Hi tang,
You may use a scatter layer to add symbols to the chart. The symbol can be a custom image, or can be any of the built-in symbols.
For example, in VB/VBScript, the code structure is like:
'Your existing code that adds the main price chart (here I assume you would like to
'add the custom symbol to the main price chart)
Set myMainPriceChart = c.addMainChart(..........)
'The position (price) of the symbols - there should be one value for each timestamp just
'like how the closing price array. If there is no symbol for a particular day, use NoValue.
ReDim mySymbols(Ubound(myTimeStamps))
'Assume you want the default to be no symbol for all days
For i = 0 To UBound(mySymbols) : mySymbols(i) = cd.NoValue : Next
'Set a symbol at trading session 30 at the same position as the high price
mySymbols(29) = highPrice(29)
'Add the symbol(s) using a scatter layer - here the symbol is a custom image "c:\\aaa.png"
Call c.addScatterLayer(Nothing, mySymbols, "My Symbol").getDataSet(0).setDataSymbol2("c:\\aaa.png")
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |