Pls can you help me with this
i am trying to create a pie chart with some labels but the labels are overlapping. can you help me fix this
i have posted a picture of what i have (1.jpg) and what it should look like (2.jpg)
this are the functions i used.
james <-function() { #open function
#Function to graph a pie chart
drivers <- c(4,21,3,2,7,13,13,10,4,23)
names(drivers) <- c("Using two parking spots 4%", "Using cellphone 21%", "Ignoring signals 3%",
"Too cautious 2%", "Speeding 7%", "Driving slow 13%", "No signals 13%", "Other 10%", "Bright lights 4%", "Tailgating 23%")
#draw a pie chart of data
} #close function