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  Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Sep-30-2010 17:14
    I have to ask one thing i was using amchart rightnow,but u have lots of feature so i m also testing ur chart lots of thing working in my application but i have to ask one thing from u .In amChart i can Show the Events like (Split ,Bonus in Chart) See attached screen Shot.Can i do same thing in ur Charts If Yes Plz Let me know how it will Be possible.
thanks For ur Help

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-01-2010 02:13
Hi Subodh,

You may plot "red dots" (with labels or tooltips) in any place in the chart by using a scatter layer.

In addition to the open, high, low, close, vol and timestamps, you may create an additional array for the position of the red dots. This array will be of the same length as the other arrays (eg. same length as the timeStamps array). If there is no red dot on a certain date, just put Chart.NoValue in the corresponding array element. If there is a red dot on a certain date, you may put the position of the red dot in the corresponding array element. For example, if you want the red dot to appear at the closing price position, just copy the closing price for on that date to the correponding array element.

After you have prepare the array, you may use:

ScatterLayer layer = myMainPriceChart.addScatterLayer(null, redDotPositions, "", Chart.CircleShape, 9, 0xff0000);

The above only plot the dots, without the labels or tooltips. To handle the labels or tooltips, you need to create another array to contain the labels and tooltips. Then use:

//show as tooltips
layer.setHTMLIMageMap("", "", "title='{field0}'");

If you have symbols of other shapes to represent other events, you may add more scatter layers.

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-15-2010 21:09
Hi Mr.Peter,
    Which class belongs to this object myMainPriceChart.,i m using FinanceChart and i do not get any such method addScatterLayer() inside this FinanceChart Class

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-16-2010 01:48
Hi Subodh,

The myMainPriceChart is an XYChart object that represents the chart you want to add the symbol to.

A FinanceChart is a container for multiple XYChart objects. For example, in the image you attached in your first message, there are 3 charts - a OHLC chart, a volume chart and another chart probably representing a technical indicator. If you want to have a red dot in the main price chart, you would need to add the dot to the main price chart.

When you add a chart using the FinanceChart object, it will return an XYChart object to allow you to add more layers. For example:

//Add the main price to the FinanceChart container. Save the returned XYChart object to
//a variable myMainPriceChrat, so it can be used later.
XYChart myMainPriceChart = myFinanceChart.addMainChart(400);

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-21-2010 23:06
Mr. Peter,
               In ur First reply u told me i have to create two list one for data point in which i will want to add the red circle next for tool tip ,I have to ask me about tool tip,i created a
String [] lable ,for tool tip if i have no any information at any level i put Null in String and other cases i put the Split,bonus Etc. in the list but tool tip is not viewable on the red circle,i m doing any mistake plz guide me

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-22-2010 04:24
Hi Subodh,

I have created an example which is a FinanceChart with tooltips. I then copy and paste the code in my previous message into it. It works normally. The scatter points do have tooltips. I have attached the code for your reference.

Hope ths can help.

Peter Kwan

2.82 Kb

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-25-2010 13:32
Hello Mr.Peter i m able to view the Circle for event in chart but after a lot of try m not able to show the tool tip on Events,the only difference i got in ur code and my code is that m using JSF while u Jsp,i deployed ur code and its work Fine but i do not know what is the issue with my Code U can view the Online Chart in my website,

search For "Sterlite" Company it will Show u the Bubble of Event But not the ToopTip,Also i observed in our case even price tip (open,hight,low,close) is getting also suppressed. Some Of My COde Like this
double eventInformation[] = null;
String eventTooltip[] = null;

if(chartData.getEvents() !=null){
EventData eventData = genrateEventPeriod(chartData);
eventInformation = eventData.priceData;
eventTooltip = eventData.myEventLabels;

XYChart myMainPriceChartEvent = m.addMainChart(mainHeight);
if (eventInformation!=null) {
ScatterLayer layer = myMainPriceChartEvent.addScatterLayer(null, eventInformation, "", Chart.CircleShape , 16, 0x0066CC);
//show as tooltips
layer.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{field0}'");
Plz let me know Where m wrong or possible send me some JSF Exmaple For Too Tip


  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-26-2010 01:49
Hi Subodh,

For some reasons, I cannot display any chart when I go to the URL in your message. It just asks me to login.

Anyway, in your message, you only show that your code have configured the tooltip, but has your code output the tooltip?

For example, if your code adds a scatter layer (using addScatterLayer), but does not output the chart, then there will not be any chart. Similarly, if your code configures the tooltip, but does not output the tooltip, then there will be no tooltip.

Another possibility is that there may be some other Javascript library or CSS in your web page that disables the tooltip or cause the standard tooltip not to appear. I see that your web page seems to have some Javascript library to show an "alternative" tooltip. It may or may not affect the standard based tooltips generated by ChartDirector. You may need to refer to the documentation of your Javascript tooltip library for details.

For the JSF sample code, the JSF charting code is essentially the same as the JSP charting code. You just need to output the chart and the image map as according to the JSF framework. For example:

class MyChart
   public MyChart()
         HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequest();
        HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getResponse();

        // Create a finance chart demo containing 100 days of data
        int noOfDays = 100;

        // To compute moving averages starting from the first day, we need to get extra data
        // points before the first day
        int extraDays = 30;

        // In this exammple, we use a random number generator utility to simulate the data.
        // We set up the random table to create 6 cols x (noOfDays + extraDays) rows, using 9
        // as the seed.
        RanTable rantable = new RanTable(9, 6, noOfDays + extraDays);

        // Set the 1st col to be the timeStamp, starting from Sep 4, 2002, with each row
        // representing one day, and counting week days only (jump over Sat and Sun)
        rantable.setDateCol(0, new GregorianCalendar(2002, 8, 4).getTime(), 86400, true);

        // Set the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th columns to be high, low, open and close data. The
        // open value starts from 100, and the daily change is random from -5 to 5.
        rantable.setHLOCCols(1, 100, -5, 5);

        // Set the 6th column as the vol data from 5 to 25 million
        rantable.setCol(5, 50000000, 250000000);

        // Now we read the data from the table into arrays
        double[] timeStamps = rantable.getCol(0);
        double[] highData = rantable.getCol(1);
        double[] lowData = rantable.getCol(2);
        double[] openData = rantable.getCol(3);
        double[] closeData = rantable.getCol(4);
        double[] volData = rantable.getCol(5);

        double[] redDotPositions = new double[timeStamps.length];
        String[] myLabelsArray = new String[timeStamps.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < redDotPositions.length; ++i) {
           redDotPositions[i] = (i % 20 == 0) ? closeData[i] : Chart.NoValue;
           if (i >= extraDays)
               myLabelsArray[i - extraDays] = (i % 20 == 0) ? ("Tooltip " + i) : "";

        // Create a FinanceChart object of width 640 pixels
        FinanceChart c = new FinanceChart(640);

        // Add a title to the chart
        c.addTitle("Finance Chart Demonstration");

        // Set the data into the finance chart object
        c.setData(timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData, volData, extraDays);

        // Add the main chart with 240 pixels in height
        XYChart myMainPriceChart = c.addMainChart(240);

        ScatterLayer layer = myMainPriceChart.addScatterLayer(null, redDotPositions, "", Chart.CircleShape, 9, 0xff0000);
        layer.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{field0}'");

        // Add an HLOC symbols to the main chart, using green/red for up/down days
        c.addHLOC(0x008000, 0xcc0000);

        // Create the image and save it in a temporary location
        String chart1URL = c.makeSession(request, "chart1");

        // Create an image map for the chart
        String imageMap1 = c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", "");

        //set to member variables
        _url = response.encodeURL("getchart.jsp?"+chart1URL);
        _imageMap = "<map name='map1'>" + imageMap1 + "</map>";

    private String _url;
    private String _imageMap;

    public String getUrl()
        return _url;

    public String getImageMap()
        return _imageMap;

Then in your JSF web page, you may use above bean for your image and image map.

    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="h" %>
    <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="f" %>
    <body bgcolor="white">
         <h:graphicImage url='#{MyChart.url}' usemap="#map1" style="border:0" />
         <h:outputText escape="false" value="#{MyChart.imageMap}" />

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-26-2010 17:04
Hello Mr.Peter i Tested Your Code and it is Working Fine in local machine,but m not able to make my Code Work For tool Tip,I m submitting my Code To u ,
private EventData genrateEventPeriod(PriceChartData aChartData) {

double closePriceData[] = aChartData.getClose();

EventData eventData = new EventData();

eventData.priceData = new double[closePriceData.length];

eventData.myEventLabels = new String[closePriceData.length];

try {
Date[] timeStamps = aChartData.getDates();

List <EventsInformation> eventsList = aChartData.getEvents();

for (int totalPricePointsIndex = 0; totalPricePointsIndex < timeStamps.length && eventsList!=null; totalPricePointsIndex++) {

boolean eventFound = false;

Date priceDate = timeStamps[totalPricePointsIndex];

for (int eventPointIndex = 0; eventPointIndex < eventsList.size(); eventPointIndex++) {

EventsInformation eInfo = eventsList.get(eventPointIndex);

if (priceDate.compareTo(eInfo.get_asDate()) == 0) {
eventData.priceData[totalPricePointsIndex] = closePriceData[totalPricePointsIndex];
eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex] = eInfo.get_eventsDescription();

if (!eventFound) {
eventData.priceData[totalPricePointsIndex] = Chart.NoValue;
eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex] = "";


} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Exception in generating Event Data genrateEventPeriod..", e);
// e.printStackTrace();
return eventData;


Which is making the ToolTip data and Tooltip ,the only difference between ur code and my Code is that abt Extra point which i did not Used ,Is this is a cause of issue If yes then why we r using this point For tooltip case ,and loginid for link
is search for Company  "Sterlite".


  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-26-2010 23:11
Hi Subodh,

There is an important difference between my code and your code. In my code, I used:

myLabelsArray[i - extraDays] = ... event_tooltips ...;

In your code, you use:

eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex] = ... event_tooltips ...;

To make it the same, you would need to use:

eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex - extraDays] = ... event_tooltips ...;

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-27-2010 02:04
Sorry Mr.Peter to Disturb u again but i added this code
eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex-extraPoints] = eInfo.get_eventsDescription();

if (!eventFound) {
eventData.priceData[totalPricePointsIndex] = Chart.NoValue;
eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex-extraPoints] = "";

but still same issue m not able to view the ToolTip....plzz check if above code is write
thanks for ur valuable time.

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-27-2010 13:43
Hi Subodh,

Please change your code to:

eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex] = "[*" + totalPricePointsIndex + "*]";

The above should be used no matter you have an event or not. Do not put empty strings in the eventData.myEventLabels. In other words, all array elements must have a text string which contains the array index.

Now try again. Please let me know if you can get any tooltips. If you can get the tooltip, you can read the number on the tooltip to see the index of the array element it is using.

If you read the HTML output of your web site (in some browsers, you can right click on your web page, and select "View Source"), you can see that the image map does contain your scatter points, but the tooltip is empty. I can think of several reasons why the tooltip is empty:

(a) The tooltip is using a certain element of myEventLabels (which is neither totalPricePointsIndex nor totalPricePointsIndex), which is an empty string.

(b) The eInfo.get_eventsDescription(); is an empty string.

(c) The image map is not configured to use myEventLabels (eg. the myEventLabels is not added as an extra field to the layer, or the tooltip is not configured to use that extra field in case there are more than one extra fields for that layer, etc).

By setting the myEventLabels to "[*" + totalPricePointsIndex + "*]", we can make sure there cannot be any empty string in the myEventLabels, and if myEventLabels is really used as tooltips (that is, (c) does not occur), we can see the array index used. We may then check if the index is correct (by counting the candlesticks on the chart).

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-27-2010 16:50
Hello Mr. Peter i changed my Code according to ur suggestion

eventData.myEventLabels[totalPricePointsIndex] = "[*" + totalPricePointsIndex + "*]";

and commented the code where i m putting blank String.

But Still no any tool Tip in Chart Image,i m attaching the WebPage Source file with the data.

  <td valign="top"><img src="/IndianStock/PC/getchart.jsp?img=chart1&id=8076C1F14F0A759546DF81A5DB6CCA1E_1" style="border:0" usemap="#map1" /><map name='map1'><area shape="rect" coords="221,231,238,248" title=''>
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<area shape="rect" coords="564,242,568,267" title='[Oct 12, 2010] Op:179.3, Hi:183, Lo:177.3, Cl:179.1'>

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<area shape="rect" coords="446,353,450,377" title='[Sep 1, 2010] Op:154.5, Hi:157.5, Lo:152.1, Cl:156.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="442,373,446,388" title='[Aug 31, 2010] Op:152, Hi:153.1, Lo:149.5, Cl:151.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="438,360,442,378" title='[Aug 30, 2010] Op:155.9, Hi:156, Lo:151.8, Cl:152.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="433,364,437,380" title='[Aug 27, 2010] Op:153, Hi:155, Lo:151.3, Cl:152.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="429,361,433,382" title='[Aug 26, 2010] Op:155.7, Hi:155.7, Lo:151.1, Cl:152.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="425,360,429,391" title='[Aug 25, 2010] Op:150, Hi:156, Lo:148.8, Cl:154'>
<area shape="rect" coords="421,343,425,383" title='[Aug 24, 2010] Op:159.8, Hi:159.8, Lo:150.8, Cl:152.4'>

<area shape="rect" coords="417,336,421,352" title='[Aug 23, 2010] Op:160, Hi:161.4, Lo:157.8, Cl:158.7'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="408,330,412,346" title='[Aug 19, 2010] Op:162.8, Hi:162.8, Lo:159.2, Cl:160.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="404,330,408,355" title='[Aug 18, 2010] Op:162.6, Hi:162.8, Lo:157.1, Cl:159.1'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="383,270,387,293" title='[Aug 11, 2010] Op:175.5, Hi:176.6, Lo:171.2, Cl:172.3'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="375,255,379,272" title='[Aug 9, 2010] Op:176.8, Hi:180.1, Lo:176.2, Cl:179.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="370,263,374,279" title='[Aug 6, 2010] Op:177, Hi:178.2, Lo:174.4, Cl:176.4'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="362,255,366,275" title='[Aug 4, 2010] Op:180, Hi:180, Lo:175.5, Cl:178.2'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="349,263,353,281" title='[Jul 30, 2010] Op:177, Hi:178.3, Lo:174.1, Cl:174.9'>

<area shape="rect" coords="345,258,349,280" title='[Jul 29, 2010] Op:175.8, Hi:179.3, Lo:174.2, Cl:178.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="341,266,345,278" title='[Jul 28, 2010] Op:177, Hi:177.5, Lo:174.7, Cl:176.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="337,264,341,294" title='[Jul 27, 2010] Op:174.8, Hi:177.8, Lo:171, Cl:176.1'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="328,258,332,292" title='[Jul 23, 2010] Op:176.4, Hi:179.4, Lo:171.6, Cl:174'>
<area shape="rect" coords="324,269,328,294" title='[Jul 22, 2010] Op:175, Hi:176.8, Lo:171, Cl:176.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="320,282,324,311" title='[Jul 21, 2010] Op:167.9, Hi:173.8, Lo:167.3, Cl:173.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="316,307,320,326" title='[Jul 20, 2010] Op:164.9, Hi:168.1, Lo:163.8, Cl:166.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="311,319,315,329" title='[Jul 19, 2010] Op:165.1, Hi:165.4, Lo:163, Cl:163.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="307,310,311,320" title='[Jul 16, 2010] Op:167.5, Hi:167.5, Lo:165.1, Cl:166.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="303,304,307,318" title='[Jul 15, 2010] Op:168.7, Hi:168.7, Lo:165.5, Cl:166.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="299,279,303,313" title='[Jul 14, 2010] Op:172.5, Hi:174.5, Lo:166.8, Cl:167.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="295,290,299,314" title='[Jul 13, 2010] Op:171.7, Hi:172, Lo:166.6, Cl:170.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="290,288,294,307" title='[Jul 12, 2010] Op:168.9, Hi:172.3, Lo:168.1, Cl:169.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="286,304,290,315" title='[Jul 9, 2010] Op:167, Hi:168.9, Lo:166.3, Cl:167.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="282,313,286,336" title='[Jul 8, 2010] Op:162.8, Hi:166.7, Lo:161.6, Cl:165'>
<area shape="rect" coords="278,325,282,347" title='[Jul 7, 2010] Op:163.4, Hi:164, Lo:159, Cl:159.4'>

<area shape="rect" coords="274,328,278,344" title='[Jul 6, 2010] Op:160.8, Hi:163.4, Lo:159.6, Cl:162.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="269,330,273,346" title='[Jul 5, 2010] Op:161.5, Hi:162.8, Lo:159.3, Cl:160.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="265,317,269,342" title='[Jul 2, 2010] Op:165, Hi:165.9, Lo:160.1, Cl:160.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="261,305,265,328" title='[Jul 1, 2010] Op:168.4, Hi:168.5, Lo:163.2, Cl:164.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="257,297,261,328" title='[Jun 30, 2010] Op:166, Hi:170.5, Lo:163.3, Cl:169.9'>
<area shape="rect" coords="253,287,257,318" title='[Jun 29, 2010] Op:171.8, Hi:172.8, Lo:165.5, Cl:167.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="248,297,252,310" title='[Jun 28, 2010] Op:169, Hi:170.4, Lo:167.5, Cl:170'>
<area shape="rect" coords="244,283,248,312" title='[Jun 25, 2010] Op:171.8, Hi:173.5, Lo:167, Cl:168.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="240,255,244,290" title='[Jun 24, 2010] Op:177.8, Hi:180, Lo:172, Cl:173.9'>
<area shape="rect" coords="236,259,240,280" title='[Jun 23, 2010] Op:177, Hi:179, Lo:174.3, Cl:176.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="231,237,235,267" title='[Jun 22, 2010] Op:182.8, Hi:184.2, Lo:177.2, Cl:178.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="227,225,231,279" title='[Jun 21, 2010] Op:180, Hi:186.8, Lo:174.4, Cl:183.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="223,282,227,305" title='[Jun 18, 2010] Op:173.7, Hi:173.8, Lo:168.5, Cl:169.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="219,278,223,296" title='[Jun 17, 2010] Op:173.1, Hi:174.7, Lo:170.6, Cl:173.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="215,276,219,301" title='[Jun 16, 2010] Op:170.5, Hi:175.3, Lo:169.5, Cl:172.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="210,293,214,330" title='[Jun 15, 2010] Op:164, Hi:171.4, Lo:162.9, Cl:169'>
<area shape="rect" coords="206,323,210,342" title='[Jun 14, 2010] Op:161.3, Hi:164.4, Lo:160, Cl:163.3'>

<area shape="rect" coords="202,326,206,352" title='[Jun 11, 2010] Op:163, Hi:163.8, Lo:157.8, Cl:158.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="198,338,202,360" title='[Jun 10, 2010] Op:158.3, Hi:161.1, Lo:156, Cl:160.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="194,349,198,381" title='[Jun 9, 2010] Op:153.8, Hi:158.5, Lo:151.3, Cl:157.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="189,351,193,381" title='[Jun 8, 2010] Op:156, Hi:158, Lo:151.3, Cl:152.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="185,353,189,367" title='[Jun 7, 2010] Op:157.3, Hi:157.5, Lo:154.3, Cl:155.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="181,326,185,349" title='[Jun 4, 2010] Op:163.7, Hi:163.7, Lo:158.6, Cl:162.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="177,322,181,337" title='[Jun 3, 2010] Op:162.2, Hi:164.6, Lo:161.3, Cl:162.9'>
<area shape="rect" coords="173,345,177,366" title='[Jun 2, 2010] Op:158, Hi:159.4, Lo:154.6, Cl:158.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="168,322,172,358" title='[Jun 1, 2010] Op:163.8, Hi:164.8, Lo:156.5, Cl:157.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="164,286,168,327" title='[May 31, 2010] Op:171.3, Hi:173, Lo:163.5, Cl:165.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="160,291,164,326" title='[May 28, 2010] Op:165, Hi:171.8, Lo:163.8, Cl:170.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="156,327,160,363" title='[May 27, 2010] Op:157.8, Hi:163.5, Lo:155.3, Cl:161.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="152,348,156,376" title='[May 26, 2010] Op:154.1, Hi:158.7, Lo:152.3, Cl:154.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="147,353,151,385" title='[May 25, 2010] Op:157.3, Hi:157.5, Lo:150.3, Cl:152'>
<area shape="rect" coords="143,318,147,351" title='[May 24, 2010] Op:163.8, Hi:165.5, Lo:158, Cl:159.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="139,334,143,369" title='[May 21, 2010] Op:158, Hi:162, Lo:154, Cl:160.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="135,323,139,360" title='[May 20, 2010] Op:160, Hi:164.5, Lo:156, Cl:163.1'>

<area shape="rect" coords="131,291,135,349" title='[May 19, 2010] Op:171.8, Hi:171.8, Lo:158.6, Cl:159.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="126,270,130,296" title='[May 18, 2010] Op:175.3, Hi:176.5, Lo:170.7, Cl:172.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="122,268,126,302" title='[May 17, 2010] Op:172.5, Hi:177, Lo:169.3, Cl:175.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="118,246,122,280" title='[May 14, 2010] Op:181.8, Hi:182.1, Lo:174.2, Cl:175.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="114,231,118,252" title='[May 13, 2010] Op:184, Hi:185.5, Lo:180.8, Cl:182.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="109,237,113,260" title='[May 12, 2010] Op:184, Hi:184, Lo:178.8, Cl:182.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="105,208,109,243" title='[May 11, 2010] Op:190.8, Hi:190.8, Lo:182.8, Cl:183.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="101,213,105,249" title='[May 10, 2010] Op:182.5, Hi:189.7, Lo:181.3, Cl:189'>
<area shape="rect" coords="97,246,101,266" title='[May 7, 2010] Op:182, Hi:182, Lo:177.5, Cl:178.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="93,224,97,250" title='[May 6, 2010] Op:187, Hi:187, Lo:181.1, Cl:185.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="88,202,92,247" title='[May 5, 2010] Op:192.2, Hi:192.2, Lo:181.7, Cl:187.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="84,154,88,201" title='[May 4, 2010] Op:203, Hi:203, Lo:192.3, Cl:193.9'>
<area shape="rect" coords="80,139,84,165" title='[May 3, 2010] Op:206.5, Hi:206.5, Lo:200.5, Cl:202.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="76,124,80,142" title='[Apr 30, 2010] Op:209.9, Hi:209.9, Lo:205.8, Cl:207.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="72,124,76,148" title='[Apr 29, 2010] Op:205.5, Hi:209.9, Lo:204.4, Cl:206'>
<area shape="rect" coords="67,140,71,161" title='[Apr 28, 2010] Op:204, Hi:206.3, Lo:201.4, Cl:203.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="63,111,67,141" title='[Apr 27, 2010] Op:212.2, Hi:213, Lo:206.1, Cl:207.3'>

<area shape="rect" coords="59,114,63,173" title='[Apr 26, 2010] Op:201.3, Hi:212.1, Lo:198.8, Cl:210.7'>
<area shape="rect" coords="55,157,59,184" title='[Apr 23, 2010] Op:202.4, Hi:202.4, Lo:196.3, Cl:198.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="51,144,55,167" title='[Apr 22, 2010] Op:200.7, Hi:205.3, Lo:200, Cl:201.2'>
<area shape="rect" coords="46,148,50,166" title='[Apr 21, 2010] Op:204.5, Hi:204.5, Lo:200.3, Cl:201.4'>
<area shape="rect" coords="42,136,46,158" title='[Apr 20, 2010] Op:204.8, Hi:207.2, Lo:202.2, Cl:203'>
<area shape="rect" coords="38,135,42,166" title='[Apr 19, 2010] Op:207.5, Hi:207.5, Lo:200.3, Cl:203.3'>
<area shape="rect" coords="34,114,38,134" title='[Apr 16, 2010] Op:210.8, Hi:212.2, Lo:207.5, Cl:209.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="30,85,34,121" title='[Apr 15, 2010] Op:214.3, Hi:218.8, Lo:210.5, Cl:212.1'>
<area shape="rect" coords="25,89,29,119" title='[Apr 13, 2010] Op:218, Hi:218, Lo:211.2, Cl:211.9'>
<area shape="rect" coords="21,67,25,96" title='[Apr 12, 2010] Op:222.5, Hi:223, Lo:216.3, Cl:217.6'>
<area shape="rect" coords="17,69,21,112" title='[Apr 9, 2010] Op:216.5, Hi:222.5, Lo:212.6, Cl:221.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="13,86,17,110" title='[Apr 8, 2010] Op:216.3, Hi:218.5, Lo:213.1, Cl:216.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="9,82,13,96" title='[Apr 7, 2010] Op:218, Hi:219.5, Lo:216.3, Cl:217.8'>
<area shape="rect" coords="4,85,8,98" title='[Apr 6, 2010] Op:217.5, Hi:218.7, Lo:215.8, Cl:217.5'>
<area shape="rect" coords="0,90,4,108" title='[Apr 5, 2010] Op:216.3, Hi:217.6, Lo:213.6, Cl:216.9'>
<area shape="rect" coords="607,513,609,513" title='2010-10-26:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="607,503,609,513" title='2010-10-26:9.207'>

<area shape="rect" coords="607,513,609,513" title='2010-10-26:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="586,513,588,513" title='2010-10-19:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="582,506,584,513" title='2010-10-18:6.564'>
<area shape="rect" coords="582,513,584,513" title='2010-10-18:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="577,513,579,513" title='2010-10-15:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="573,505,575,513" title='2010-10-14:7.075'>
<area shape="rect" coords="573,513,575,513" title='2010-10-14:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="569,513,571,513" title='2010-10-13:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="569,506,571,513" title='2010-10-13:6.667'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="565,502,567,513" title='2010-10-12:10.37'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="561,513,563,513" title='2010-10-11:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="561,504,563,513" title='2010-10-11:8.533'>

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<area shape="rect" coords="556,513,558,513" title='2010-10-08:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="510,513,512,513" title='2010-09-23:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="498,513,500,513" title='2010-09-20:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="489,513,491,513" title='2010-09-16:0'>

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<area shape="rect" coords="481,513,483,513" title='2010-09-14:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="476,513,478,513" title='2010-09-13:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="468,513,470,513" title='2010-09-08:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="468,504,470,513" title='2010-09-08:7.832'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="464,513,466,513" title='2010-09-07:0'>

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<area shape="rect" coords="418,513,420,513" title='2010-08-23:0'>

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<area shape="rect" coords="401,513,403,513" title='2010-08-17:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="397,486,399,513" title='2010-08-16:24.16'>
<area shape="rect" coords="397,513,399,513" title='2010-08-16:0'>
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<area shape="rect" coords="10,513,12,513" title='2010-04-07:0'>

<area shape="rect" coords="10,513,12,513" title='2010-04-07:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="10,509,12,513" title='2010-04-07:1.395'>
<area shape="rect" coords="5,513,7,513" title='2010-04-06:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="5,513,7,513" title='2010-04-06:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="5,509,7,513" title='2010-04-06:1.481'>
<area shape="rect" coords="1,513,3,513" title='2010-04-05:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="1,513,3,513" title='2010-04-05:0'>
<area shape="rect" coords="1,509,3,513" title='2010-04-05:1.624'>

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-28-2010 01:02
Hi Subodh,

From the output, you can see the scatter symbol does have an image map entry:

<area shape="rect" coords="221,231,238,248" title=''>

However, the tooltip in that image map entry is empty.

If (a) or (b) in my previous message is not the cause of the problem, the error can be due to (c). So far I have not seen your code that configures and outputs the image map, so it is hard for me to diagnose the problem. Is it possible to inform me with the complete charting part of the code? If you cannot post the code in a forum, you may email it to me at

However, before we do that, please double check that the server is in fact running your updated code (just in case the server is still running the old code). To do this, please change the chart title to (or add some visible text in your chart) "XXX 1234 QQQ". In this way, by looking at the chart, we can confirm the server is actually running your code. In your image map configuration, instead of using "title='{field0}'", please use "aaa='bbb' title='ppp {field0} qqq'". By checking the existence of aaa bbb ppp qqq in the image map entry, we can confirm if the image map is generated by the updated code.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-28-2010 01:35
Hello Mr. Peter i sended my code to u in ur offcial email Id


  Re: Can we Show Events In Ur CHarts
Posted by Subodh Joshi on Oct-29-2010 16:38
Hello Mr.peter,
                      I got the Issue,why my chart page not able to Show TooltIp.Actully issue with "extraPoints",i thought the extraPoints contain value =30(Given By Me),but when i saw my code Closely then I got i calculating Extrapoint Value dynamically,thats Why ur Suggested Changes r also Not working and i waste ur lots Of time and effort Sorry for that.

Thanks For ur Gr8 help|