I do something similar in my project.
But you have to specify this "special points in your line layer/scatter layer"
I Do a peak detection and with this founded points, I create a new scatter layer and use different symbols.
This is for my raw values :
layer1.addDataSet(chart_value, '0x60FF0000', c.formatValue(chart_value[0], "current CPU USAGE: <*bgColor=FF6871*> {value|1} ")).setDataSymbol(CircleShape, 4, '0xFF0000')
and this is for my "special points"
layer3 = c.addScatterLayer(chart_peaktime, chart_peaks,"PEAKS", StarShape(4), 15, '0xD2691E')
layer3.setDataLabelStyle("timesbi.ttf", 10).setBackground('0xffcc66',Transparent, 1)