = null;
$volData = null;
$highData = null;
$lowData = null;
$openData = null;
$closeData = null;

#/ <summary>
#/ Get 15 minutes data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function get15MinData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
    # In this demo, we use a random number generator to generate the data. In
    # practice, you may get the data from a database or by other means. If you do not
    # have 15 minute data, you may modify the "drawChart" method below to not using
    # 15 minute data.
    generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 900);

#/ <summary>
#/ Get daily data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function getDailyData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
    # In this demo, we use a random number generator to generate the data. In
    # practice, you may get the data from a database or by other means.
    generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 86400);

#/ <summary>
#/ Get weekly data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function getWeeklyData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
    # If you do not have weekly data, you may call "getDailyData(startDate, endDate)"
    # to get daily data, then call "convertDailyToWeeklyData()" to convert to weekly
    # data.
    generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 86400 * 7);

#/ <summary>
#/ Get monthly data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function getMonthlyData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
    # If you do not have weekly data, you may call "getDailyData(startDate, endDate)"
    # to get daily data, then call "convertDailyToMonthlyData()" to convert to
    # monthly data.
    generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 86400 * 30);

#/ <summary>
#/ A random number generator designed to generate realistic financial data.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="resolution">The period of the data series.</param>
function generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, $resolution) {

    global $timeStamps, $volData, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData;
 //echo date("d-m-Y", $startDate) . " : " . date("d-m-Y", $endDate) . "<br />";
//echo $startDate . ":" . $endDate."<br />";
    $db = new FinanceSimulator((int)($ticker), $startDate, $endDate, $resolution);
	//$db = new FinanceSimulator((int)($ticker), (time()), (time() - (4*24*60*60)), $resolution);
    $timeStamps = $db->getTimeStamps();
    /*$highData = $db->getHighData();
    $lowData = $db->getLowData();
    $openData = $db->getOpenData();
    $closeData = $db->getCloseData();
    $volData = $db->getVolData();*/
//      echo "high".date("d-m-Y", time()) . " : " . $temp . " : " . var_dump($timeStamps);
   //$timeStamps = array(63366710400, 63366711300, 63367122000, 63366713100);
  //vol = 5659399.05
    $highData = array(700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700,700);//, 17.55, 17.56, 17.60, 17.65, 17.68, 16.65, 18.0,17.65, 17.55, 17.56, 17.60, 17.65, 17.68, 16.65);
    $lowData = array(650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650,650);//, 16.6, 17, 15.5, 16.5, 15.2, 15.4, 16,16.5, 16.6, 17, 15.5, 16.5, 15.2, 15.4, 16);
    $openData = array(690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690,690);
    $closeData = array(710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710,710);
    $volData = array(282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7,282098454.7);
    //$timeStamps = array(time() + (4 * 24 * 60 * 60));//, time() - (3 * 24 * 60 * 60), time() - (2 * 24 * 60 * 60), time() - (1 * 24 * 60 * 60));
    /*$highData = array(17.65, 40, 999, 42);
    $lowData = array(16.5, 37.1, 903, 36);
    $openData = array(17.15, 39, 911, 36);
    $closeData = array(16.65, 37.6, 948, 37.7,);
    $volData = array(282098.7, 5124292.65, 79730.35, 173277.35);*/

#/ <summary>
#/ A utility to convert daily to weekly data.
#/ </summary>
function convertDailyToWeeklyData() {
    $tmpArrayMath1 = new ArrayMath($timeStamps);

#/ <summary>
#/ A utility to convert daily to monthly data.
#/ </summary>
function convertDailyToMonthlyData() {
    $tmpArrayMath1 = new ArrayMath($timeStamps);

#/ <summary>
#/ An internal method used to aggregate daily data.
#/ </summary>
function aggregateData(&$aggregator) {

    global $timeStamps, $volData, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData;

    $timeStamps = NTime($aggregator->aggregate(CTime($timeStamps), AggregateFirst));
    $highData = $aggregator->aggregate($highData, AggregateMax);
    $lowData = $aggregator->aggregate($lowData, AggregateMin);
    $openData = $aggregator->aggregate($openData, AggregateFirst);
    $closeData = $aggregator->aggregate($closeData, AggregateLast);
    $volData = $aggregator->aggregate($volData, AggregateSum);

#/ <summary>
#/ Create a financial chart according to user selections. The user selections are
#/ encoded in the query parameters.
#/ </summary>
function drawChart() {

    global $timeStamps, $volData, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData;

    # In this demo, we just assume we plot up to the latest time. So end date is now.
    $endDate = chartTime2(time());

    # If the trading day has not yet started (before 9:30am), or if the end date is
    # on on Sat or Sun, we set the end date to 4:00pm of the last trading day
    while ((fmod2($endDate, 86400) < 9 * 3600 + 30 * 60) || (getChartWeekDay($endDate
        ) == 0) || (getChartWeekDay($endDate) == 6)) {
        $endDate = $endDate - fmod2($endDate, 86400) - 86400 + 16 * 3600;

    # The duration selected by the user
    $durationInDays = (int)($_REQUEST["TimeRange"]);

    # Compute the start date by subtracting the duration from the end date.
    $startDate = $endDate;
    if ($durationInDays >= 30) {
        # More or equal to 30 days - so we use months as the unit
        $YMD = getChartYMD($endDate);
        $startMonth = (int)($YMD / 100) % 100 - (int)($durationInDays / 30);
        $startYear = (int)($YMD / 10000);
        while ($startMonth < 1) {
            $startYear = $startYear - 1;
            $startMonth = $startMonth + 12;
        $startDate = chartTime($startYear, $startMonth, 1);
    } else {
        # Less than 30 days - use day as the unit. The starting point of the axis is
        # always at the start of the day (9:30am). Note that we use trading days, so
        # we skip Sat and Sun in counting the days.
        $startDate = $endDate - fmod2($endDate, 86400) + 9 * 3600 + 30 * 60;
        for($i = 1; $i < $durationInDays; ++$i) {
            if (getChartWeekDay($startDate) == 1) {
                $startDate = $startDate - 3 * 86400;
            } else {
                $startDate = $startDate - 86400;

    # The moving average periods selected by the user.
    $avgPeriod1 = 0;
    $avgPeriod1 = (int)($_REQUEST["movAvg1"]);
    $avgPeriod2 = 0;
    $avgPeriod2 = (int)($_REQUEST["movAvg2"]);

    if ($avgPeriod1 < 0) {
        $avgPeriod1 = 0;
    } else if ($avgPeriod1 > 300) {
        $avgPeriod1 = 300;

    if ($avgPeriod2 < 0) {
        $avgPeriod2 = 0;
    } else if ($avgPeriod2 > 300) {
        $avgPeriod2 = 300;

    # We need extra leading data points in order to compute moving averages.
    $extraPoints = 20;
    if ($avgPeriod1 > $extraPoints) {
        $extraPoints = $avgPeriod1;
    if ($avgPeriod2 > $extraPoints) {
        $extraPoints = $avgPeriod2;

    # The data series we want to get.
    $tickerKey = $_REQUEST["TickerSymbol"];

    # In this demo, we can get 15 min, daily, weekly or monthly data depending on the
    # time range.
    $resolution = 86400;
    if ($durationInDays <= 10) {
        # 10 days or less, we assume 15 minute data points are available
        $resolution = 900;

        # We need to adjust the startDate backwards for the extraPoints. We assume
        # 6.5 hours trading time per day, and 5 trading days per week.
        $dataPointsPerDay = 6.5 * 3600 / $resolution;
     // $adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)(
       //     $extraPoints / $dataPointsPerDay * 7 / 5 + 0.9999999) * 86400 - 2 * 86400;

        # Get the required 15 min data
       // get15MinData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);
	   $resolution = 86400;

        # Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints. We multiply the days
        # by 7/5 as we assume 1 week has 5 trading days.
        $adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)((
            $extraPoints * 7 + 4) / 5) * 86400 - 2 * 86400;

        # Get the required daily data
        getDailyData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);

    } else if ($durationInDays >= 4.5 * 360) {
        # 4 years or more - use monthly data points.
        $resolution = 30 * 86400;

        # Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints
        $YMD = getChartYMD($startDate);
        $currentMonth = (int)($YMD / 100) % 100 - $extraPoints;
        $currentYear = (int)($YMD / 10000);
        while ($currentMonth < 1) {
            $currentYear = $currentYear - 1;
            $currentMonth = $currentMonth + 12;
        $adjustedStartDate = chartTime($currentYear, $currentMonth, 1);

        # Get the required monthly data
        getMonthlyData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);

    } else if ($durationInDays >= 1.5 * 360) {
        # 1 year or more - use weekly points.
        $resolution = 7 * 86400;

        # Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints
        $adjustedStartDate = $startDate - $extraPoints * 7 * 86400 - 6 * 86400;

        # Get the required weekly data
        getWeeklyData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);

    } else {
        # Default - use daily points
        $resolution = 86400;

        # Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints. We multiply the days
        # by 7/5 as we assume 1 week has 5 trading days.
        $adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)((
            $extraPoints * 7 + 4) / 5) * 86400 - 2 * 86400;

        # Get the required daily data
        getDailyData($tickerKey, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);

    # We now confirm the actual number of extra points (data points that are before
    # the start date) as inferred using actual data from the database.
    $extraPoints = count($timeStamps);
    for($i = 0; $i < count($timeStamps); ++$i) {
        if ($timeStamps[$i] >= $startDate) {
            $extraPoints = $i;

    # Check if there is any valid data
    if ($extraPoints >= count($timeStamps)) {
        # No data - just display the no data message.
        $errMsg = new MultiChart(400, 50);
        $errMsg->addTitle2(Center, "No data available for the specified time period",
            "arial.ttf", 10);
        return $errMsg;

    # In some finance chart presentation style, even if the data for the latest day
    # is not fully available, the axis for the entire day will still be drawn, where
    # no data will appear near the end of the axis.
    if ($resolution < 86400) {
        # Add extra points to the axis until it reaches the end of the day. The end
        # of day is assumed to be 16:00 (it depends on the stock exchange).
        $lastTime = $timeStamps[count($timeStamps) - 1];
        $extraTrailingPoints = (int)((16 * 3600 - fmod2($lastTime, 86400)) /
        for($i = 0; $i < $extraTrailingPoints; ++$i) {
            $timeStamps[] = $lastTime + $resolution * ($i + 1);

    # At this stage, all data is available. We can draw the chart as according to
    # user input.

    # Determine the chart size. In this demo, user can select 4 different chart
    # sizes. Default is the large chart size.
    $width = 780;
    $mainHeight = 250;
    $indicatorHeight = 80;

    $chartSize = $_REQUEST["ChartSize"];
    if ($chartSize == "S") {
        # Small chart size
        $width = 450;
        $mainHeight = 160;
        $indicatorHeight = 60;
    } else if ($chartSize == "M") {
        # Medium chart size
        $width = 620;
        $mainHeight = 210;
        $indicatorHeight = 65;
    } else if ($chartSize == "H") {
        # Huge chart size
        $width = 1000;
        $mainHeight = 320;
        $indicatorHeight = 90;

    # Create the chart object using the selected size
    $m = new FinanceChart($width);

    # Set the data into the chart object
    $m->setData($timeStamps, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData, $volData,

    # We configure the title of the chart. In this demo chart design, we put the
    # company name as the top line of the title with left alignment.
    $m->addPlotAreaTitle(TopLeft, "Random Data $tickerKey");

    # We displays the current date as well as the data resolution on the next line.
    $resolutionText = "";
    if ($resolution == 30 * 86400) {
        $resolutionText = "Monthly";
    } else if ($resolution == 7 * 86400) {
        $resolutionText = "Weekly";
    } else if ($resolution == 86400) {
        $resolutionText = "Daily";
    } else if ($resolution == 900) {
        $resolutionText = "15-min";

    $m->addPlotAreaTitle(BottomLeft, sprintf(
        "<*font=arial.ttf,size=8*>%s - %s chart", $m->formatValue(chartTime2(time()),
        "mmm dd, yyyy"), $resolutionText));

    # A copyright message at the bottom left corner the title area
        "<*font=arial.ttf,size=8*>(c) Advanced Software Engineering");

    # Set the grid style according to user preference. In this simple demo user
    # interface, user can enable/disable grid lines. The code achieve this by setting
    # the grid color to dddddd (light grey) or Transparent. The plot area background
    # color is set to fffff0 (pale yellow).
    $vGridColor = Transparent;
    if ($_REQUEST["VGrid"] == "1") {
        $vGridColor = 0xdddddd;
    $hGridColor = Transparent;
    if ($_REQUEST["HGrid"] == "1") {
        $hGridColor = 0xdddddd;
    $m->setPlotAreaStyle(0xfffff0, $hGridColor, $vGridColor, $hGridColor, $vGridColor

    # Set log or linear scale according to user preference
    if ($_REQUEST["LogScale"] == "1") {
    } else {

    # Add the first techical indicator according. In this demo, we draw the first
    # indicator on top of the main chart.
    addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator1"], $indicatorHeight);

    # Add the main chart

    # Draw the main chart depending on the chart type the user has selected
    $chartType = $_REQUEST["ChartType"];
    if ($chartType == "Close") {
    } else if ($chartType == "TP") {
    } else if ($chartType == "WC") {
    } else if ($chartType == "Median") {

    # Add moving average lines.
    addMovingAvg($m, $_REQUEST["avgType1"], $avgPeriod1, 0x663300);
    addMovingAvg($m, $_REQUEST["avgType2"], $avgPeriod2, 0x9900ff);

    # Draw the main chart if the user has selected CandleStick or OHLC. We draw it
    # here to make sure it is drawn behind the moving average lines (that is, the
    # moving average lines stay on top.)
    if ($chartType == "CandleStick") {
        $m->addCandleStick(0x33ff33, 0xff3333);
    } else if ($chartType == "OHLC") {
        $m->addHLOC(0x008800, 0xcc0000);

    # Add price band/channel/envelop to the chart according to user selection
    $band = $_REQUEST["Band"];
    if ($band == "BB") {
        $m->addBollingerBand(20, 2, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff);
    } else if ($band == "DC") {
        $m->addDonchianChannel(20, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff);
    } else if ($band == "Envelop") {
        $m->addEnvelop(20, 0.1, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff);

    # Add volume bars to the main chart if necessary
    if ($_REQUEST["Volume"] == "1") {
        $m->addVolBars($indicatorHeight, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0xc0c0c0);

    # Add additional indicators as according to user selection.
    addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator2"], $indicatorHeight);
    addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator3"], $indicatorHeight);
    addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator4"], $indicatorHeight);

    return $m;

#/ <summary>
#/ Add a moving average line to the FinanceChart object.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="m">The FinanceChart object to add the line to.</param>
#/ <param name="avgType">The moving average type (SMA/EMA/TMA/WMA).</param>
#/ <param name="avgPeriod">The moving average period.</param>
#/ <param name="color">The color of the line.</param>
function addMovingAvg(&$m, $avgType, $avgPeriod, $color) {
    if ($avgPeriod > 1) {
        if ($avgType == "SMA") {
            $m->addSimpleMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
        } else if ($avgType == "EMA") {
            $m->addExpMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
        } else if ($avgType == "TMA") {
            $m->addTriMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
        } else if ($avgType == "WMA") {
            $m->addWeightedMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);

#/ <summary>
#/ Add an indicator chart to the FinanceChart object. In this demo example, the
#/ indicator parameters (such as the period used to compute RSI, colors of the lines,
#/ etc.) are hard coded to commonly used values. You are welcome to design a more
#/ complex user interface to allow users to set the parameters.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="m">The FinanceChart object to add the line to.</param>
#/ <param name="indicator">The selected indicator.</param>
#/ <param name="height">Height of the chart in pixels</param>
function addIndicator(&$m, $indicator, $height) {
    if ($indicator == "RSI") {
        $m->addRSI($height, 14, 0x800080, 20, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "StochRSI") {
        $m->addStochRSI($height, 14, 0x800080, 30, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "MACD") {
        $m->addMACD($height, 26, 12, 9, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x008000);
    } else if ($indicator == "FStoch") {
        $m->addFastStochastic($height, 14, 3, 0x006060, 0x606000);
    } else if ($indicator == "SStoch") {
        $m->addSlowStochastic($height, 14, 3, 0x006060, 0x606000);
    } else if ($indicator == "ATR") {
        $m->addATR($height, 14, 0x808080, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "ADX") {
        $m->addADX($height, 14, 0x008000, 0x800000, 0x000080);
    } else if ($indicator == "DCW") {
        $m->addDonchianWidth($height, 20, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "BBW") {
        $m->addBollingerWidth($height, 20, 2, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "DPO") {
        $m->addDPO($height, 20, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "PVT") {
        $m->addPVT($height, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "Momentum") {
        $m->addMomentum($height, 12, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "Performance") {
        $m->addPerformance($height, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "ROC") {
        $m->addROC($height, 12, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "OBV") {
        $m->addOBV($height, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "AccDist") {
        $m->addAccDist($height, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "CLV") {
        $m->addCLV($height, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "WilliamR") {
        $m->addWilliamR($height, 14, 0x800080, 30, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "Aroon") {
        $m->addAroon($height, 14, 0x339933, 0x333399);
    } else if ($indicator == "AroonOsc") {
        $m->addAroonOsc($height, 14, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "CCI") {
        $m->addCCI($height, 20, 0x800080, 100, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "EMV") {
        $m->addEaseOfMovement($height, 9, 0x006060, 0x606000);
    } else if ($indicator == "MDX") {
        $m->addMassIndex($height, 0x800080, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "CVolatility") {
        $m->addChaikinVolatility($height, 10, 10, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "COscillator") {
        $m->addChaikinOscillator($height, 0x0000ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "CMF") {
        $m->addChaikinMoneyFlow($height, 21, 0x008000);
    } else if ($indicator == "NVI") {
        $m->addNVI($height, 255, 0x0000ff, 0x883333);
    } else if ($indicator == "PVI") {
        $m->addPVI($height, 255, 0x0000ff, 0x883333);
    } else if ($indicator == "MFI") {
        $m->addMFI($height, 14, 0x800080, 30, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
    } else if ($indicator == "PVO") {
        $m->addPVO($height, 26, 12, 9, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x008000);
    } else if ($indicator == "PPO") {
        $m->addPPO($height, 26, 12, 9, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x008000);
    } else if ($indicator == "UO") {
        $m->addUltimateOscillator($height, 7, 14, 28, 0x800080, 20, 0xff6666,
    } else if ($indicator == "Vol") {
        $m->addVolIndicator($height, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0xc0c0c0);
    } else if ($indicator == "TRIX") {
        $m->addTRIX($height, 12, 0x0000ff);

# create the finance chart
$c = drawChart();

# output the chart
header("Content-type: image/png");

  Re: Need help on customising the finance demo example in chartdirector
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jan-14-2009 03:08
Hi Jaikumar,

The FinanceSimulator is just a random sequence generator. In the sample code, the code, if the duration of the chart is less than 10 days, the sample code asks the FinanceSimulator to generate 1 data point every 900 seconds (15 minutes).

Of course, in real life, the data that are available depends on the database. For example, some systems may only have 1 data pioint per day, while some systems also have 1 data point per minute or data of other resolution. If you only want to have one data point per day, just remove the part of the code that selects other resolutions. If you have data of other resolution, you may modify the code to use data for those resolutions.

To get the necessary data, it is necessary to know the startDate and endDate, so you can query the database for data within that time range.

Suppose you want to plot the chart for one day, and you are using a database with 15 minute resolution. You obviously need the data for that day, but you may also need the data from the previous days in order to compute the technical indicators for today. (Technical indicators often require data in the past.)

For example, suppose you want to have a 250 period moving average. So you need 250 points of previous data. (The $extraPoint parameter in your code.) If you have 6.5 trading hours per day, and your data resolution is 15 minutes, that means you only have 26 data points per trading day. (The $dataPointsPerDay parameter). So you need 250/26 previous trading days of data. Assuming each week only have 5 trading days, so you need 250/26 * 7/5 calendar dates of data. The $adjustedStartDate in the code is to adjust the $startDate backwards to handle the previous days of data you need.

In your real system, of course the parameters (trading hours per day, trading days per week, data resolution) can be different. If you cannot compute the start date, you can just pass more data than necessary to ChartDirector to be conservative. (Say you can pass 30 days of 15-minute data to ChartDirector, even if you just want to view 1 day of data.) It just uses more CPU. If you pass less data than necessary, then some technical indicators may not be drawn. (Eg. you cannot have 250 period average if you only have 100 data points.)

If you do not use technical indicators at all, you do not need to pass any more data than the data you want to see on the chart.

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Need help on customising the finance demo example in chartdirector
Posted by Jaikumar on Jan-14-2009 14:30
Thank You Peter for your reply.

I would also like to know that when i view the values in the startdate and enddate variables, they are 11 digit values, i know that the code is creating these values using the time() function and passing it to the chartTime2 function, whereas the values generated by the time() is 10 digit value.
now the data availalble to me is date wise and i would prefer to store it using the value from the time() function that is 10 digit, if i use a 10 digit value directly for the start date and end date values then the chart does not get drawn, i would like some information, guidance, advice as to how should i customize this part. Thank You.

  Re: Need help on customising the finance demo example in chartdirector
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jan-14-2009 16:59
Hi Jaikumar,

Usually, you should store your date values as date, not as 10 digits or 12 digits numbers, or any kind of numbers. If you are using a database, your database should allow you to define a field as "date" (some database called it "datetime" or "timestamp", etc., but all database should allow a data type that represents date).

In some programming languages (like VB, .NET, Java, etc), there have a value type for date. However, in PHP, Perl, Python, C++, etc., there is no such value called date. (I am referring to date in the programming language, not in human language.) So we need to use another method to represent date.

One method is used to represent date is to use the seconds elapsed since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 GMT (the number of seconds elapsed is a number), returned as a 32-bit integer. This is the method returned by the time() function. This method is not suitable for historical date, like the dates used in charting, because it cannot represent date long ago (long before 1970). In charting, we occasionally need to support date long time ago.

So in ChartDirector, we used the seconds elapsed since 0001-01-01 00:00:00 representing as a 64-bit number. You can construct this number using chartTime or chartTime2.

In summary, you should store the date just as a date. When you query for the data (using SQL), you can ask the database to return the y, m, d, h, n, s and them you can use them to construct the ChartDirector time in PHP. Some database can also return dates as UNIX timestamps (seconds elasped since 1970-1-1 00:00:00 GMT - it is called UNIX timestamps because historically it was used in UNIX). You can then convert them to ChartDirector time using chartTime2.

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan