A standard chart has an X axis of time at the BOTTOM, and a Y axis of value moving from the X,Y intersect to the top of Y , ie 0 to 100
The chart attached is a typical setup
X is time (even tho you dont see it, this chart is a add on xyChart in a finance chart)
Y is price from -0.2 to 1.8. The -0.2 starts at the X,Y intersect (A) and goes to (B).
I would like to do this.
HAVE the X axis at (B), and the Y axis populate price falling down. So that (B) is -0.2 and (A) is 1.8 (noting that 1.8 can grow to 2.0, etc)
Or I guess how do I switch the Y axis upside down, no matter where X is either up or down.
Any ideas..