require_once("percentile.class.php"); // ai nevoie de fisierul asta sa calculezi procentele
//$StartDate = $_POST['start_date'];
$StartDate = "2010-12-02";
$Ora_Start = "000000"; #aici incepe ziua
$Ora_End = "235959"; #aici se termina aceeasi zi
$selected_An=substr($StartDate, 0, 4);
$selected_Luna=substr($StartDate, 5, 2);
$selected_Zi=substr($StartDate, 8, 2);
$displayfromtime = $selected_Zi."/".$selected_Luna."/".$selected_An."-"."00".":"."00";
////echo $displayfromtime;
// calculeaza ce zi din saptamina este ziua aleasa
$date= $selected_An."/".$selected_Luna."/".$selected_Zi; //$date = '2007/08/30' asa trebuie sa fie formatul
//$weekday_as_text = date('l', strtotime($date)); // am nevoie cind scriu ziua in grafic
//echo "<br>";
//echo $weekday_as_text;
$weekday_as_number = date('N', strtotime($date));
//echo "<br>";
// L M M J V S D
// 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
// Daca x este ziua din saptamina (ex 3 ptr Miercuri)
// Cite zile traba sa adaugi in dreapta sa completezi saptamina Right=7-x = 4 (4, 5, 6,7)
// Cite zile traba sa adaugi in stinga zilei alese Left = 6-Right = 6-4=2 (1,2)
// exemplu x = 3 Right=4 (joi vineri simbata duminica) Left=6-4=2 ( luni marti)
//Cind incepe saptamina
$days_on_right_side = 7 - $weekday_as_number;
$days_on_left_side = 6 - $days_on_right_side;
$number_of_day_curent_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$selected_Luna,$selected_An);
$day_of_week_end = $selected_Zi+$days_on_right_side;
$day_of_week_start = $selected_Zi-$days_on_left_side;
// daca luna este Ianuarie si $day_of_week_start <1 trebuie sa aleaga anul anterior
if ($selected_Luna == 01 and $day_of_week_start <1)
{ $number_of_day_previous_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,12,$selected_An-1);
$An_start = $selected_An-1;
elseif ($selected_Luna == 01 and $day_of_week_start >=0) // daca este ianuarie dar inceputul saptamini nu cade inafara luni si deci nici in anul precedent $An_start = $selected_An
{ $An_start = $selected_An; }
elseif ( $selected_Luna !=01) // daca luna nu este ianuarie
{ $number_of_day_previous_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$selected_Luna-1,$selected_An);
$An_start = $selected_An;
// daca luna este decembrie si saptamina in care sa ales ziua trece in anul urmator $An_end= $selected_An+1
if ( $selected_Luna == 12 and $day_of_week_end > $number_of_day_curent_month)
{$An_end= $selected_An+1;}
$An_end= $selected_An;
// daca ziua aleasa cade intr-o saptamina care incepe intr-o luna si se termina in alata
// calculeza numarul de zile pe care o are luna anterioara luni curente si scade cite zile din saptamina sint in luna anterioara
if ( $day_of_week_start <1)
{ $Luna_start = $selected_Luna - 1;
$Ziua_start = $number_of_day_previous_month - abs($day_of_week_start);
{ $Luna_start = $selected_Luna;
$Ziua_start = $day_of_week_start;
// daca saptamina se termina in luna viitoare celei selectate
//daca $day_of_week_end = 33 si luna are 30 de zile rezulta ca 3 zile sint in luna urmatoare
if ($day_of_week_end > $number_of_day_curent_month)
{ $Luna_end = $selected_Luna + 1;
$Ziua_end = $day_of_week_end - $number_of_day_curent_month;
{ $Luna_end = $selected_Luna;
$Ziua_end = $day_of_week_end;
if ( $Luna_start == 0) { $Luna_start = 12;} // daca luna este ianuarie adica 1 ecpresia $Luna_start = $selected_Luna - 1 devine 0 deci luna anterioara li ianuarie este decembrie
if ( $Luna_end == 13) { $Luna_end = "01";} // daca luna este decembrie 12 +1 fac 13 deci $Luna_end va fi ianuarie ptru ca dupa decembrie vine ianuarie
if( $Ziua_end <10) { $Ziua_end = "0".$Ziua_end;}
if( $Ziua_start <10) {$Ziua_start = "0".$Ziua_start;}
if(strlen($Luna_start)<2) { $Luna_start = "0".$Luna_start;} //citeodate afiseaza 1 in loc de 01 pentru ianuarie de ex in mysql trebuie sa fie 01 nu 1
if(strlen($Luna_end)<2) { $Luna_end = "0".$Luna_end;}
$week_start = $An_start."/".$Luna_start."/".$Ziua_start;
$week_end = $An_end."/".$Luna_end."/".$Ziua_end;
//echo "<br>";
//echo $week_start;
//echo "<br>";
//echo $week_end;
//echo "<br>";
// gaseste cind incepe si cind se termina prima zi din saptamina care este intotdeauna LUNI
$z1_start = $An_start.$Luna_start.$Ziua_start.$Ora_Start; // z1 = ziua 1 a saptamini
$z1_end = $An_start.$Luna_start.$Ziua_start.$Ora_End;
//echo $z1_start."-".$z1_end;
//echo "<br>";
// a doua zi din saptamina
$x = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN,$Luna_start,$An_start);
$z1=$Ziua_start; // z1 = ziua 1 a saptamini
//daca luna_start diferea de luna_end
if($z1 < $x)
{$z2 = $z1 + 1 ; $luna = $Luna_start;}
else{$z2 = 1 ; $luna = $Luna_end; }
if(strlen($z2)<2) { $z2 = "0".$z2;}
$z2_start = $An_start.$luna.$z2.$Ora_Start ;
$z2_end = $An_start.$luna.$z2.$Ora_End;
//echo $z2_start."-".$z2_end;
//echo "<br>";
if($z2 < $x AND $luna = $Luna_start)
{$z3 = $z2 + 1 ; $luna = $Luna_start;}
elseif($luna = $Luna_end)
{$z3 = $z2 + 1-$x ;}
if($z3 < 7) {$luna = $Luna_end;}
if(strlen($z3)<2) { $z3 = "0".$z3;}
$z3_start = $An_start.$luna.$z3.$Ora_Start ;
$z3_end = $An_start.$luna.$z3.$Ora_End;
//echo $z3_start."-".$z3_end;
//echo "<br>";
if($z3 < $x AND $luna = $Luna_start)
{$z4 = $z3 + 1 ; $luna = $Luna_start;}
elseif($luna = $Luna_end)
{$z4 = $z3 + 1-$x ;}
if($z4 < 7) {$luna = $Luna_end;}
if(strlen($z4)<2) { $z4 = "0".$z4;}
$z4_start = $An_start.$luna.$z4.$Ora_Start ;
$z4_end = $An_start.$luna.$z4.$Ora_End;
//echo $z4_start."-".$z4_end;
//echo "<br>";
if($z4 < $x AND $luna = $Luna_start)
{$z5 = $z4 + 1 ; $luna = $Luna_start;}
elseif($luna = $Luna_end)
{$z5 = $z4 + 1 - $x ;}
if($z5 < 7) {$luna = $Luna_end;}
if(strlen($z5)<2) { $z5 = "0".$z5;}
$z5_start = $An_start.$luna.$z5.$Ora_Start ;
$z5_end = $An_start.$luna.$z5.$Ora_End;
//echo $z5_start."-".$z5_end;
//echo "<br>";
if($z5 < $x AND $luna = $Luna_start)
{$z6 = $z5 + 1 ; $luna = $Luna_start;}
elseif($luna = $Luna_end)
{$z6 = $z5 + 1 - $x ;}
if($z6 < 7) {$luna = $Luna_end;}
if(strlen($z6)<2) { $z6 = "0".$z6;}
$z6_start = $An_start.$luna.$z6.$Ora_Start ;
$z6_end = $An_start.$luna.$z6.$Ora_End;
//echo $z6_start."-".$z6_end;
//echo "<br>";
if($z6 < $x AND $luna = $Luna_start)
{$z7 = $z6 + 1 ; $luna = $Luna_start;}
elseif($luna = $Luna_end)
{$z7 = $z6 + 1- $x ;}
if($z7 < 7) {$luna = $Luna_end;}
if(strlen($z7)<2) { $z7 = "0".$z7;}
$z7_start = $An_start.$luna.$z7.$Ora_Start ;
$z7_end = $An_start.$luna.$z7.$Ora_End;
//echo $z7_start."-".$z7_end;
//echo "<br>";
# conectare la baza de date
$mysqli = new mysqli('localhost','root','')or die(mysql_error());
$mysqli->select_db('demosite')or die(mysql_error());
$tabel_db = "demo" ;
### LUNI ##############################################################################
$datele_de_luni = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z1_start." AND ".$z1_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_luni)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
//print_r ($OAT);
$luni_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$luni_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$luni_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$luni_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$luni_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$luni_max = max($OAT);
### MARTI ##############################################################################
$datele_de_marti = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z2_start." AND ".$z2_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_marti)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
//print_r ($OAT);
$marti_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$marti_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$marti_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$marti_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$marti_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$marti_max = max($OAT);
### MIERCURI ##############################################################################
$datele_de_miercuri = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z3_start." AND ".$z3_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_miercuri)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
//print_r ($OAT);
$miercuri_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$miercuri_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$miercuri_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$miercuri_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$miercuri_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$miercuri_max = max($OAT);
### JOI ##############################################################################
$datele_de_joi = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z4_start." AND ".$z4_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_joi)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
//print_r ($OAT);
$joi_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$joi_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$joi_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$joi_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$joi_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$joi_max = max($OAT);
### vineri ##############################################################################
$datele_de_vineri = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z5_start." AND ".$z5_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_vineri)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
//print_r ($OAT);
$vineri_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$vineri_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$vineri_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$vineri_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$vineri_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$vineri_max = max($OAT);
### simbata ##############################################################################
$datele_de_simbata = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z6_start." AND ".$z6_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_simbata)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
//print_r ($OAT);
$simbata_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$simbata_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$simbata_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$simbata_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$simbata_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$simbata_max = max($OAT);
### duminica ##############################################################################
$datele_de_duminica = $mysqli->query("SELECT A4 FROM $tabel_db WHERE
TIMPUL BETWEEN ".$z7_start." AND ".$z7_end." Order By TIMPUL ");
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($datele_de_duminica)) { $OAT []= $row[0]; } // temperatura de afara
$duminica_min = min($OAT);
$stat = new Stat();
$duminica_25th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,25);
$duminica_50th_percentile = $stat->median($OAT);
$duminica_75th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,75);
$duminica_95th_percentile = $stat->percentile($OAT,95);
$duminica_max = max($OAT);
# Sample data for the Box-Whisker chart. Represents the minimum, 1st quartile,
# medium, 3rd quartile and maximum values of some quantities
$Q0Data = array($luni_min, $marti_min, $miercuri_min, $joi_min, $vineri_min, $simbata_min, $duminica_min,0);
$Q1Data = array($luni_25th_percentile, $marti_25th_percentile, $miercuri_25th_percentile, $joi_25th_percentile, $vineri_25th_percentile, $simbata_25th_percentile, $duminica_25th_percentile,0);
$Q2Data = array($luni_50th_percentile, $marti_50th_percentile, $miercuri_50th_percentile, $joi_50th_percentile, $vineri_50th_percentile, $simbata_50th_percentile, $duminica_50th_percentile,0);
$Q3Data = array($luni_75th_percentile, $marti_75th_percentile, $miercuri_75th_percentile, $joi_75th_percentile, $vineri_75th_percentile, $simbata_75th_percentile, $duminica_75th_percentile,0);
$Q4Data = array($luni_max, $marti_max, $miercuri_max, $joi_max, $vineri_max, $simbata_max, $duminica_max,0);
# The labels for the chart
$labels = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday","k");
# Create a XYChart object of size 550 x 250 pixels
$c = new XYChart(550, 250);
# Set the plotarea at (50, 25) and of size 450 x 200 pixels. Enable both horizontal
# and vertical grids by setting their colors to grey (0xc0c0c0)
$plotAreaObj = $c->setPlotArea(50, 25, 450, 200);
$plotAreaObj->setGridColor(0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0);
# Add a title to the chart
$c->addTitle("Computer Vision Test Scores");
# Set the labels on the x axis and the font to Arial Bold
$labelsObj = $c->xAxis->setLabels($labels);
# Set the font for the y axis labels to Arial Bold
# Add a Box Whisker layer using light blue 0x9999ff as the fill color and blue (0xcc)
# as the line color. Set the line width to 2 pixels
$boxWhiskerLayerObj = $c->addBoxWhiskerLayer($Q3Data, $Q1Data, $Q4Data, $Q0Data,
$Q2Data, 0x9999ff, 0x0000cc);
# output the chart
header("Content-type: image/png");
?> |