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  Using ChartDirector with Borland C++ Builder 6.0
Posted by Jack on Oct-13-2014 18:36

I downloaded ChartDirector latest version(C++ 32bit) and faced some problems with

I use coff2omf.exe to generate a new chartdir51.lib and add to my project , then modify
chartdir.h because of ambiguity in following lines.

Mark *addMark(double value, int lineColor, const char *text = 0,const char *font = 0,
double fontSize = 8)

{ Mark *ret = new Mark(CAxis_addMark(ptr, value, lineColor, text, font, fontSize));
reg(ret); return ret; }

So i added a new namespace "My" to include class Mark.

My::Mark *addMark(double value, int lineColor, const char *text = 0,const char *font =
double fontSize = 8)

{ My::Mark *ret = new My::Mark(CAxis_addMark(ptr, value, lineColor, text, font,
fontSize)); reg(ret); return ret; }

It could be compiled with no error , but failed when i run the program.

"CHARTDIR51.DLL is not designed for Windows or it contains errors"
(My OS is win7 32-bit Traditional Chinese , so i dont know if the translation is correct).

How do i fix it?
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Advanced Software Engineering Limited.
 * This file is part of the ChartDirector software. Usage of this file is
 * subjected to the ChartDirector license agreement. See the LICENSE.TXT
 * file that comes with the ChartDirector software release, or visit
 * Advanced Software Engineering's web site at or
 * email to for information.


#include <string.h>
#include "bchartdir.h"
#include "memblock.h"

class AutoDestroy
public :
	virtual ~AutoDestroy() {}

class GarbagePtr
private :
	AutoDestroy *ptr;
public :
	GarbagePtr(AutoDestroy *_ptr, GarbagePtr *_next) : ptr(_ptr), next(_next) {}
	~GarbagePtr() { delete ptr; }
	GarbagePtr *next;

class GarbageContainer
private :
	GarbagePtr *root;
public :
	GarbageContainer() : root(0) {}
	virtual ~GarbageContainer() { while (0 != root) { GarbagePtr *temp = root; root = root->next; delete temp; } }
	void reg(AutoDestroy *g) { root = new GarbagePtr(g, root); }

// Utility to convert from WCHAR string to UTF8 string
class WCHARtoUTF8
public :
	WCHARtoUTF8(const wchar_t *w_string) : utf8_string(0)
		if (0 == w_string)
			utf8_string = 0;
			int string_len = 0;
			while (w_string[string_len]) ++string_len;
			char *ptr = utf8_string = new char[string_len * 3 + 1];
			for (int w = *w_string; w != 0; w = *(++w_string))
				// only support 16 bit unicode
				int uw = w & 0xffff;
				if (uw < 0x80)
					*(ptr++) = (char)uw;
				else if (uw < 0x800)
					*(ptr++) = (char)(0xC0 | (uw >> 6));
					*(ptr++) = (char)(0x80 | (uw & 0x3F));
					*(ptr++) = (char)(0xE0 | (uw >> 12));
					*(ptr++) = (char)(0x80 | ((uw >> 6) & 0x3F));
					*(ptr++) = (char)(0x80 | (uw & 0x3F));
			*ptr = 0;

	operator const char*()
		return utf8_string;

		delete[] utf8_string;

private :
	char *utf8_string;

	//disable assignment
	WCHARtoUTF8(const WCHARtoUTF8 &rhs);
	WCHARtoUTF8 &operator=(const WCHARtoUTF8 &rhs);

// Utility to convert from UTF8 string to WCHAR string
class UTF8toWCHAR
public :
	UTF8toWCHAR(const char *utf8_string) : w_string(0)
		if (0 == utf8_string)
			w_string = 0;
			int string_len = 0;
			while (utf8_string[string_len]) ++string_len;
			wchar_t *ptr = w_string = new wchar_t[string_len + 1];
			for (int i = 0; i < string_len; ++i)
				int c = utf8_string[i];			
				if (((c & 0xf0) == 0xe0) && (i + 2 < string_len))
					*ptr = (wchar_t)(((c & 0xf) << 12) | ((utf8_string[++i] & 0x3f) << 6));
					*ptr = (*ptr) | (utf8_string[++i] & 0x3f);
				else if (((c & 0xe0) == 0xc0) && (i + 1 < string_len))
					*(ptr++) = (wchar_t)(((c & 0x1f) << 6) | ((utf8_string[++i] & 0x3f) << 6));
					*(ptr++) = (wchar_t)c;

			*ptr = 0;

	operator const wchar_t*()
		return w_string;

		delete[] w_string;

private :
	wchar_t *w_string;

	//disable assignment
	UTF8toWCHAR(const UTF8toWCHAR &rhs);
	UTF8toWCHAR &operator=(const UTF8toWCHAR &rhs);

//	constants

namespace Chart 
	static const double NoValue = 1.7e308;
	static const double LogTick = 1.6e308;
	static const double LinearTick = 1.5e308;
	static const double TickInc = 1.0e200;
	static const double MinorTickOnly = -1.7e308;
	static const double MicroTickOnly = -1.6e308;
	enum { AutoGrid = -2 };
	static const double TouchBar = -1.7E-100;
	static const double DataBound = -1.7E-100;

	enum Alignment
		TopLeft = 7,	TopCenter = 8,		TopRight = 9,
		Left = 4,		Center = 5,			Right = 6,
		BottomLeft = 1,	BottomCenter = 2,	BottomRight = 3,
		Top = TopCenter, Bottom = BottomCenter,
		TopLeft2 = 10, TopRight2 = 11, 
		BottomLeft2 = 12, BottomRight2 = 13

		DashLine = 0x0505,
		DotLine = 0x0202,
		DotDashLine = 0x05050205,
		AltDashLine = 0x0A050505

	static const int goldGradient[] = {0, 0xFFE743, 0x60, 0xFFFFE0, 0xB0, 0xFFF0B0, 0x100, 0xFFE743};
	static const int silverGradient[] = {0, 0xC8C8C8, 0x60, 0xF8F8F8, 0xB0, 0xE0E0E0, 0x100, 0xC8C8C8};
	static const int redMetalGradient[] = {0, 0xE09898, 0x60, 0xFFF0F0, 0xB0, 0xF0D8D8, 0x100, 0xE09898};
	static const int blueMetalGradient[] = {0, 0x9898E0, 0x60, 0xF0F0FF, 0xB0, 0xD8D8F0, 0x100, 0x9898E0};
	static const int greenMetalGradient[] = {0, 0x98E098, 0x60, 0xF0FFF0, 0xB0, 0xD8F0D8, 0x100, 0x98E098};

	static inline int metalColor(int c, int angle = 90) { return CChart_metalColor(c, angle); }
	static inline int goldColor(int angle = 90) { return metalColor(0xffee44, angle); }
	static inline int silverColor(int angle = 90) { return metalColor(0xdddddd, angle); }

	static inline int brushedMetalColor(int c, int texture = 2, int angle = 90) { return metalColor(c, angle) | ((texture & 0x3) << 18); }
	static inline int brushedSilverColor(int texture = 2, int angle = 90) {return brushedMetalColor(0xdddddd, texture, angle); }
	static inline int brushedGoldColor(int texture = 2, int angle = 90)  {return brushedMetalColor(0xffee44, texture, angle); }

	enum AntiAliasMode { NoAntiAlias, AntiAlias, AutoAntiAlias, ClearType, CompatAntiAlias = 6 };
	enum PaletteMode { TryPalette, ForcePalette, NoPalette };
	enum DitherMethod { Quantize, OrderedDither, ErrorDiffusion };

	enum CDFilterType { BoxFilter, LinearFilter, QuadraticFilter, BSplineFilter, HermiteFilter,
		CatromFilter, MitchellFilter, SincFilter, LanczosFilter, GaussianFilter, HanningFilter,
		HammingFilter, BlackmanFilter, BesselFilter };

		Transparent = 0xff000000,
		Palette = 0xffff0000,
		BackgroundColor = 0xffff0000,
		LineColor = 0xffff0001,
		TextColor = 0xffff0002,
		DataColor = 0xffff0008,
		SameAsMainColor = 0xffff0007

	enum ImgFormat { PNG, GIF, JPG, WMP, BMP, SVG, SVGZ };

	static const int oldDefaultPalette[] =
		0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x808080,
		0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080,
		0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00,
		0xff00ff, 0x66ffff,	0xffcc33, 0xcccccc,
		0x9966ff, 0x339966, 0x999900, 0xcc3300,
		0x99cccc, 0x006600, 0x660066, 0xcc9999,

	static const int defaultPalette[] =
		0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x808080,
		0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080,
		0xff3333, 0x33ff33, 0x6666ff, 0xffff00,
		0xff66ff, 0x99ffff,	0xffcc33, 0xcccccc,
		0xcc9999, 0x339966, 0x999900, 0xcc3300,
		0x669999, 0x993333, 0x006600, 0x990099,
		0xff9966, 0x99ff99, 0x9999ff, 0xcc6600,
		0x33cc33, 0xcc99ff, 0xff6666, 0x99cc66,
		0x009999, 0xcc3333, 0x9933ff, 0xff0000,
		0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xffcc99, 0x999999,

	static const int whiteOnBlackPalette[] =
		0x000000, 0xffffff, 0xffffff, 0x808080,
		0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080,
		0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff, 0xffff00,
		0xff00ff, 0x66ffff,	0xffcc33, 0xcccccc,
		0x9966ff, 0x339966, 0x999900, 0xcc3300,
		0x99cccc, 0x006600, 0x660066, 0xcc9999,
		0xff9966, 0x99ff99, 0x9999ff, 0xcc6600,
		0x33cc33, 0xcc99ff, 0xff6666, 0x99cc66,
		0x009999, 0xcc3333, 0x9933ff, 0xff0000,
		0x0000ff, 0x00ff00, 0xffcc99, 0x999999,

	static const int transparentPalette[] =
		0xffffff, 0x000000, 0x000000, 0x808080,
		0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080, 0x808080,
		(int)0x80ff0000, (int)0x8000ff00, (int)0x800000ff, (int)0x80ffff00,
		(int)0x80ff00ff, (int)0x8066ffff, (int)0x80ffcc33, (int)0x80cccccc,
		(int)0x809966ff, (int)0x80339966, (int)0x80999900, (int)0x80cc3300,
		(int)0x8099cccc, (int)0x80006600, (int)0x80660066, (int)0x80cc9999,
		(int)0x80ff9966, (int)0x8099ff99, (int)0x809999ff, (int)0x80cc6600,
		(int)0x8033cc33, (int)0x80cc99ff, (int)0x80ff6666, (int)0x8099cc66,
		(int)0x80009999, (int)0x80cc3333, (int)0x809933ff, (int)0x80ff0000,
		(int)0x800000ff, (int)0x8000ff00, (int)0x80ffcc99, (int)0x80999999,

	enum { SideLayout, CircleLayout };

		DefaultShading = 0,
		FlatShading = 1,
		LocalGradientShading = 2,
		GlobalGradientShading = 3,
		ConcaveShading = 4,
		RoundedEdgeNoGlareShading = 5,
		RoundedEdgeShading = 6,
		RadialShading = 7,
		RingShading = 8

	enum SymbolType
		NoSymbol = 0,
		SquareSymbol = 1,
		DiamondSymbol = 2,
		TriangleSymbol = 3,
		RightTriangleSymbol = 4,
		LeftTriangleSymbol = 5,
		InvertedTriangleSymbol = 6,
		CircleSymbol = 7,
		CrossSymbol = 8,
		Cross2Symbol = 9,
		ChartDir_PolygonSymbol = 11,
		ChartDir_Polygon2Symbol = 12,
		ChartDir_StarSymbol = 13,
		ChartDir_CustomSymbol = 14 

		NoShape = 0,
		SquareShape = 1,
		DiamondShape = 2,
		TriangleShape = 3,
		RightTriangleShape = 4,
		LeftTriangleShape = 5,
		InvertedTriangleShape = 6,
		CircleShape = 7,
		CircleShapeNoShading = 10,
		GlassSphereShape = 15,
		GlassSphere2Shape = 16,
		SolidSphereShape = 17

	static inline int CrossShape(double width = 0.5)
	{ return CrossSymbol | (((int)(((width < 0) ? 0 : ((width > 1) ? 1 : width)) * 4095 + 0.5)) << 12); }
	static inline int Cross2Shape(double width = 0.5)
	{ return Cross2Symbol | (((int)(((width < 0) ? 0 : ((width > 1) ? 1 : width)) * 4095 + 0.5)) << 12); }
	static inline int PolygonShape(int side)
	{ return ChartDir_PolygonSymbol | (((side < 0) ? 0 : ((side > 100) ? 100 : side)) << 12); }
	static inline int Polygon2Shape(int side)
	{ return ChartDir_Polygon2Symbol | (((side < 0) ? 0 : ((side > 100) ? 100 : side)) << 12); }
	static inline int StarShape(int side)
	{ return ChartDir_StarSymbol | (((side < 0) ? 0 : ((side > 100) ? 100 : side)) << 12); }
	enum DataCombineMethod { Overlay, Stack, Depth, Side, Percentage };

	enum LegendMode { NormalLegend, ReverseLegend, NoLegend };

	enum ScaleType { PixelScale, XAxisScale, YAxisScale, EndPoints,
		AngularAxisScale = XAxisScale, RadialAxisScale = YAxisScale };

		MonotonicNone = 0, 
		MonotonicX = 1, 
		MonotonicY = 2,
		MonotonicXY = 3,
		MonotonicAuto = 4

		ConstrainedLinearRegression = 0,
		LinearRegression = 1,
		ExponentialRegression = -1,
		LogarithmicRegression = -2

	static inline int PolynomialRegression(int n) { return n; }

	enum { HLOCDefault, HLOCOpenClose, HLOCUpDown };

	enum { DiamondPointer, TriangularPointer, ArrowPointer, ArrowPointer2, LinePointer, PencilPointer };

		SmoothShading = 0,
		TriangularShading = 1,
		RectangularShading = 2,
		TriangularFrame = 3,
		RectangularFrame = 4
		ChartBackZ = 0x100,
		ChartFrontZ = 0xffff,
		PlotAreaZ = 0x1000,
		GridLinesZ = 0x2000

		XAxisSymmetric = 1,
		XAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 2,
		YAxisSymmetric = 4,
		YAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 8,
		XYAxisSymmetric = 16,
		XYAxisSymmetricIfNeeded = 32
		XAxisAtOrigin = 1,
		YAxisAtOrigin = 2,
		XYAxisAtOrigin = 3

		ChartDir_StartOfHourFilterTag = 1,
		ChartDir_StartOfDayFilterTag = 2,
		ChartDir_StartOfWeekFilterTag = 3,
		ChartDir_StartOfMonthFilterTag = 4,
		ChartDir_StartOfYearFilterTag = 5,
		ChartDir_RegularSpacingFilterTag = 6,
		ChartDir_AllPassFilterTag = 7,
		ChartDir_NonePassFilterTag = 8,
		ChartDir_SelectItemFilterTag = 9

	static inline int StartOfHourFilter(int labelStep = 1, double initialMargin = 0.05)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_StartOfHourFilterTag, labelStep, initialMargin); }
	static inline int StartOfDayFilter(int labelStep = 1, double initialMargin = 0.05)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_StartOfDayFilterTag, labelStep, initialMargin); }
	static inline int StartOfWeekFilter(int labelStep = 1, double initialMargin = 0.05)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_StartOfWeekFilterTag, labelStep, initialMargin); }
	static inline int StartOfMonthFilter(int labelStep = 1, double initialMargin = 0.05)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_StartOfMonthFilterTag, labelStep, initialMargin); }
	static inline int StartOfYearFilter(int labelStep = 1, double initialMargin = 0.05)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_StartOfYearFilterTag, labelStep, initialMargin); }
	static inline int RegularSpacingFilter(int labelStep = 1, int initialMargin = 0)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_RegularSpacingFilterTag, labelStep, initialMargin / 4095.0); }
	static inline int AllPassFilter()
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_AllPassFilterTag, 0, 0); }			
	static inline int NonePassFilter()
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_NonePassFilterTag, 0, 0); }			
	static inline int SelectItemFilter(int item)
	{ return CChart_encodeFilter(ChartDir_SelectItemFilterTag, item, 0); }

	static inline int getVersion() { return CChart_getVersion(); }
	static inline const char *getDescription() { return CChart_getDescription(); }
	static inline const char *getCopyright() { return CChart_getCopyright(); }
	static inline void getBootLog(char *buffer) { CChart_getBootLog(buffer); }

	static inline bool testFont(const char *font, int fontIndex, double fontHeight, 
						  double fontWidth, double angle, char *buffer)
	{ return CChart_testFont(font, fontIndex, fontHeight, fontWidth, angle, buffer); }

	static inline bool isLicensed() { return CChart_isLicensed(); }
	static inline bool getLicenseAttr(const char *key, char *buffer) 
	{ return CChart_getLicenseAttr(key, buffer); }
	static inline bool setLicenseFile(const char *filename = 0, char *buffer = 0)
	{ return CChart_setLicenseFile(filename, buffer); }
	static inline bool setLicenseCode(const char *licCode, char *buffer = 0)
	{ return CChart_setLicenseCode(licCode, buffer); }

	static inline double chartTime(int y, int m, int d, int h = 0, int n = 0, int s = 0)
	{ return CChart_chartTime(y, m, d, h, n, s); }
	static inline double chartTime2(int t) { return CChart_chartTime2(t); }
	static inline int getChartYMD(double t) { return CChart_getChartYMD(t); }
	static inline int getChartWeekDay(double t) { return ((int)(t / 86400 + 1)) % 7; }

		NormalGlare = 3,
		ReducedGlare = 2,
		NoGlare = 1

	static inline int glassEffect(int glareSize = Chart::NormalGlare, int glareDirection = Chart::Top,
		int raisedEffect = 5)
	{ return CChart_glassEffect(glareSize, glareDirection, raisedEffect); }
	static inline int softLighting(int direction = Chart::Top, int raisedEffect = 4)
	{ return CChart_softLighting(direction, raisedEffect); }
	static inline int barLighting(double startBrightness = 0.75, double endBrightness = 1.5)
	{ return CChart_barLighting(startBrightness, endBrightness); }
	static inline int cylinderEffect(int orientation = Chart::Center, double ambientIntensity = 0.5, 
			double diffuseIntensity = 0.5, double specularIntensity = 0.75, int shininess = 8)
	{ return CChart_cylinderEffect(orientation, ambientIntensity, diffuseIntensity, specularIntensity, shininess); }

		AggregateSum = 0,
		AggregateAvg = 1,
		AggregateStdDev = 2,
		AggregateMin = 3,
		AggregateMed = 4,
		AggregateMax = 5,
		AggregatePercentile = 6,
		AggregateFirst = 7,
		AggregateLast = 8,
		AggregateCount = 9

		DirectionHorizontal = 0, 
		DirectionVertical = 1, 
		DirectionHorizontalVertical = 2

	// Ver 5.1 
	static inline double bSearch(DoubleArray a, double v)
	{ return CChart_bSearch(, a.len, v); }
	static inline int ClearTypeMono(double gamma = 0)
	{ return CChart_ClearTypeMono(gamma); }
	static inline int ClearTypeColor(double gamma = 0)
	{ return CChart_ClearTypeColor(gamma); }
	static inline int phongLighting(double ambientIntensity = 0.5, double diffuseIntensity = 0.5, 
		double specularIntensity = 0.75, int shininess = 8)
	{ return CChart_phongLighting(ambientIntensity, diffuseIntensity, specularIntensity, shininess); }

}  //namespace Chart

//	Class wrappers

class TTFText
private :
	//disable copying
	TTFText(const TTFText &rhs);
	TTFText &operator=(const TTFText &rhs);

	TTFTextInternal *ptr;

public :
	//obsoleted - for compatibility only
	enum AntiAliasMode { NoAntiAlias, AntiAlias, AutoAntiAlias };
	//obsoleted - for compatibility only
	static void destroy(TTFText *t) { t->destroy(); }

	TTFText(TTFTextInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~TTFText() { CTTFText_destroy(ptr); }
	void destroy() { delete this; }

	int getWidth() const { return CTTFText_getWidth(ptr); }
	int getHeight() const { return CTTFText_getHeight(ptr); }
	int getLineHeight() const { return CTTFText_getLineHeight(ptr); }
	int getLineDistance() const { return CTTFText_getLineDistance(ptr); }

	void draw(int x, int y, int color, int alignment = Chart::TopLeft) const
	{ CTTFText_draw(ptr, x, y, color, alignment); }

class DrawArea : public AutoDestroy
private :
	//disable copying
	DrawArea(const DrawArea &rhs);
	DrawArea &operator=(const DrawArea &rhs);

	DrawAreaInternal *ptr;
	bool own_this;

public :
	//obsoleted constants - for compatibility only
	enum PaletteMode { TryPalette, ForcePalette, NoPalette };
	//obsoleted constants - for compatibility only
	enum DitherMethod { Quantize, OrderedDither, ErrorDiffusion };

	DrawArea() : ptr(CDrawArea_create()), own_this(true) {}
	static DrawArea* create() { return new DrawArea(); }
	DrawArea(DrawAreaInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr), own_this(false) {}
	~DrawArea() { if (own_this) CDrawArea_destroy(ptr); }
	void destroy() { delete this; }
	DrawAreaInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }
	const DrawAreaInternal *getInternalPtr() const { return ptr; }

	void enableVectorOutput() { CDrawArea_enableVectorOutput(ptr); }

	void setSize(int width, int height, int bgColor = 0xffffff)
	{ CDrawArea_setSize(ptr, width, height, bgColor); }
	void resize(int newWidth, int newHeight, int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_resize(ptr, newWidth, newHeight, filter, blur); }
	int getWidth() const { return CDrawArea_getWidth(ptr); }
	int getHeight() const { return CDrawArea_getHeight(ptr); }
	void setClipRect(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
	{ CDrawArea_setClipRect(ptr, left, top, right, bottom); }
	void setBgColor(int c) { CDrawArea_setBgColor(ptr, c); }

	void move(double xOffset, double yOffset, int bgColor = 0xffffff, int filter = Chart::LinearFilter,
		double blur = 1) { CDrawArea_move(ptr, xOffset, yOffset, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void rotate(double angle, int bgColor = 0xffffff, double cx = -1, double cy = -1,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
		{ CDrawArea_rotate(ptr, angle, bgColor, cx, cy, filter, blur); }
	void hFlip() { CDrawArea_hFlip(ptr); }
	void vFlip() { CDrawArea_vFlip(ptr); }
	void clone(DrawArea *d, int x, int y, int align, int newWidth = -1, int newHeight = -1,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1) const
		{ CDrawArea_clone(ptr, d->ptr, x, y, align, newWidth, newHeight, filter, blur); }

	void pixel(int x, int y, int c) { CDrawArea_pixel(ptr, x, y, c); }
	int getPixel(int x, int y) const { return CDrawArea_getPixel(ptr, x, y); }

	void hline(int x1, int x2, int y, int c) { CDrawArea_hline(ptr, x1, x2, y, c); }
	void vline(int y1, int y2, int x, int c) { CDrawArea_vline(ptr, y1, y2, x, c); }
	void line(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int c, int lineWidth = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_line(ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, c, lineWidth); }
	void arc(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, double a1, double a2, int c)
	{ CDrawArea_arc(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, a1, a2, c); }

	void rect(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int edgeColor, int fillColor, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ CDrawArea_rect(ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, edgeColor, fillColor, raisedEffect); }
	void polygon(const int *x, const int *y, int noOfPoints, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ polygon(IntArray(x, noOfPoints), IntArray(y, noOfPoints), edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void polygon(IntArray x, IntArray y, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_polygon2(ptr,, x.len,, y.len, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void polygon(DoubleArray x, DoubleArray y, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_polygon(ptr,, x.len,, y.len, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void surface(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depthX, int depthY,
		int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_surface(ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, depthX, depthY, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void sector(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, double a1, double a2, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_sector(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, a1, a2, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void cylinder(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, double a1, double a2,
		int depthX, int depthY, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_cylinder(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, a1, a2, depthX, depthY, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void circle(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_circle(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void ringSector(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int rx2, int ry2,
		double a1, double a2, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_ringSector(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, rx2, ry2, a1, a2, edgeColor, fillColor); }
	void ring(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int rx2, int ry2, int edgeColor, int fillColor)
	{ CDrawArea_ring(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, rx2, ry2, edgeColor, fillColor); }

	void fill(int x, int y, int color) { CDrawArea_fill(ptr, x, y, color); }
	void fill(int x, int y, int color, int borderColor) { CDrawArea_fill2(ptr, x, y, color, borderColor); }

	void text(const char *str, const char *font, double fontSize,
		int x, int y, int color)
	{ CDrawArea_text(ptr, str, font, fontSize, x, y, color); }
	void text(const wchar_t *str, const char *font, double fontSize,
		int x, int y, int color)
	{ CDrawArea_textw(ptr, str, font, fontSize, x, y, color); }
	void text(const char *str, const char *font, int fontIndex, double fontHeight, double fontWidth,
		double angle, bool vertical, int x, int y, int color, int alignment = Chart::TopLeft)
	{ CDrawArea_text2(ptr, str, font, fontIndex, fontHeight, fontWidth, angle, vertical, x, y, color, alignment); }
	void text(const wchar_t *str, const char *font, int fontIndex, double fontHeight, double fontWidth,
		double angle, bool vertical, int x, int y, int color, int alignment = Chart::TopLeft)
	{ CDrawArea_text2w(ptr, str, font, fontIndex, fontHeight, fontWidth, angle, vertical, x, y, color, alignment); }
	TTFText* text(const char *str, const char *font, double fontSize)
	{ return new TTFText(CDrawArea_text3(ptr, str, font, fontSize)); }
	TTFText* text(const wchar_t *str, const char *font, double fontSize)
	{ return new TTFText(CDrawArea_text3w(ptr, str, font, fontSize)); }
	TTFText* text(const wchar_t *text, const char *font, int fontIndex,
		double fontHeight, double fontWidth, double angle, bool vertical)
	{ return new TTFText(CDrawArea_text4w(ptr, text, font, fontIndex, fontHeight, fontWidth, angle, vertical)); }
	TTFText* text(const char *text, const char *font, int fontIndex,
		double fontHeight, double fontWidth, double angle, bool vertical)
	{ return new TTFText(CDrawArea_text4(ptr, text, font, fontIndex, fontHeight, fontWidth, angle, vertical)); }
	void close(TTFText *text) { delete text; }

	void merge(const DrawArea *d, int x, int y, int align, int transparency)
	{ CDrawArea_merge(ptr, d->ptr, x, y, align, transparency); }
	void tile(const DrawArea *d, int transparency)
	{ CDrawArea_tile(ptr, d->ptr, transparency); }

	void setSearchPath(const char *path) { CDrawArea_setSearchPath(ptr, path); }
	bool loadGIF(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_loadGIF(ptr, filename); }
	bool loadPNG(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_loadPNG(ptr, filename); }
	bool loadJPG(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_loadJPG(ptr, filename); }
	bool loadWMP(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_loadWMP(ptr, filename); }
	bool load(const char *filename)	{ return CDrawArea_load(ptr, filename); }

	void rAffineTransform(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f,
		int bgColor = 0xffffff, int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_rAffineTransform(ptr, a, b, c, d, e, f, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void affineTransform(double a, double b, double c, double d, double e, double f,
		int bgColor = 0xffffff, int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_affineTransform(ptr, a, b, c, d, e, f, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void sphereTransform(int xDiameter, int yDiameter, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_sphereTransform(ptr, xDiameter, yDiameter, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void hCylinderTransform(int yDiameter, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_hCylinderTransform(ptr, yDiameter, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void vCylinderTransform(int xDiameter, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_vCylinderTransform(ptr, xDiameter, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void vTriangleTransform(int tHeight = -1, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_vTriangleTransform(ptr, tHeight, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void hTriangleTransform(int tWidth = -1, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_hTriangleTransform(ptr, tWidth, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void shearTransform(double xShear, double yShear = 0, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_shearTransform(ptr, xShear, yShear, bgColor, filter, blur); }
	void waveTransform(int period, double amplitude, double direction = 0,
		double startAngle = 0, bool longitudinal = false, int bgColor = 0xffffff,
		int filter = Chart::LinearFilter, double blur = 1)
	{ CDrawArea_waveTransform(ptr, period, amplitude, direction, startAngle, longitudinal, bgColor, filter, blur); }

	bool out(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_out(ptr, filename); }

	bool outGIF(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_outGIF(ptr, filename); }
	bool outPNG(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_outPNG(ptr, filename); }
	bool outJPG(const char *filename, int quality = 80) { return CDrawArea_outJPG(ptr, filename, quality); }
	bool outWMP(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_outWMP(ptr, filename); }
	bool outBMP(const char *filename) { return CDrawArea_outBMP(ptr, filename); }
	bool outSVG(const char *filename, const char *options = 0) { return CDrawArea_outSVG(ptr, filename, options); }

	bool outGIF(const char **data, int *len) { return CDrawArea_outGIF2(ptr, data, len); }
	bool outPNG(const char **data, int *len) { return CDrawArea_outPNG2(ptr, data, len); }
	bool outJPG(const char **data, int *len, int quality = 80) { return CDrawArea_outJPG2(ptr, data, len, quality); }
	bool outWMP(const char **data, int *len) { return CDrawArea_outWMP2(ptr, data, len); }
	bool outBMP(const char **data, int *len) { return CDrawArea_outBMP2(ptr, data, len); }

	MemBlock outGIF() { const char *data; int len; outGIF(&data, &len); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	MemBlock outPNG() { const char *data; int len; outPNG(&data, &len); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	MemBlock outJPG(int quality = 80) { const char *data; int len; outJPG(&data, &len, quality); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	MemBlock outWMP() { const char *data; int len; outWMP(&data, &len); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	MemBlock outBMP() { const char *data; int len; outBMP(&data, &len); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	MemBlock outSVG2(const char *options = 0) 
	{ const char *data; int len; CDrawArea_outSVG2(ptr, &data, &len, options); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	MemBlock outSVG() { return outSVG2(); }

	void setPaletteMode(int p) { CDrawArea_setPaletteMode(ptr, p); }
	void setDitherMethod(int m) { CDrawArea_setDitherMethod(ptr, m); }
	void setTransparentColor(int c) { CDrawArea_setTransparentColor(ptr, c); }
	void setAntiAliasText(int a) { CDrawArea_setAntiAliasText(ptr, a); }
	void setAntiAlias(bool shapeAntiAlias = true, int textAntiAlias = Chart::AutoAntiAlias)
	{ CDrawArea_setAntiAlias(ptr, shapeAntiAlias, textAntiAlias); }
	void setInterlace(bool i) { CDrawArea_setInterlace(ptr, i); }

	void setColorTable(const int *colors, int noOfColors, int offset)
	{ CDrawArea_setColorTable(ptr, colors, noOfColors, offset); }
	void setColorTable(IntArray colors, int offset)
	{ setColorTable(, colors.len, offset); }
	int getARGBColor(int c) { return CDrawArea_getARGBColor(ptr, c); }
	int halfColor(int c) { return CDrawArea_halfColor(ptr, c); }
	int adjustBrightness(int c, double brightness) { return CDrawArea_adjustBrightness(ptr, c, brightness); }

	int dashLineColor(int color, int patternCode = Chart::DashLine)
	{ return CDrawArea_dashLineColor(ptr, color, patternCode); }
	int patternColor(const int *c, int w, int h, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return patternColor(IntArray(c, w * h), startX, startY); }
	int patternColor(IntArray colorArray, int height, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CDrawArea_patternColor(ptr,, colorArray.len, height, startX, startY); }
	int patternColor(const char *filename, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CDrawArea_patternColor2(ptr, filename, startX, startY); }
	int gradientColor(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int startColor, int endColor)
	{ return CDrawArea_gradientColor(ptr, startX, startY, endX, endY, startColor, endColor); }
	int gradientColor(IntArray colorArray, double angle = 90, double scale = 1.0, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CDrawArea_gradientColor2(ptr,, colorArray.len, angle, scale, startX, startY); }
	int gradientColor(const int *c, double angle = 90, double scale = 1, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CDrawArea_gradientColor2a(ptr, c, angle, scale, startX, startY); }
	int linearGradientColor(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int startColor, int endColor, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CDrawArea_linearGradientColor(ptr, startX, startY, endX, endY, startColor, endColor, periodic); }
	int linearGradientColor(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, IntArray c, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CDrawArea_linearGradientColor2(ptr, startX, startY, endX, endY,, c.len, periodic); }
	int radialGradientColor(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int startColor, int endColor, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CDrawArea_radialGradientColor(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, startColor, endColor, periodic); }
	int radialGradientColor(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, IntArray c, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CDrawArea_radialGradientColor2(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry,, c.len, periodic); }

	int reduceColors(int colorCount, bool blackAndWhite = false)
	{ return CDrawArea_reduceColors(ptr, colorCount, blackAndWhite); }
	void setDefaultFonts(const char *normal, const char *bold = 0, const char *italic = 0,
		const char *boldItalic = 0)
	{ CDrawArea_setDefaultFonts(ptr, normal, bold, italic, boldItalic); }
	void setFontTable(int index, const char *font)
	{ CDrawArea_setFontTable(ptr, index, font); }

	// Ver 5.1 
	void initDynamicLayer()
	{ CDrawArea_initDynamicLayer(ptr); }
	void removeDynamicLayer(bool keepOriginal = false)
	{ CDrawArea_removeDynamicLayer(ptr, keepOriginal); }

class DrawObj : public AutoDestroy
private :
	//disable copying
	DrawObj(const DrawObj &rhs);
	DrawObj &operator=(const DrawObj &rhs);

	DrawObjInternal *ptr;

public :
	DrawObj(DrawObjInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	void destroy() { delete this; }
	DrawObjInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }

	void setZOrder(int z) { CDrawObj_setZOrder(ptr, z); }
	void paint(DrawArea *d) { CDrawObj_paint(ptr, d->getInternalPtr()); }

class Box : public DrawObj
private :
	//disable copying
	Box(const Box &rhs);
	Box &operator=(const Box &rhs);

	BoxInternal *ptr;

public :
	Box(BoxInternal *_ptr) : DrawObj(Box2DrawObj(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~Box() {}

	void setPos(int x, int y) { CBox_setPos(ptr, x, y); }
	void setSize(int w, int h) { CBox_setSize(ptr, w, h); }
	void setBackground(int color, int edgeColor = -1, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ CBox_setBackground(ptr, color, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }
	void setRoundedCorners(int r1 = 10, int r2 = -1, int r3 = -1, int r4 = -1)
	{ CBox_setRoundedCorners(ptr, r1, r2, r3, r4); }
	int getLeftX() const { return CBox_getLeftX(ptr); }
	int getTopY() const { return CBox_getTopY(ptr); }
	int getWidth() const { return CBox_getWidth(ptr); }
	int getHeight() const { return CBox_getHeight(ptr); }
	const char *getImageCoor(int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CBox_getImageCoor(ptr, offsetX, offsetY); }

class TextBox : public Box
private :
	//disable copying
	TextBox(const TextBox &rhs);
	TextBox &operator=(const TextBox &rhs);

	TextBoxInternal *ptr;

public :
	TextBox(TextBoxInternal *_ptr) : Box(TextBox2Box(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~TextBox() {}

	void setText(const char *text) { CTextBox_setText(ptr, text); }
	void setAlignment(int a) { CTextBox_setAlignment(ptr, a); }
	void setFontStyle(const char *font, int fontIndex = 0)
	{ CTextBox_setFontStyle(ptr, font, fontIndex); }
	void setFontSize(double fontHeight, double fontWidth = 0)
	{ CTextBox_setFontSize(ptr, fontHeight, fontWidth); }
	void setFontAngle(double angle, bool vertical = false)
	{ CTextBox_setFontAngle(ptr, angle, vertical); }
	void setFontColor(int color) { CTextBox_setFontColor(ptr, color); }
	void setMargin(int m)  { CTextBox_setMargin(ptr, m); }
	void setMargin(int leftMargin, int rightMargin, int topMargin, int bottomMargin)
	{ CTextBox_setMargin2(ptr, leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin); }
	void setWidth(int width) { CTextBox_setWidth(ptr, width); }	
	void setHeight(int height) { CTextBox_setHeight(ptr, height); }
	void setMaxWidth(int maxWidth) { CTextBox_setMaxWidth(ptr, maxWidth); }
	void setTruncate(int maxWidth, int maxLines = 1) 
	{ CTextBox_setTruncate(ptr, maxWidth, maxLines); }

//for compatibility with ChartDirector Ver 1.5 C++ code
typedef TextBox TextStyle;

class Line : public DrawObj
private :
	//disable copying
	Line(const Line &rhs);
	Line &operator=(const Line &rhs);

	LineInternal *ptr;

public :
	Line(LineInternal *_ptr) : DrawObj(Line2DrawObj(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~Line() {}

	void setPos(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { CLine_setPos(ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2); }
	void setColor(int c) { CLine_setColor(ptr, c); }
	void setWidth(int w) { CLine_setWidth(ptr, w); }

class CDMLTable : public DrawObj, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	CDMLTable(const CDMLTable &rhs);
	CDMLTable &operator=(const CDMLTable &rhs);

	CDMLTableInternal *ptr;

	TextBox *makeTextBox(TextBoxInternal *p) 
	{ if (!p) return 0; TextBox *ret = new TextBox(p); reg(ret); return ret; }

public :
	CDMLTable(CDMLTableInternal *_ptr) : DrawObj(CDMLTable2DrawObj(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~CDMLTable() {}

	void setPos(int x, int y, int alignment = Chart::TopLeft)
	{ CCDMLTable_setPos(ptr, x, y, alignment); }

	TextBox *insertCol(int col) { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_insertCol(ptr, col)); }
	TextBox *appendCol() { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_appendCol(ptr)); }
	int getColCount() const { return CCDMLTable_getColCount(ptr); }
	TextBox *insertRow(int row) { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_insertRow(ptr, row)); }
	TextBox *appendRow() { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_appendRow(ptr)); }
	int getRowCount() const { return CCDMLTable_getRowCount(ptr); }

	TextBox *setText(int col, int row, const char *text) 
	{ return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_setText(ptr, col, row, text)); }
	TextBox *setCell(int col, int row, int width, int height, const char *text)
	{ return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_setCell(ptr, col, row, width, height, text)); }
	TextBox *getCell(int col, int row)
	{ return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_getCell(ptr, col, row)); }

	TextBox *getColStyle(int col) { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_getColStyle(ptr, col)); }
	TextBox *getRowStyle(int row) { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_getRowStyle(ptr, row)); }
	TextBox *getStyle() { return makeTextBox(CCDMLTable_getStyle(ptr)); }

	void layout() { CCDMLTable_layout(ptr); }
	int getColWidth(int col) const { return CCDMLTable_getColWidth(ptr, col); }
	int getRowHeight(int row) const { return CCDMLTable_getRowHeight(ptr, row); }
	int getWidth() const { return CCDMLTable_getWidth(ptr); }
	int getHeight() const { return CCDMLTable_getHeight(ptr); }

class LegendBox : public TextBox
private :
	//disable copying
	LegendBox(const LegendBox &rhs);
	LegendBox &operator=(const LegendBox &rhs);

	LegendBoxInternal *ptr;

public :
	LegendBox(LegendBoxInternal *_ptr) : TextBox(LegendBox2TextBox(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~LegendBox() {}

	void setCols(int noOfCols) { CLegendBox_setCols(ptr, noOfCols); }
	void setReverse(bool b = true) { CLegendBox_setReverse(ptr, b); }
	void setLineStyleKey(bool b = true) { CLegendBox_setLineStyleKey(ptr, b); }

	void addKey(const char *text, int color, int lineWidth = 0, const DrawArea *drawarea = 0)
	{ CLegendBox_addKey(ptr, text, color, lineWidth, drawarea ? drawarea->getInternalPtr() : 0); }
	void addKey(int pos, const char *text, int color, int lineWidth = 0, const DrawArea *drawarea = 0)
	{ CLegendBox_addKey2(ptr, pos, text, color, lineWidth, drawarea ? drawarea->getInternalPtr() : 0); }
	void setKeySize(int width, int height = -1, int gap = -1)
	{ CLegendBox_setKeySize(ptr, width, height, gap); }
	void setKeySpacing(int keySpacing, int lineSpacing = -1)
	{ CLegendBox_setKeySpacing(ptr, keySpacing, lineSpacing); }
	void setKeyBorder(int edgeColor, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ CLegendBox_setKeyBorder(ptr, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }

	const char *getImageCoor(int dataItem, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CLegendBox_getImageCoor(ptr, dataItem, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0,
		int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CLegendBox_getHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }

class BaseChart : protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	BaseChart(const BaseChart &rhs);
	BaseChart &operator=(const BaseChart &rhs);

	BaseChartInternal *ptr;
	int *refCount;
	DrawArea *drawAreaCache;
	DrawArea *regDrawArea(DrawAreaInternal *_ptr) {
		if (!_ptr) return 0;
		if ((0 == drawAreaCache) || (_ptr != drawAreaCache->getInternalPtr())) { 
			drawAreaCache = new DrawArea(_ptr); reg(drawAreaCache); 
		return drawAreaCache;

public :
	//obsoleted constants - for compatibility only
	enum ImgFormat {PNG, GIF, JPG, WMP};

	BaseChart() : ptr(0), refCount(new int), drawAreaCache(0) { *refCount = 1; }
	BaseChart(BaseChart *rhs) : ptr(rhs->ptr), refCount(rhs->refCount), drawAreaCache(0) { ++(*refCount); }
	void init(BaseChartInternal *_ptr) { this->ptr = _ptr; }
	~BaseChart() { if (--(*refCount) == 0) { CBaseChart_destroy(ptr); delete refCount; } }
	void destroy() { delete this; }
	BaseChartInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }
	const BaseChartInternal *getInternalPtr() const { return ptr; }

	void enableVectorOutput() { CBaseChart_enableVectorOutput(ptr); }

	//	set overall chart
	void setSize(int width, int height) { CBaseChart_setSize(ptr, width, height); }
	int getWidth() const { return CBaseChart_getWidth(ptr); }
	int getHeight() const { return CBaseChart_getHeight(ptr); }
	void setBackground(int color, int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ CBaseChart_setBackground(ptr, color, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }
	void setBorder(int color)	//deprecated - use setBackground
	{ CBaseChart_setBorder(ptr, color); }
	void setRoundedFrame(int extColor = 0xffffff, int r1 = 10, int r2 = -1, int r3 = -1, int r4 = -1)
	{ CBaseChart_setRoundedFrame(ptr, extColor, r1, r2, r3, r4); }
	void setWallpaper(const char *img) { CBaseChart_setWallpaper(ptr, img); }
	void setBgImage(const char *img, int align = Chart::Center)
	{ CBaseChart_setBgImage(ptr, img, align); }
	void setDropShadow(int color = 0xaaaaaa, int offsetX = 5, int offsetY = 0x7fffffff, int blurRadius = 5)
	{ CBaseChart_setDropShadow(ptr, color, offsetX, offsetY, blurRadius) ; }
	void setTransparentColor(int c)
	{ CBaseChart_setTransparentColor(ptr, c); }
	void setAntiAlias(bool shapeAntiAlias = true, int textAntiAlias = Chart::AutoAntiAlias)
	{ CBaseChart_setAntiAlias(ptr, shapeAntiAlias, textAntiAlias); }
	void setSearchPath(const char *path)
	{ CBaseChart_setSearchPath(ptr, path); }

	TextBox *addTitle(const char *text, const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 12,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, int bgColor = Chart::Transparent, int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CBaseChart_addTitle(ptr, text, font, fontSize, fontColor, bgColor, edgeColor)); reg(ret); return ret;}
	TextBox *addTitle(int alignment, const char *text, const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 12,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, int bgColor = Chart::Transparent, int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CBaseChart_addTitle2(ptr, alignment, text, font, fontSize, fontColor, bgColor, edgeColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	LegendBox *addLegend(int x, int y, bool vertical = true, const char *font = 0,
		double fontSize = 10)
	{ LegendBox *ret = new LegendBox(CBaseChart_addLegend(ptr, x, y, vertical, font, fontSize)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	LegendBox *addLegend2(int x, int y, int noOfCols, const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 10)
	{ LegendBox *ret = new LegendBox(CBaseChart_addLegend2(ptr, x, y, noOfCols, font, fontSize)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	LegendBox *getLegend() { LegendBox *ret = new LegendBox(CBaseChart_getLegend(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	//	drawing primitives
	DrawArea *getDrawArea() { return regDrawArea(CBaseChart_getDrawArea(ptr)); }
	TextBox *addText(int x, int y, const char *text, const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, int alignment = Chart::TopLeft, double angle = 0, bool vertical = false)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CBaseChart_addText(ptr, x, y, text, font, fontSize, fontColor, alignment, angle, vertical)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	Line *addLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int color = Chart::LineColor, int lineWidth = 1)
	{ Line *ret = new Line(CBaseChart_addLine(ptr, x1, y1, x2, y2, color, lineWidth)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	CDMLTable *addTable(int x, int y, int alignment, int col, int row)
	{ CDMLTable *ret = new CDMLTable(CBaseChart_addTable(ptr, x, y, alignment, col, row)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void addExtraField(StringArray texts) { CBaseChart_addExtraField(ptr,, texts.len); }
	void addExtraField(DoubleArray numbers) { CBaseChart_addExtraField2(ptr,, numbers.len); }

	//	color management methods
	void setColor(int paletteEntry, int color)
	{ setColors(paletteEntry, IntArray(&color, 1)); }
	void setColors(int paletteEntry, const int *colors)
	{ for (int i = 0; i < 0xffff; ++i) if (colors[i] == -1) { setColors(paletteEntry, IntArray(colors, i)); return; } }
	void setColors(int paletteEntry, IntArray colors)
	{ CBaseChart_setColors(ptr, paletteEntry,, colors.len); }
	void setColors(const int *colors) { setColors(0, colors); }
	void setColors(IntArray colors) { setColors(0, colors); }
	int getColor(int paletteEntry) { return CBaseChart_getColor(ptr, paletteEntry); }
	int halfColor(int c) { return CBaseChart_halfColor(ptr, c); }
	int adjustBrightness(int c, double brightness) { return CBaseChart_adjustBrightness(ptr, c, brightness); }

	int dashLineColor(int color, int patternCode = Chart::DashLine)
	{ return CBaseChart_dashLineColor(ptr, color, patternCode); }
	int patternColor(const int *c, int w, int h, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return patternColor(IntArray(c, w * h), startX, startY); }
	int patternColor(IntArray colorArray, int height, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CBaseChart_patternColor(ptr,, colorArray.len, height, startX, startY); }
	int patternColor(const char *filename, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CBaseChart_patternColor2(ptr, filename, startX, startY); }
	int gradientColor(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int startColor, int endColor)
	{ return CBaseChart_gradientColor(ptr, startX, startY, endX, endY, startColor, endColor); }
	int gradientColor(IntArray colorArray, double angle = 90, double scale = 1.0, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CBaseChart_gradientColor2(ptr,, colorArray.len, angle, scale, startX, startY); }
	int gradientColor(const int *c, double angle = 90, double scale = 1, int startX = 0, int startY = 0)
	{ return CBaseChart_gradientColor2a(ptr, c, angle, scale, startX, startY); }
	int linearGradientColor(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, int startColor, int endColor, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CBaseChart_linearGradientColor(ptr, startX, startY, endX, endY, startColor, endColor, periodic); }
	int linearGradientColor(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY, IntArray c, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CBaseChart_linearGradientColor2(ptr, startX, startY, endX, endY,, c.len, periodic); }
	int radialGradientColor(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, int startColor, int endColor, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CBaseChart_radialGradientColor(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry, startColor, endColor, periodic); }
	int radialGradientColor(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, IntArray c, bool periodic = false)
	{ return CBaseChart_radialGradientColor2(ptr, cx, cy, rx, ry,, c.len, periodic); }

	//	locale support
	void setDefaultFonts(const char *normal, const char *bold = 0, const char *italic = 0,
		const char *boldItalic = 0)
	{ CBaseChart_setDefaultFonts(ptr, normal, bold, italic, boldItalic); }
	void setFontTable(int index, const char *font)
	{ CBaseChart_setFontTable(ptr, index, font); }

	void setNumberFormat(char thousandSeparator = '~', char decimalPointChar = '.', char signChar = '-')
	{ CBaseChart_setNumberFormat(ptr, thousandSeparator, decimalPointChar, signChar); }
	void setMonthNames(StringArray names)
	{ CBaseChart_setMonthNames(ptr,, names.len); }
	void setWeekDayNames(StringArray names)
	{ CBaseChart_setWeekDayNames(ptr,, names.len); }
	void setAMPM(const char *am, const char *pm)
	{ CBaseChart_setAMPM(ptr, am, pm); }
	const char *formatValue(double value, const char *formatString)
	{ return CBaseChart_formatValue(ptr, value, formatString); }

	//	chart creation methods
	LegendBox *layoutLegend() { LegendBox *ret = new LegendBox(CBaseChart_layoutLegend(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void layout() { CBaseChart_layout(ptr); }
	bool makeChart(const char *filename)
	{ return CBaseChart_makeChart(ptr, filename); }
	bool makeChart(int format, const char **data, int *len)
	{ return CBaseChart_makeChart2(ptr, format, data, len); }
	MemBlock makeChart(int format)
	{ const char *data; int len; makeChart(format, &data, &len); return MemBlock(data, len); }
	DrawArea *makeChart()
	{ return regDrawArea(CBaseChart_makeChart3(ptr)); }

	//	image map support
	const char *getHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0,
		int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CBaseChart_getHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getChartMetrics() { return CBaseChart_getChartMetrics(ptr); }	

	// Ver 5.1 
	int getAbsOffsetX() const
	{ return CBaseChart_getAbsOffsetX(ptr); }
	int getAbsOffsetY() const
	{ return CBaseChart_getAbsOffsetY(ptr); }

	DrawArea *initDynamicLayer() 
	{ return regDrawArea(CBaseChart_initDynamicLayer(ptr)); }
	void removeDynamicLayer() 
	{ CBaseChart_removeDynamicLayer(ptr); }
	const char *getJsChartModel(const char *options = 0)
	{ return CBaseChart_getJsChartModel(ptr, options); }

class MultiChart : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	MultiChart(const MultiChart &rhs);
	MultiChart &operator=(const MultiChart &rhs);

	MultiChartInternal *ptr;

	const BaseChart *mainChart;
	BaseChart **charts;
	int chartCount;
	int maxChartCount;

public :
	MultiChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0) :
		mainChart(0), charts(0), chartCount(0), maxChartCount(0)
	{ ptr = CMultiChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(MultiChart2BaseChart(ptr)); mainChart = 0; }
	static MultiChart *create(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ return new MultiChart(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }
	~MultiChart() { delete[] charts; }
	void addChart(int x, int y, BaseChart *c) {
		if (0 != c) {
			CMultiChart_addChart(ptr, x, y, c->getInternalPtr()); 
			if (chartCount == maxChartCount) { 
				maxChartCount = (maxChartCount < 10) ? 10 : maxChartCount * 2; 
				BaseChart **temp = new BaseChart*[maxChartCount];
				for (int i = 0; i < chartCount; ++i) temp[i] = charts[i];
				delete[] charts; charts = temp;
			charts[chartCount++] = c;
	BaseChart *getChart(int i = 0) {
		if (i == -1)
			return (BaseChart *)mainChart;
		if ((i >= 0) && (i < chartCount))
			return charts[i];
		return 0;
	int getChartCount() {
		return chartCount;
	void setMainChart(const BaseChart *c) 
	{ CMultiChart_setMainChart(ptr, c->getInternalPtr()); mainChart = c;}

class Sector : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	Sector(const Sector &rhs);
	Sector &operator=(const Sector &rhs);

	SectorInternal *ptr;

public :
	Sector(SectorInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~Sector() {}

	void setExplode(int distance = -1)
	{ CSector_setExplode(ptr, distance); }
	void setLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CSector_setLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	TextBox *setLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CSector_setLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret;}
	void setLabelPos(int pos, int joinLineColor = -1)
	{ CSector_setLabelPos(ptr, pos, joinLineColor); }
	void setLabelLayout(int layoutMethod, int pos = -1)
	{ CSector_setLabelLayout(ptr, layoutMethod, pos); }
	void setJoinLine(int joinLineColor, int joinLineWidth = 1)
	{ CSector_setJoinLine(ptr, joinLineColor, joinLineWidth); }
	void setColor(int color, int edgeColor = -1, int joinLineColor = -1)
	{ CSector_setColor(ptr, color, edgeColor, joinLineColor); }
	void setStyle(int shadingMethod, int edgeColor = -1, int edgeWidth = -1)
	{ CSector_setStyle(ptr, shadingMethod, edgeColor, edgeWidth); }
	const char *getImageCoor(int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CSector_getImageCoor(ptr, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getLabelCoor(int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CSector_getLabelCoor(ptr, offsetX, offsetY); }

class PieChart : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	PieChart(const PieChart &rhs);
	PieChart &operator=(const PieChart &rhs);

	PieChartInternal *ptr;

public :
	PieChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CPieChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(PieChart2BaseChart(ptr)); }
	static PieChart *create(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ return new PieChart(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }

	void setPieSize(int x, int y, int r)
	{ CPieChart_setPieSize(ptr, x, y, r); }
	void setDonutSize(int x, int y, int r, int r2)
	{ CPieChart_setDonutSize(ptr, x, y, r, r2); }
	void set3D(int depth = -1, double angle = -1, bool shadowMode = false)
	{ CPieChart_set3D(ptr, depth, angle, shadowMode); }
	void set3D(DoubleArray depths, double angle = 45, bool shadowMode = false)
	{ CPieChart_set3D2(ptr,, depths.len, angle, shadowMode); }
	void setSectorStyle(int shadingMethod, int edgeColor = -1, int edgeWidth = -1)
	{ CPieChart_setSectorStyle(ptr, shadingMethod, edgeColor, edgeWidth); }
	void setStartAngle(double startAngle, bool clockWise = true)
	{ CPieChart_setStartAngle(ptr, startAngle, clockWise); }
	void setExplode(int sectorNo = -1, int distance = -1)
	{ CPieChart_setExplode(ptr, sectorNo, distance); }
	void setExplodeGroup(int startSector, int endSector, int distance = -1)
	{ CPieChart_setExplodeGroup(ptr, startSector, endSector, distance); }

	void setLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CPieChart_setLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	TextBox *setLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPieChart_setLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret;}
	void setLabelPos(int pos, int joinLineColor = -1)
	{ CPieChart_setLabelPos(ptr, pos, joinLineColor); }
	void setLabelLayout(int layoutMethod, int pos = -1, int topBound = -1, int bottomBound = -1)
	{ CPieChart_setLabelLayout(ptr, layoutMethod, pos, topBound, bottomBound); }
	void setJoinLine(int joinLineColor, int joinLineWidth = 1)
	{ CPieChart_setJoinLine(ptr, joinLineColor, joinLineWidth); }
	void setLineColor(int edgeColor, int joinLineColor = -1)
	{ CPieChart_setLineColor(ptr, edgeColor, joinLineColor); }

	void setData(int noOfPoints, const double *data, const char* const* labels = 0)
	{ setData(DoubleArray(data, noOfPoints), StringArray(labels, labels ? noOfPoints : 0)); }
	void setData(DoubleArray data, StringArray labels = StringArray())
	{ CPieChart_setData(ptr,, data.len,, labels.len); }

	Sector *getSector(int sectorNo)
	{ SectorInternal *p = CPieChart_sector(ptr, sectorNo); if (!p) return 0;
	  Sector *ret = new Sector(p); reg(ret); return ret; }
	Sector *sector(int sectorNo) { return getSector(sectorNo); }

class LineObj;
namespace My
class Mark : public TextBox
private :
	//disable copying
	Mark(const Mark &rhs);
	Mark &operator=(const Mark &rhs);

	MarkInternal *ptr;

public :
	Mark(MarkInternal *_ptr) : TextBox(Mark2TextBox(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~Mark() {}

	void setValue(double value) { CMark_setValue(ptr, value); }
	void setMarkColor(int lineColor, int textColor = -1, int tickColor = -1)
	{ CMark_setMarkColor(ptr, lineColor, textColor, tickColor); }
	void setLineWidth(int w) { CMark_setLineWidth(ptr, w); }
	void setDrawOnTop(bool b) { CMark_setDrawOnTop(ptr, b); }
	LineObj *getLine() { return (LineObj *)CMark_getLine(ptr); }

class Axis : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	Axis(const Axis &rhs);
	Axis &operator=(const Axis &rhs);

	AxisInternal *ptr;

public :
	Axis(AxisInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~Axis() {}
	AxisInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }
	const AxisInternal *getInternalPtr() const { return ptr; }

	TextBox *setLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAxis_setLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void setLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CAxis_setLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	void setLabelGap(int d)
	{ CAxis_setLabelGap(ptr, d); }

	void setMultiFormat(int filter1, const char *format1, int filter2, const char *format2, int labelSpan = 1, bool promoteFirst = true)
	{ CAxis_setMultiFormat(ptr, filter1, format1, filter2, format2, labelSpan, promoteFirst); }
	void setMultiFormat(int filterId, const char *formatString, int labelSpan = 1, bool promoteFirst = true)
	{ CAxis_setMultiFormat2(ptr, filterId, formatString, labelSpan, promoteFirst); }
	void setFormatCondition(const char *condition, double operand = 0)
	{ CAxis_setFormatCondition(ptr, condition, operand); }

	TextBox *setTitle(const char *text, const char *font = 0,
		double fontSize = 8, int fontColor = Chart::TextColor)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAxis_setTitle(ptr, text, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void setTitlePos(int alignment, int titleGap = 3)
	{ CAxis_setTitlePos(ptr, alignment, titleGap); }

	void setColors(int axisColor, int labelColor = Chart::TextColor, int titleColor = -1,
		int tickColor = -1)
	{ CAxis_setColors(ptr, axisColor, labelColor, titleColor, tickColor); }

	void setTickLength(int majorTickLen)
	{ CAxis_setTickLength(ptr, majorTickLen); }
	void setTickLength(int majorTickLen, int minorTickLen)
	{ CAxis_setTickLength2(ptr, majorTickLen, minorTickLen); }
	void setTickWidth(int majorTickWidth, int minorTickWidth = -1)
	{ CAxis_setTickWidth(ptr, majorTickWidth, minorTickWidth); }
	void setTickColor(int majorTickColor, int minorTickColor = -1)
	{ CAxis_setTickColor(ptr, majorTickColor, minorTickColor); }

	void setWidth(int width) { CAxis_setWidth(ptr, width); }
	void setLength(int length) { CAxis_setLength(ptr, length); }
	void setOffset(int x, int y) { CAxis_setOffset(ptr, x, y); }

	void setAngle(double startAngle) { CAxis_setAngle(ptr, startAngle); }
	void setTopMargin(int topMargin) //obsoleted - use setMargin(int, int)
	{ setMargin(topMargin); }
	void setMargin(int topMargin, int bottomMargin = 0)
	{ CAxis_setMargin(ptr, topMargin, bottomMargin); }
	void setIndent(bool indent) { CAxis_setIndent(ptr, indent); }
	void setTickOffset(double offset) { CAxis_setTickOffset(ptr, offset); }
	void setLabelOffset(double offset) { CAxis_setLabelOffset(ptr, offset); }

	void setAutoScale(double topExtension = 0.1, double bottomExtension = 0.1, double zeroAffinity = 0.8)
	{ CAxis_setAutoScale(ptr, topExtension, bottomExtension, zeroAffinity); }
	void setRounding(bool roundMin, bool roundMax)
	{ CAxis_setRounding(ptr, roundMin, roundMax); }
	void setTickDensity(int majorTickSpacing, int minorTickSpacing = -1)
	{ CAxis_setTickDensity(ptr, majorTickSpacing, minorTickSpacing); }
	void setReverse(bool b = true)
	{ CAxis_setReverse(ptr, b); }
	void setMinTickInc(double inc) { CAxis_setMinTickInc(ptr, inc); }

	TextBox *setLabels(int noOfLabels, const char* const* text) //obsoleted - use setLabels(StringArray)
	{ return setLabels(StringArray(text, noOfLabels)); }
	TextBox *setLabels(StringArray labels)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAxis_setLabels(ptr,, labels.len)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TextBox *setLabels(DoubleArray labels, const char *formatString = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAxis_setLabels2(ptr,, labels.len, formatString)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	CDMLTable *makeLabelTable() 
	{ CDMLTable *ret = new CDMLTable(CAxis_makeLabelTable(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	CDMLTable *getLabelTable()
	{ CDMLTableInternal *p = CAxis_getLabelTable(ptr); if (!p) return 0; 
	  CDMLTable *ret = new CDMLTable(p); reg(ret); return ret; }

	void setLabelStep(int majorTickStep, int minorTickStep = 0, int majorTickOffset = 0, int minorTickOffset = -0x7fffffff)
	{ CAxis_setLabelStep(ptr, majorTickStep, minorTickStep, majorTickOffset, minorTickOffset); }

	void setLinearScale(const char *formatString = 0)
	{ CAxis_setLinearScale3(ptr, formatString); }
	void setLinearScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, StringArray labels)
	{ CAxis_setLinearScale2(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit,, labels.len); }
	void setLinearScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, double majorTickInc = 0, double minorTickInc = 0)
	{ CAxis_setLinearScale(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit, majorTickInc, minorTickInc); }

	void setLogScale(bool logScale) //obsoleted - use setLogScale(const char *)/setLinearScale(const char *)
	{ if (logScale) setLogScale(); else setLinearScale(); }

	void setLogScale(const char *formatString = 0)
	{ CAxis_setLogScale3(ptr, formatString); }
	void setLogScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, StringArray labels)
	{ CAxis_setLogScale2(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit,, labels.len); }
	void setLogScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, double majorTickInc = 0, double minorTickInc = 0)
	{ CAxis_setLogScale(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit, majorTickInc, minorTickInc); }

	void setDateScale(const char *formatString = 0)
	{ CAxis_setDateScale3(ptr, formatString); }
	void setDateScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, StringArray labels)
	{ CAxis_setDateScale2(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit,, labels.len); }
	void setDateScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit,	double majorTickInc = 0, double minorTickInc = 0)
	{ CAxis_setDateScale(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit, majorTickInc, minorTickInc); }

	void syncAxis(const Axis *axis, double slope = 1, double intercept = 0)
	{ CAxis_syncAxis(ptr, axis->ptr, slope, intercept); }
	void copyAxis(const Axis *axis)
	{ CAxis_copyAxis(ptr, axis->ptr); }

	void addLabel(double pos, const char *label)
	{ CAxis_addLabel(ptr, pos, label); }

	My::Mark *addMark(double value, int lineColor, const char *text = 0,
		const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8)
	{ My::Mark *ret = new My::Mark(CAxis_addMark(ptr, value, lineColor, text, font, fontSize)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void addZone(double startValue, double endValue, int color)
	{ CAxis_addZone(ptr, startValue, endValue, color); }

	int getCoor(double v) const { return CAxis_getCoor(ptr, v); }
	int getX() { return CAxis_getX(ptr); }
	int getY() { return CAxis_getY(ptr); }
	int getAlignment() { return CAxis_getAlignment(ptr); }
	double getMinValue() const { return CAxis_getMinValue(ptr); }
	double getMaxValue() const { return CAxis_getMaxValue(ptr); }
	int getThickness() const { return CAxis_getThickness(ptr); }

	DoubleArray getTicks() const
	{ const double *d; int len; CAxis_getTicks(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
	const char *getLabel(double i) const { return CAxis_getLabel(ptr, i); }
	const char *getFormattedLabel(double v, const char *formatString = 0) 
	{ return CAxis_getFormattedLabel(ptr, v, formatString); }

	const char *getAxisImageMap(int noOfSegments, int mapWidth, const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, 
		const char *extraAttr = 0, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0) const
	{ return CAxis_getAxisImageMap(ptr, noOfSegments, mapWidth, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0,
		int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0) const
	{ return CAxis_getHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }

//	for compatibility
typedef Axis BaseAxis;
typedef BaseAxis XAxis;
typedef BaseAxis YAxis;

//	In this version, PolarChart RadialAxis is the same as the XYChart Axis
typedef Axis RadialAxis;

//	AngularAxis for PolarChart
class AngularAxis : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	AngularAxis(const AngularAxis &rhs);
	AngularAxis &operator=(const AngularAxis &rhs);

	AngularAxisInternal *ptr;

public :
	AngularAxis(AngularAxisInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~AngularAxis() {}

	TextBox *setLabelStyle(const char *font = "bold", double fontSize = 10,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAngularAxis_setLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void setLabelGap(int d) { CAngularAxis_setLabelGap(ptr, d); }

	TextBox *setLabels(StringArray labels)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAngularAxis_setLabels(ptr,, labels.len)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TextBox *setLabels(DoubleArray labels, const char *formatString = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CAngularAxis_setLabels2(ptr,, labels.len, formatString)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void addLabel(double pos, const char *label)
	{ CAngularAxis_addLabel(ptr, pos, label); }

	void setLinearScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, StringArray labels)
	{ CAngularAxis_setLinearScale2(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit,, labels.len); }
	void setLinearScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, double majorTickInc = 0, double minorTickInc = 0)
	{ CAngularAxis_setLinearScale(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit, majorTickInc, minorTickInc); }

	void addZone(double startValue, double endValue, double startRadius, double endRadius, 
		int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CAngularAxis_addZone(ptr, startValue, endValue, startRadius, endRadius, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void addZone(double startValue, double endValue, int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CAngularAxis_addZone2(ptr, startValue, endValue, fillColor, edgeColor); }

	const char *getAxisImageMap(int noOfSegments, int mapWidth, const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, 
		const char *extraAttr = 0, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0) const
	{ return CAngularAxis_getAxisImageMap(ptr, noOfSegments, mapWidth, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0,
		int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0) const
	{ return CAngularAxis_getHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }

class ColorAxis : public Axis
private :
	//disable copying
	ColorAxis(const ColorAxis &rhs);
	ColorAxis &operator=(const ColorAxis &rhs);

	ColorAxisInternal *ptr;

public :
	ColorAxis(ColorAxisInternal *_ptr) : Axis(ColorAxis2Axis(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~ColorAxis() {}

	void setColorGradient(bool isContinuous = true, IntArray colors = IntArray(), int underflowColor = -1, int overflowColor = -1)
	{ CColorAxis_setColorGradient(ptr, isContinuous,, colors.len, overflowColor, underflowColor); }
	void setAxisPos(int x, int y, int alignment) { CColorAxis_setAxisPos(ptr, x, y, alignment); }
	void setLevels(int maxLevels) { CColorAxis_setLevels(ptr, maxLevels); }
	void setCompactAxis(bool b = true) { CColorAxis_setCompactAxis(ptr, b); }
	void setAxisBorder(int edgeColor, int raisedEffect = 0) { CColorAxis_setAxisBorder(ptr, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }
	void setBoundingBox(int fillColor, int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ CColorAxis_setBoundingBox(ptr, fillColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }
	void setBoxMargin(int m)  { CColorAxis_setBoxMargin(ptr, m); }
	void setBoxMargin(int leftMargin, int rightMargin, int topMargin, int bottomMargin)
	{ CColorAxis_setBoxMargin2(ptr, leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin); }
	void setRoundedCorners(int r1 = 10, int r2 = -1, int r3 = -1, int r4 = -1)
	{ CColorAxis_setRoundedCorners(ptr, r1, r2, r3, r4); }
	int getBoxWidth() const { return CColorAxis_getBoxWidth(ptr); }
	int getBoxHeight() const { return CColorAxis_getBoxHeight(ptr); }
	int getColor(double z) const { return CColorAxis_getColor(ptr, z); }

class DataSet : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	DataSet(const DataSet &rhs);
	DataSet &operator=(const DataSet &rhs);

	DataSetInternal *ptr;
	Axis *useYAxisCache;

public :
	DataSet(DataSetInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr), useYAxisCache(0) {}
	~DataSet() {}
	DataSetInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }
	const DataSetInternal *getInternalPtr() const { return ptr; }

	void setData(int noOfPoints, const double *data)
	{ setData(DoubleArray(data, noOfPoints)); }
	void setData(DoubleArray data)
	{ CDataSet_setData(ptr,, data.len); }
	double getValue(int i ) 
	{ return CDataSet_getValue(ptr, i);	}
	double getPosition(int i ) 
	{ return CDataSet_getPosition(ptr, i);	}

	void setDataName(const char *name)
	{ CDataSet_setDataName(ptr, name); }
	const char *getDataName() 
	{ return CDataSet_getDataName(ptr); }
	void setDataColor(int dataColor, int edgeColor = -1,
		int shadowColor = -1, int shadowEdgeColor = -1)
	{ CDataSet_setDataColor(ptr, dataColor, edgeColor, shadowColor, shadowEdgeColor); }
	int getDataColor() 
	{ return CDataSet_getDataColor(ptr); }

	void setDataSymbol(int symbol, int size = 5, int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1, int lineWidth = 1)
	{ CDataSet_setDataSymbol(ptr, symbol, size, fillColor, edgeColor, lineWidth); }
	void setDataSymbol(const char *image)
	{ CDataSet_setDataSymbol2(ptr, image); }
	void setDataSymbol(const DrawArea *obj)
	{ CDataSet_setDataSymbol3(ptr, obj->getInternalPtr()); }
	void setDataSymbol(IntArray polygon, int size = 11, int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CDataSet_setDataSymbol4(ptr,, polygon.len, size, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void setLineWidth(int w)
	{ CDataSet_setLineWidth(ptr, w); }

	void setDataLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CDataSet_setDataLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	TextBox *setDataLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CDataSet_setDataLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}

	void setUseYAxis2(bool b = true) { CDataSet_setUseYAxis2(ptr, b); }
	void setUseYAxis(const Axis* a) { CDataSet_setUseYAxis(ptr, a->getInternalPtr()); }
	Axis *getUseYAxis() {
		AxisInternal *retPtr = CDataSet_getUseYAxis(ptr);
		if ((0 == useYAxisCache) || (retPtr != useYAxisCache->getInternalPtr())) {
			useYAxisCache = new Axis(retPtr); reg(useYAxisCache); 
		return useYAxisCache;

	const char *getLegendIcon() 
	{ return CDataSet_getLegendIcon(ptr); }		

class Layer : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	Layer(const Layer &rhs);
	Layer &operator=(const Layer &rhs);

	LayerInternal *ptr;

	DataSet **dataSetCache;
	int dataSetCacheCount;
	int maxDataSetCacheCount;

	DataSet *regDataSet(DataSetInternal *_ptr) {
		if (!_ptr) return 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < dataSetCacheCount; ++i)
			if (dataSetCache[i]->getInternalPtr() == _ptr) return dataSetCache[i];
		DataSet *ret = new DataSet(_ptr); reg(ret); 
		if (dataSetCacheCount >= maxDataSetCacheCount) {
			maxDataSetCacheCount = (maxDataSetCacheCount < 10) ? 10 : maxDataSetCacheCount * 2;
			DataSet **temp = new DataSet*[maxDataSetCacheCount];
			for (int i = 0; i < dataSetCacheCount; ++i) temp[i] = dataSetCache[i];
			delete[] dataSetCache; dataSetCache = temp;
		return dataSetCache[dataSetCacheCount++] = ret;

public :
	Layer(LayerInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr), dataSetCache(0), dataSetCacheCount(0), maxDataSetCacheCount(0) {}
	~Layer() { delete[] dataSetCache; }
	LayerInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }
	const LayerInternal *getInternalPtr() const { return ptr; }

	void moveFront(Layer *layer = 0) { CLayer_moveFront(ptr, layer ? layer->ptr : 0); }
	void moveBack(Layer *layer = 0) { CLayer_moveBack(ptr, layer ? layer->ptr : 0); }
	void set3D(int d = -1, int zGap = 0) { CLayer_set3D(ptr, d, zGap); }
	void setLineWidth(int w) { CLayer_setLineWidth(ptr, w); }
	void setBorderColor(int color, int lightingEffect = 0)
	{ CLayer_setBorderColor(ptr, color, lightingEffect); }
	void setLegend(int m) { CLayer_setLegend(ptr, m); }
	void setLegendOrder(int dataSetOrder, int layerOrder = -1)
	{ CLayer_setLegendOrder(ptr, dataSetOrder, layerOrder); }
	const char *getLegendIcon(int dataSetNo) const 
	{ return CLayer_getLegendIcon(ptr, dataSetNo); }

	//obsoleted constants - for compatibility only
	enum DataCombineMethod { Overlay, Stack, Depth, Side };

	void setDataCombineMethod(int m) { CLayer_setDataCombineMethod(ptr, m); }
	void setBaseLine(double baseLine) { CLayer_setBaseLine(ptr, baseLine); }
	DataSet *addDataSet(int noOfPoints, const double *d, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ return addDataSet(DoubleArray(d, noOfPoints), color, name); }
	DataSet *addDataSet(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ return regDataSet(CLayer_addDataSet(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); }
	void addDataGroup(const char *name = 0) { CLayer_addDataGroup(ptr, name); }
	void addExtraField(StringArray texts) { CLayer_addExtraField(ptr,, texts.len); }
	void addExtraField(DoubleArray numbers) { CLayer_addExtraField2(ptr,, numbers.len); }
	DataSet *getDataSet(int i)
	{ return regDataSet(CLayer_getDataSet(ptr, i)); }
	DataSet *getDataSetByZ(int i)
	{ return regDataSet(CLayer_getDataSetByZ(ptr, i)); }
	int getDataSetCount() 
	{ return CLayer_getDataSetCount(ptr); }

	void setUseYAxis2(bool b = true) { CLayer_setUseYAxis2(ptr, b); }
	void setUseYAxis(const Axis* a) { CLayer_setUseYAxis(ptr, a->getInternalPtr()); }

	void setXData(DoubleArray xData) { CLayer_setXData(ptr,, xData.len); }
	void setXData(double minValue, double maxValue) { CLayer_setXData2(ptr, minValue, maxValue); }
	double getXPosition(int i) 
	{ return CLayer_getXPosition(ptr, i); }
	double getNearestXValue(double target) 
	{ return CLayer_getNearestXValue(ptr, target); }
	int getXIndexOf(double xValue, double tolerance = 0) 
	{ return CLayer_getXIndexOf(ptr, xValue, tolerance); }
	void alignLayer(const Layer *layer, int dataSet) { CLayer_alignLayer(ptr, layer->getInternalPtr(), dataSet); } 

	int getXCoor(double v) const { return CLayer_getXCoor(ptr, v); }
	int getYCoor(double v, bool yAxis = true) const { return CLayer_getYCoor(ptr, v, yAxis); }
	int getYCoor(double v, const Axis *yAxis) const 
	{ if (0 == yAxis) return getYCoor(v); else return CLayer_getYCoor2(ptr, v, yAxis->getInternalPtr()); }
	int xZoneColor(double threshold, int belowColor, int aboveColor)
	{ return CLayer_xZoneColor(ptr, threshold, belowColor, aboveColor); }
	int yZoneColor(double threshold, int belowColor, int aboveColor, bool yAxis = true)
	{ return CLayer_yZoneColor(ptr, threshold, belowColor, aboveColor, yAxis); }
	int yZoneColor(double threshold, int belowColor, int aboveColor, const Axis *yAxis)
	{ if (0 == yAxis) return yZoneColor(threshold, belowColor, aboveColor); 
	  else return CLayer_yZoneColor2(ptr, threshold, belowColor, aboveColor, yAxis->getInternalPtr()); }
	//*** Note ***: The default value -0x7fffffff is maintained for compatibility
	const char *getImageCoor(int dataSet, int dataItem = -0x7fffffff, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CLayer_getImageCoor(ptr, dataSet, dataItem, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getImageCoor2(int dataItem, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CLayer_getImageCoor2(ptr, dataItem, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0,
		const char *extraAttr = 0, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CLayer_getHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }
	void setHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0)
	{ CLayer_setHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr); }

	void setDataLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CLayer_setDataLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	TextBox *setDataLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CLayer_setDataLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}

	void setAggregateLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CLayer_setAggregateLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	TextBox *setAggregateLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CLayer_setAggregateLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}

	TextBox *addCustomDataLabel(int dataSet, int dataItem, const char *label,
		const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8, int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CLayer_addCustomDataLabel(ptr, dataSet, dataItem, label, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}
	TextBox *addCustomAggregateLabel(int dataItem, const char *label, const char *font = 0,
		double fontSize = 8, int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CLayer_addCustomAggregateLabel(ptr, dataItem, label, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}
	TextBox *addCustomGroupLabel(int dataGroup, int dataItem, const char *label, 
		const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8, int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CLayer_addCustomGroupLabel(ptr, dataGroup, dataItem, label, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}

class BarLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	BarLayer(const BarLayer &rhs);
	BarLayer &operator=(const BarLayer &rhs);

	BarLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	BarLayer(BarLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(BarLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~BarLayer() {}

	void setBarGap(double barGap, double subBarGap = Chart::NoValue)
	{ CBarLayer_setBarGap(ptr, barGap, subBarGap); }
	void setBarWidth(int barWidth, int subBarWidth = -1)
	{ CBarLayer_setBarWidth(ptr, barWidth, subBarWidth); }
	void setMinLabelSize(int s)
	{ CBarLayer_setMinLabelSize(ptr, s); }
	void setMinImageMapSize(int s)
	{ CBarLayer_setMinImageMapSize(ptr, s); }

	void setBarShape(int shape, int dataGroup = -1, int dataItem = -1)
	{ CBarLayer_setBarShape(ptr, shape, dataGroup, dataItem); }
	void setBarShape(IntArray shape, int dataGroup = -1, int dataItem = -1)
	{ CBarLayer_setBarShape2(ptr,, shape.len, dataGroup, dataItem); }
	void setIconSize(int height, int width = -1)
	{ CBarLayer_setIconSize(ptr, height, width); }
	void setOverlapRatio(double overlapRatio, bool firstOnTop = true)
	{ CBarLayer_setOverlapRatio(ptr, overlapRatio, firstOnTop); }

class InterLineLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	InterLineLayer(const InterLineLayer &rhs);
	InterLineLayer &operator=(const InterLineLayer &rhs);

	InterLineLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	InterLineLayer(InterLineLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(InterLineLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~InterLineLayer() {}

	void setGapColor(int gapColor12, int gapColor21 = -1)
	{ CInterLineLayer_setGapColor(ptr, gapColor12, gapColor21); }

class LineLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	LineLayer(const LineLayer &rhs);
	LineLayer &operator=(const LineLayer &rhs);

	LineLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	LineLayer(LineLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(LineLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~LineLayer() {}

	void setSymbolScale(DoubleArray zDataX, int scaleTypeX = Chart::PixelScale,
		DoubleArray zDataY = DoubleArray(), int scaleTypeY = Chart::PixelScale)
	{ CLineLayer_setSymbolScale(ptr,, zDataX.len, scaleTypeX,, zDataY.len, scaleTypeY); }

	void setGapColor(int lineColor, int lineWidth = -1)
	{ CLineLayer_setGapColor(ptr, lineColor, lineWidth); }
	void setImageMapWidth(int width)
	{ CLineLayer_setImageMapWidth(ptr, width); }
	void setFastLineMode(bool b = true) 
	{ CLineLayer_setFastLineMode(ptr, b); }
	LineObj *getLine(int dataSet = 0)
	{ return (LineObj *)CLineLayer_getLine(ptr, dataSet); }

//In the current version, a Scatter chart is implemented as a
//special configuration of a Line chart.
typedef LineLayer ScatterLayer;

class SplineLayer : public LineLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	SplineLayer(const SplineLayer &rhs);
	SplineLayer &operator=(const SplineLayer &rhs);

	SplineLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	SplineLayer(SplineLayerInternal *_ptr) : LineLayer(SplineLayer2LineLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~SplineLayer() {}

	void setTension(double tension) { CSplineLayer_setTension(ptr, tension); }
	void setMonotonicity(int m) { CSplineLayer_setMonotonicity(ptr, m); }

class StepLineLayer : public LineLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	StepLineLayer(const StepLineLayer &rhs);
	StepLineLayer &operator=(const StepLineLayer &rhs);

	StepLineLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	StepLineLayer(StepLineLayerInternal *_ptr) : LineLayer(StepLineLayer2LineLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~StepLineLayer() {}

	void setAlignment(int a) { CStepLineLayer_setAlignment(ptr, a); }

class AreaLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	AreaLayer(const AreaLayer &rhs);
	AreaLayer &operator=(const AreaLayer &rhs);

	AreaLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	AreaLayer(AreaLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(AreaLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~AreaLayer() {}

	void setMinLabelSize(int s) { CAreaLayer_setMinLabelSize(ptr, s); }
	void setGapColor(int fillColor) { CAreaLayer_setGapColor(ptr, fillColor); }

class BaseBoxLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	BaseBoxLayer(const BaseBoxLayer &rhs);
	BaseBoxLayer &operator=(const BaseBoxLayer &rhs);

	BaseBoxLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	BaseBoxLayer(BaseBoxLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(BaseBoxLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~BaseBoxLayer() {}

	void setDataGap(double gap) { CBaseBoxLayer_setDataGap(ptr, gap); }
	void setDataWidth(int width) { CBaseBoxLayer_setDataWidth(ptr, width); }
	void setMinImageMapSize(int size) { CBaseBoxLayer_setMinImageMapSize(ptr, size); }

class HLOCLayer : public BaseBoxLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	HLOCLayer(const HLOCLayer &rhs);
	HLOCLayer &operator=(const HLOCLayer &rhs);

	HLOCLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	HLOCLayer(HLOCLayerInternal *_ptr) : BaseBoxLayer(HLOCLayer2BaseBoxLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~HLOCLayer() {}

	void setColorMethod(int colorMethod, int riseColor, int fallColor = -1,
		double leadValue = -1.7E308)
	{ CHLOCLayer_setColorMethod(ptr, colorMethod, riseColor, fallColor, leadValue); }

class CandleStickLayer : public BaseBoxLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	CandleStickLayer(const CandleStickLayer &rhs);
	CandleStickLayer &operator=(const CandleStickLayer &rhs);

	CandleStickLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	CandleStickLayer(CandleStickLayerInternal *_ptr) : BaseBoxLayer(CandleStickLayer2BaseBoxLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~CandleStickLayer() {}

class BoxWhiskerLayer : public BaseBoxLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	BoxWhiskerLayer(const BoxWhiskerLayer &rhs);
	BoxWhiskerLayer &operator=(const BoxWhiskerLayer &rhs);

	BoxWhiskerLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	BoxWhiskerLayer(BoxWhiskerLayerInternal *_ptr) : BaseBoxLayer(BoxWhiskerLayer2BaseBoxLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~BoxWhiskerLayer() {}

	void setBoxColors(IntArray colors, StringArray names = StringArray())
	{ CBoxWhiskerLayer_setBoxColors(ptr,, colors.len,, names.len); }
	void setBoxColor(int item, int boxColor)
	{ CBoxWhiskerLayer_setBoxColor(ptr, item, boxColor); }
	void setWhiskerBrightness(double whiskerBrightness)
	{ CBoxWhiskerLayer_setWhiskerBrightness(ptr, whiskerBrightness); }

class TrendLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	TrendLayer(const TrendLayer &rhs);
	TrendLayer &operator=(const TrendLayer &rhs);

	TrendLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	TrendLayer(TrendLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(TrendLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~TrendLayer() {}

	void setRegressionType(int regressionType) { CTrendLayer_setRegressionType(ptr, regressionType); }

	void addConfidenceBand(double confidence, int upperFillColor, int upperEdgeColor = Chart::Transparent,
		int upperLineWidth = 1, int lowerFillColor = -1, int lowerEdgeColor = -1, int lowerLineWidth = -1)
	{ CTrendLayer_addConfidenceBand(ptr, confidence, upperFillColor, upperEdgeColor,
		upperLineWidth, lowerFillColor, lowerEdgeColor, lowerLineWidth); }
	void addPredictionBand(double confidence, int upperFillColor, int upperEdgeColor = Chart::Transparent,
		int upperLineWidth = 1, int lowerFillColor = -1, int lowerEdgeColor = -1, int lowerLineWidth = -1)
	{ CTrendLayer_addPredictionBand(ptr, confidence, upperFillColor, upperEdgeColor,
		upperLineWidth, lowerFillColor, lowerEdgeColor, lowerLineWidth); }

	double getSlope() { return CTrendLayer_getSlope(ptr); }
	double getIntercept() { return CTrendLayer_getIntercept(ptr); }
	double getCorrelation() { return CTrendLayer_getCorrelation(ptr); }
	double getStdError() { return CTrendLayer_getStdError(ptr); }
	double getCoefficient(int i) { return CTrendLayer_getCoefficient(ptr, i); }

	void setImageMapWidth(int width) { CTrendLayer_setImageMapWidth(ptr, width); }
	LineObj *getLine() { return (LineObj *)CTrendLayer_getLine(ptr); }

class VectorLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	VectorLayer(const VectorLayer &rhs);
	VectorLayer &operator=(const VectorLayer &rhs);

	VectorLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	VectorLayer(VectorLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(VectorLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~VectorLayer() {}

	void setVector(DoubleArray lengths, DoubleArray directions, int lengthScale = Chart::PixelScale)
	{ CVectorLayer_setVector(ptr,, lengths.len,, directions.len, lengthScale); }
	void setArrowHead(int width, int height = 0) { CVectorLayer_setArrowHead(ptr, width, height); }
	void setArrowHead(IntArray polygon) { CVectorLayer_setArrowHead2(ptr,, polygon.len); }
	void setArrowStem(IntArray polygon) { CVectorLayer_setArrowStem(ptr,, polygon.len); }
	void setArrowAlignment(int alignment) { CVectorLayer_setArrowAlignment(ptr, alignment); }
	void setIconSize(int height, int width = 0) { CVectorLayer_setIconSize(ptr, height, width); }
	void setVectorMargin(double startMargin, double endMargin = Chart::NoValue)
	{ CVectorLayer_setVectorMargin(ptr, startMargin, endMargin); }

class ContourLayer : public Layer
private :
	//disable copying
	ContourLayer(const ContourLayer &rhs);
	ContourLayer &operator=(const ContourLayer &rhs);

	ContourLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	ContourLayer(ContourLayerInternal *_ptr) : Layer(ContourLayer2Layer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~ContourLayer() {}

	void setZData(DoubleArray zData) { CContourLayer_setZData(ptr,, zData.len); }
	void setZBounds(double minZ, double maxZ) 
	{ CContourLayer_setZBounds(ptr, minZ, maxZ); }
	void setSmoothInterpolation(bool b) { CContourLayer_setSmoothInterpolation(ptr, b); }
	void setContourColor(int contourColor, int minorContourColor = -1) 
	{ CContourLayer_setContourColor(ptr, contourColor, minorContourColor); }
	void setContourWidth(int contourWidth, int minorContourWidth = -1)
	{ CContourLayer_setContourWidth(ptr, contourWidth, minorContourWidth); }
	void setExactContour(bool contour, bool markContour)
	{ CContourLayer_setExactContour(ptr, contour, markContour); }
	void setExactContour(bool contour = true) 
	{ setExactContour(contour, contour); }
	ColorAxis *setColorAxis(int x, int y, int alignment, int length, int orientation) 
	{ ColorAxis *ret = new ColorAxis(CContourLayer_setColorAxis(ptr, x, y, alignment, length, orientation)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	ColorAxis *colorAxis()
	{ ColorAxis *ret = new ColorAxis(CContourLayer_colorAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }

class PlotArea : public AutoDestroy
private :
	//disable copying
	PlotArea(const PlotArea &rhs);
	PlotArea &operator=(const PlotArea &rhs);

	PlotAreaInternal *ptr;

public :
	PlotArea(PlotAreaInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PlotArea() {}
	PlotAreaInternal *getInternalPtr() { return ptr; }

	void setBackground(int color, int altBgColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CPlotArea_setBackground(ptr, color, altBgColor, edgeColor); }
	void setBackground(const char *img, int align = Chart::Center)
	{ CPlotArea_setBackground2(ptr, img, align); }
	void set4QBgColor(int Q1Color, int Q2Color, int Q3Color, int Q4Color, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CPlotArea_set4QBgColor(ptr, Q1Color, Q2Color, Q3Color, Q4Color, edgeColor); }
	void setAltBgColor(bool horizontal, int color1, int color2, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CPlotArea_setAltBgColor(ptr, horizontal, color1, color2, edgeColor); }
	void setGridColor(int hGridColor, int vGridColor = Chart::Transparent,
		int minorHGridColor = -1, int minorVGridColor = -1)
	{ CPlotArea_setGridColor(ptr, hGridColor, vGridColor, minorHGridColor, minorVGridColor); }
	void setGridWidth(int hGridWidth, int vGridWidth = -1,
		int minorHGridWidth = -1, int minorVGridWidth = -1)
	{ CPlotArea_setGridWidth(ptr, hGridWidth, vGridWidth, minorHGridWidth, minorVGridWidth); }
	void setGridAxis(const Axis *xGridAxis, const Axis *yGridAxis)
	{ CPlotArea_setGridAxis(ptr, xGridAxis ? xGridAxis->getInternalPtr() : 0, yGridAxis ? yGridAxis->getInternalPtr() : 0); }
	void moveGridBefore(Layer *layer = 0) { CPlotArea_moveGridBefore(ptr, layer ? layer->getInternalPtr() : 0); }

	int getLeftX() const { return CPlotArea_getLeftX(ptr); }
	int getTopY() const { return CPlotArea_getTopY(ptr); }
	int getWidth() const { return CPlotArea_getWidth(ptr); }
	int getHeight() const { return CPlotArea_getHeight(ptr); }
	int getRightX() const { return CPlotArea_getRightX(ptr); }
	int getBottomY() const { return CPlotArea_getBottomY(ptr); }

class XYChart : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	XYChart(const XYChart &rhs);
	XYChart &operator=(const XYChart &rhs);

	XYChartInternal *ptr;

	PlotArea *plotAreaCache;
	PlotArea *regPlotArea(PlotAreaInternal *_ptr) {
		if (!_ptr) return 0;
		if ((0 == plotAreaCache) || (_ptr != plotAreaCache->getInternalPtr())) { 
			plotAreaCache = new PlotArea(_ptr); reg(plotAreaCache); 
		return plotAreaCache;

	Layer **layerCache;
	int layerCacheCount;
	int maxLayerCacheCount;
	Layer *regLayer(LayerInternal *_ptr) {
		if (!_ptr) return 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < layerCacheCount; ++i)
			if (layerCache[i]->getInternalPtr() == _ptr) return layerCache[i];
		Layer *ret = new Layer(_ptr); reg(ret); 
		if (layerCacheCount >= maxLayerCacheCount) {
			maxLayerCacheCount = (maxLayerCacheCount < 10) ? 10 : maxLayerCacheCount * 2;
			Layer **temp = new Layer*[maxLayerCacheCount];
			for (int i = 0; i < layerCacheCount; ++i) temp[i] = layerCache[i];
			delete[] layerCache; layerCache = temp;
		return layerCache[layerCacheCount++] = ret;

	Axis **axisCache;
	int axisCacheCount;
	int maxAxisCacheCount;
	Axis *regAxis(AxisInternal *_ptr) {
		if (!_ptr) return 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < axisCacheCount; ++i)
			if (axisCache[i]->getInternalPtr() == _ptr) return axisCache[i];
		Axis *ret = new Axis(_ptr); reg(ret); 
		if (axisCacheCount >= maxAxisCacheCount) {
			maxAxisCacheCount = (maxAxisCacheCount < 10) ? 10 : maxAxisCacheCount * 2;
			Axis **temp = new Axis*[maxAxisCacheCount];
			for (int i = 0; i < axisCacheCount; ++i) temp[i] = axisCache[i];
			delete[] axisCache; axisCache = temp;
		return axisCache[axisCacheCount++] = ret;

public :
	XYChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0) :
		plotAreaCache(0), layerCache(0), layerCacheCount(0), maxLayerCacheCount(0),
		axisCache(0), axisCacheCount(0), maxAxisCacheCount(0)
	{ ptr = CXYChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(XYChart2BaseChart(ptr)); }
	static XYChart *create(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ return new XYChart(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }
	~XYChart() { delete[] layerCache; delete[] axisCache; }

	Axis *addAxis(int align, int offset) { return regAxis(CXYChart_addAxis(ptr, align, offset)); }
	Axis *yAxis() { return regAxis(CXYChart_yAxis(ptr)); }
	Axis *yAxis2() { return regAxis(CXYChart_yAxis2(ptr)); }
	void syncYAxis(double slope = 1, double intercept = 0)
	{ CXYChart_syncYAxis(ptr, slope, intercept); }
	void setYAxisOnRight(bool b = true) { CXYChart_setYAxisOnRight(ptr, b); }
	Axis *xAxis() { return regAxis(CXYChart_xAxis(ptr)); }
	Axis *xAxis2() { return regAxis(CXYChart_xAxis2(ptr)); }
	void setXAxisOnTop(bool b = true) { CXYChart_setXAxisOnTop(ptr, b); }
	void swapXY(bool b = true) { CXYChart_swapXY(ptr, b); }
	void setAxisAtOrigin(int originMode = Chart::XYAxisAtOrigin, int symmetryMode = 0)
	{ CXYChart_setAxisAtOrigin(ptr, originMode, symmetryMode); }

	int getXCoor(double v) const { return CXYChart_getXCoor(ptr, v); }
	int getYCoor(double v, const Axis *yAxis = 0) 
	{ return CXYChart_getYCoor(ptr, v, (0 == yAxis) ? 0 : yAxis->getInternalPtr()); }
	double getXValue(int xCoor) 
	{ return CXYChart_getXValue(ptr, xCoor); }
	double getNearestXValue(double xCoor) 
	{ return CXYChart_getNearestXValue(ptr, xCoor); }
	double getYValue(int yCoor, const Axis *yAxis = 0) 
	{ return CXYChart_getYValue(ptr, yCoor, (0 == yAxis) ? 0 : yAxis->getInternalPtr()); }

	int xZoneColor(double threshold, int belowColor, int aboveColor)
	{ return CXYChart_xZoneColor(ptr, threshold, belowColor, aboveColor); }
	int yZoneColor(double threshold, int belowColor, int aboveColor, const Axis *yAxis = 0)
	{ return CXYChart_yZoneColor(ptr, threshold, belowColor, aboveColor, (0 == yAxis) ? 0 : yAxis->getInternalPtr()); }

	PlotArea *setPlotArea(int x, int y, int width, int height,
		int bgColor = Chart::Transparent, int altBgColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1,
		int hGridColor = 0xc0c0c0, int vGridColor = Chart::Transparent)
	{ return regPlotArea(CXYChart_setPlotArea(ptr, x, y, width, height, bgColor, altBgColor, edgeColor, hGridColor, vGridColor)); }
	PlotArea *getPlotArea() { return regPlotArea(CXYChart_getPlotArea(ptr)); }
	void setClipping(int margin = 0) { CXYChart_setClipping(ptr, margin); }
	void setTrimData(int startPos, int len = 0x7fffffff) { CXYChart_setTrimData(ptr, startPos, len); }

	BarLayer *addBarLayer(int noOfPoints, const double *data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ return addBarLayer(DoubleArray(data, noOfPoints), color, name, depth); }
	BarLayer *addBarLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ BarLayer *ret = new BarLayer(CXYChart_addBarLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	BarLayer *addBarLayer(int noOfPoints, const double *data, const int *colors, const char* const* names = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ return addBarLayer(DoubleArray(data, noOfPoints), IntArray(colors, colors ? noOfPoints : 0), StringArray(names, names ? noOfPoints : 0), depth); }
	BarLayer *addBarLayer(DoubleArray data, IntArray colors, StringArray names = StringArray(), int depth = 0)
	{ BarLayer *ret = new BarLayer(CXYChart_addBarLayer3(ptr,, data.len,, colors.len,, names.len, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	BarLayer *addBarLayer(int dataCombineMethod = Chart::Side, int depth = 0)
	{ BarLayer *ret = new BarLayer(CXYChart_addBarLayer2(ptr, dataCombineMethod, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	LineLayer *addLineLayer(int noOfPoints, const double *data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ return addLineLayer(DoubleArray(data, noOfPoints), color, name, depth); }
	LineLayer *addLineLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ LineLayer *ret = new LineLayer(CXYChart_addLineLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	LineLayer *addLineLayer(int dataCombineMethod = Chart::Overlay, int depth = 0)
	{ LineLayer *ret = new LineLayer(CXYChart_addLineLayer2(ptr, dataCombineMethod, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	AreaLayer *addAreaLayer(int noOfPoints, const double *data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ return addAreaLayer(DoubleArray(data, noOfPoints), color, name, depth); }
	AreaLayer *addAreaLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ AreaLayer *ret = new AreaLayer(CXYChart_addAreaLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	AreaLayer *addAreaLayer(int dataCombineMethod = Chart::Stack, int depth = 0)
	{ AreaLayer *ret = new AreaLayer(CXYChart_addAreaLayer2(ptr, dataCombineMethod, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	HLOCLayer *addHLOCLayer()
	{ HLOCLayer *ret = new HLOCLayer(CXYChart_addHLOCLayer2(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	HLOCLayer *addHLOCLayer(int noOfPoints, const double *highData, const double *lowData, const double *openData = 0,
		const double *closeData = 0, int color = -1)
	{ return addHLOCLayer(DoubleArray(highData, highData ? noOfPoints : 0), DoubleArray(lowData, lowData ? noOfPoints : 0),
		DoubleArray(openData, openData ? noOfPoints : 0), DoubleArray(closeData, closeData ? noOfPoints : 0), color); }
	HLOCLayer *addHLOCLayer(DoubleArray highData, DoubleArray lowData, DoubleArray openData = DoubleArray(),
		DoubleArray closeData = DoubleArray(), int color = -1)
	{ HLOCLayer *ret = new HLOCLayer(CXYChart_addHLOCLayer(ptr,, highData.len,, lowData.len,, openData.len,, closeData.len, color)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	HLOCLayer *addHLOCLayer(DoubleArray highData, DoubleArray lowData, DoubleArray openData,
		DoubleArray closeData, int upColor, int downColor, int colorMode = -1, double leadValue = -1.7E308)
	{ HLOCLayer *ret = new HLOCLayer(CXYChart_addHLOCLayer3(ptr,, highData.len,, lowData.len,, openData.len,, closeData.len, 
		upColor, downColor, colorMode, leadValue)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	CandleStickLayer *addCandleStickLayer(
		DoubleArray highData, DoubleArray lowData, DoubleArray openData, DoubleArray closeData,
		int riseColor = 0xffffff, int fallColor = 0x0, int edgeColor = Chart::LineColor)
	{ CandleStickLayer *ret = new CandleStickLayer(CXYChart_addCandleStickLayer(ptr,, highData.len,, lowData.len,, openData.len,, closeData.len,
		riseColor, fallColor, edgeColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	BoxWhiskerLayer *addBoxWhiskerLayer(
		DoubleArray boxTop, DoubleArray boxBottom, DoubleArray maxData = DoubleArray(), DoubleArray minData = DoubleArray(),
		DoubleArray midData = DoubleArray(), int fillColor = -1, int whiskerColor = Chart::LineColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ BoxWhiskerLayer *ret = new BoxWhiskerLayer(CXYChart_addBoxWhiskerLayer(ptr,, boxTop.len,, boxBottom.len,, maxData.len,, minData.len,, midData.len,
		fillColor, whiskerColor, edgeColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	BoxWhiskerLayer *addBoxWhiskerLayer2(DoubleArray boxTop, DoubleArray boxBottom, DoubleArray maxData = DoubleArray(),
		DoubleArray minData = DoubleArray(), DoubleArray midData = DoubleArray(), IntArray fillColors = IntArray(), 
		double whiskerBrightness = 0.5, StringArray names = StringArray())
	{ BoxWhiskerLayer *ret = new BoxWhiskerLayer(CXYChart_addBoxWhiskerLayer2(ptr,, boxTop.len,, boxBottom.len,, maxData.len,, minData.len,, midData.len,, fillColors.len, whiskerBrightness,, names.len)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	BoxWhiskerLayer *addBoxLayer(DoubleArray boxTop, DoubleArray boxBottom, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ BoxWhiskerLayer *ret = new BoxWhiskerLayer(CXYChart_addBoxLayer(ptr,, boxTop.len,, boxBottom.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	ScatterLayer *addScatterLayer(DoubleArray xData, DoubleArray yData, const char *name = 0,
		int symbol = Chart::SquareSymbol, int symbolSize = 5, int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ ScatterLayer *ret = new ScatterLayer(CXYChart_addScatterLayer(ptr,, xData.len,, yData.len, name, symbol, symbolSize, fillColor, edgeColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	TrendLayer *addTrendLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ TrendLayer *ret = new TrendLayer(CXYChart_addTrendLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TrendLayer *addTrendLayer(DoubleArray xData, DoubleArray yData, int color = -1, const char *name = 0, int depth = 0)
	{ TrendLayer *ret = new TrendLayer(CXYChart_addTrendLayer2(ptr,, xData.len,, yData.len, color, name, depth)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	SplineLayer *addSplineLayer(DoubleArray data = DoubleArray(), int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ SplineLayer *ret = new SplineLayer(CXYChart_addSplineLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	StepLineLayer *addStepLineLayer(DoubleArray data = DoubleArray(), int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ StepLineLayer *ret = new StepLineLayer(CXYChart_addStepLineLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	InterLineLayer *addInterLineLayer(LineObj *line1, LineObj *line2, int color12, int color21 = -1)
	{ InterLineLayer *ret = new InterLineLayer(CXYChart_addInterLineLayer(ptr, (LineObjInternal *)line1, (LineObjInternal *)line2, color12, color21));
	  reg(ret); return ret; }

	VectorLayer *addVectorLayer(DoubleArray xData, DoubleArray yData, DoubleArray lengths, DoubleArray directions, 
		int lengthScale = Chart::PixelScale, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ VectorLayer *ret = new VectorLayer(CXYChart_addVectorLayer(ptr,, xData.len,, yData.len,, lengths.len,, directions.len, lengthScale, color, name)); 
	  reg(ret); return ret; }

	ContourLayer *addContourLayer(DoubleArray xData, DoubleArray yData, DoubleArray zData)
	{ ContourLayer *ret = new ContourLayer(CXYChart_addContourLayer(ptr,, xData.len,, yData.len,, zData.len));
	  reg(ret); return ret; }

	Layer *getLayer(int i) 
	{ return regLayer(CXYChart_getLayer(ptr, i)); }
	Layer *getLayerByZ(int i) 
	{ return regLayer(CXYChart_getLayerByZ(ptr, i)); }
	int getLayerCount() 
	{ return CXYChart_getLayerCount(ptr); }	

	void layoutAxes() { CXYChart_layoutAxes(ptr); }
	void packPlotArea(int leftX, int topY, int rightX, int bottomY, int minWidth = 0, int minHeight = 0) 
	{ CXYChart_packPlotArea(ptr, leftX, topY, rightX, bottomY, minWidth, minHeight); }

// Ver 5.1
class ThreeDChart : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	ThreeDChart(const ThreeDChart &rhs);
	ThreeDChart &operator=(const ThreeDChart &rhs);

	ThreeDChartInternal *ptr;

public :
	ThreeDChart() : ptr(0) {}
	void init(ThreeDChartInternal *_ptr) { this->ptr = _ptr; BaseChart::init(ThreeDChart2BaseChart(_ptr)); }

	void setPlotRegion(int cx, int cy, int xWidth, int yDepth, int zHeight)
	{ CThreeDChart_setPlotRegion(ptr, cx, cy, xWidth, yDepth, zHeight); }
	void setViewAngle(double elevation, double rotation = 0, double twist = 0)
	{ CThreeDChart_setViewAngle(ptr, elevation, rotation, twist); }
	void setPerspective(double perspective)
	{ CThreeDChart_setPerspective(ptr, perspective); }

	Axis *xAxis() { Axis *ret = new Axis(CThreeDChart_xAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	Axis *yAxis() { Axis *ret = new Axis(CThreeDChart_yAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	Axis *zAxis() { Axis *ret = new Axis(CThreeDChart_zAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void setZAxisPos(int pos) { CThreeDChart_setZAxisPos(ptr, pos); }

	ColorAxis *setColorAxis(int x, int y, int alignment, int length, int orientation)
	{ ColorAxis *ret = new ColorAxis(CThreeDChart_setColorAxis(ptr, x, y, alignment, length, orientation)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	ColorAxis *colorAxis()
	{ ColorAxis *ret = new ColorAxis(CThreeDChart_colorAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void setWallVisibility(bool xyVisible, bool yzVisible, bool zxVisible)
	{ CThreeDChart_setWallVisibility(ptr, xyVisible, yzVisible, zxVisible); }
	void setWallColor(int xyColor, int yzColor = -1, int zxColor = -1, int borderColor = -1)
	{ CThreeDChart_setWallColor(ptr, xyColor, yzColor, zxColor, borderColor); }
	void setWallThickness(int xyThickness, int yzThickness = -1, int zxThickness = -1)
	{ CThreeDChart_setWallThickness(ptr, xyThickness, yzThickness, zxThickness); }
	void setWallGrid(int majorXGridColor, int majorYGridColor = -1, int majorZGridColor = -1, 
		int minorXGridColor = -1, int minorYGridColor = -1, int minorZGridColor = -1)
	{ CThreeDChart_setWallGrid(ptr, majorXGridColor, majorYGridColor, majorZGridColor, minorXGridColor, minorYGridColor, minorZGridColor); }

class SurfaceChart : public ThreeDChart
private :
	//disable copying
	SurfaceChart(const SurfaceChart &rhs);
	SurfaceChart &operator=(const SurfaceChart &rhs);

	SurfaceChartInternal *ptr;

public :
	SurfaceChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CSurfaceChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(SurfaceChart2ThreeDChart(ptr)); }

	void setData(DoubleArray xData, DoubleArray yData, DoubleArray zData)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setData(ptr,, xData.len,, yData.len,, zData.len); }
	void setInterpolation(int xSamples, int ySamples = -1, bool isSmooth = true)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setInterpolation(ptr, xSamples, ySamples, isSmooth); }
	void setLighting(double ambientIntensity, double diffuseIntensity, double specularIntensity, double shininess)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setLighting(ptr, ambientIntensity, diffuseIntensity, specularIntensity, shininess); }
	void setShadingMode(int shadingMode, int wireWidth = 1)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setShadingMode(ptr, shadingMode, wireWidth); }

	void setSurfaceAxisGrid(int majorXGridColor, int majorYGridColor = -1, int minorXGridColor = -1, int minorYGridColor = -1)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setSurfaceAxisGrid(ptr, majorXGridColor, majorYGridColor, minorXGridColor, minorYGridColor); }
	void setSurfaceDataGrid(int xGridColor, int yGridColor = -1)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setSurfaceDataGrid(ptr, xGridColor, yGridColor); }
	void setContourColor(int contourColor, int minorContourColor = -1)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setContourColor(ptr, contourColor, minorContourColor); }

	void setBackSideBrightness(double brightness) { CSurfaceChart_setBackSideBrightness(ptr, brightness); }
	void setBackSideColor(int color) { CSurfaceChart_setBackSideColor(ptr, color); }
	void setBackSideLighting(double ambientLight, double diffuseLight, double specularLight, double shininess)
	{ CSurfaceChart_setBackSideLighting(ptr, ambientLight, diffuseLight, specularLight, shininess); }

class ThreeDScatterGroup : public AutoDestroy
private :
	//disable copying
	ThreeDScatterGroup(const ThreeDScatterGroup &rhs);
	ThreeDScatterGroup &operator=(const ThreeDScatterGroup &rhs);

	ThreeDScatterGroupInternal *ptr;
public :
	ThreeDScatterGroup(ThreeDScatterGroupInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~ThreeDScatterGroup() {}

	void setDataSymbol(int symbol, int size = 5, int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1, int lineWidth = 1)
	{ CThreeDScatterGroup_setDataSymbol(ptr, symbol, size, fillColor, edgeColor, lineWidth); }
	void setDataSymbol(const char *image)
	{ CThreeDScatterGroup_setDataSymbol2(ptr, image); }
	void setDataSymbol(const DrawArea *obj)
	{ CThreeDScatterGroup_setDataSymbol3(ptr, obj->getInternalPtr()); }
	void setDataSymbol(IntArray polygon, int size = 11, int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CThreeDScatterGroup_setDataSymbol4(ptr,, polygon.len, size, fillColor, edgeColor); }

	void setDropLine(int dropLineColor = Chart::LineColor, int dropLineWidth = 1) 
	{ CThreeDScatterGroup_setDropLine(ptr, dropLineColor, dropLineWidth); }
	void setLegendIcon(int width, int height = -1, int color = -1) 
	{ CThreeDScatterGroup_setLegendIcon(ptr, width, height, color); }

class ThreeDScatterChart : public ThreeDChart
private :
	//disable copying
	ThreeDScatterChart(const ThreeDScatterChart &rhs);
	ThreeDScatterChart &operator=(const ThreeDScatterChart &rhs);

	ThreeDScatterChartInternal *ptr;

public :
	ThreeDScatterChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CThreeDScatterChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(ThreeDScatterChart2ThreeDChart(ptr)); }

	ThreeDScatterGroup *addScatterGroup(DoubleArray xData, DoubleArray yData, DoubleArray zData, const char *name = 0, 
		int symbol = Chart::CircleSymbol, int symbolSize = 5, int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1) {
		ThreeDScatterGroup *ret = new ThreeDScatterGroup(CThreeDScatterChart_addScatterGroup(ptr,, xData.len,, yData.len,, zData.len, name, symbol, symbolSize, fillColor, edgeColor));
		reg(ret); return ret;

class PolarLayer : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarLayer(const PolarLayer &rhs);
	PolarLayer &operator=(const PolarLayer &rhs);

	PolarLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	PolarLayer(PolarLayerInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PolarLayer() {}

	void setData(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ CPolarLayer_setData(ptr,, data.len, color, name); }
	void setAngles(DoubleArray angles)
	{ CPolarLayer_setAngles(ptr,, angles.len); }

	void setBorderColor(int edgeColor) { CPolarLayer_setBorderColor(ptr, edgeColor); }
	void setLineWidth(int w) { CPolarLayer_setLineWidth(ptr, w); }

	void setDataSymbol(const char *image) { CPolarLayer_setDataSymbol2(ptr, image); }
	void setDataSymbol(const DrawArea *obj) { CPolarLayer_setDataSymbol3(ptr, obj->getInternalPtr()); }
	void setDataSymbol(int symbol, int size = 7,
		int fillColor = -1, int edgeColor = -1, int lineWidth = 1)
	{ CPolarLayer_setDataSymbol(ptr, symbol, size, fillColor, edgeColor, lineWidth); }
	void setDataSymbol(IntArray polygon, int size = 11, int fillColor = -1, 
		int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CPolarLayer_setDataSymbol4(ptr,, polygon.len, size, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void setSymbolScale(DoubleArray zData, int scaleType = Chart::PixelScale)
	{ CPolarLayer_setSymbolScale(ptr,, zData.len, scaleType); }

	void setImageMapWidth(int width) { CPolarLayer_setImageMapWidth(ptr, width); }
	const char *getImageCoor(int dataItem, int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CPolarLayer_getImageCoor(ptr, dataItem, offsetX, offsetY); }
	const char *getHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0,
		int offsetX = 0, int offsetY = 0)
	{ return CPolarLayer_getHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr, offsetX, offsetY); }
	void setHTMLImageMap(const char *url, const char *queryFormat = 0, const char *extraAttr = 0)
	{ CPolarLayer_setHTMLImageMap(ptr, url, queryFormat, extraAttr); }

	void setDataLabelFormat(const char *formatString)
	{ CPolarLayer_setDataLabelFormat(ptr, formatString); }
	TextBox *setDataLabelStyle(const char *font = 0, double fontSize = 8,
		int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPolarLayer_setDataLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}
	TextBox *addCustomDataLabel(int i, const char *label, const char *font = 0,
		double fontSize = 8, int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPolarLayer_addCustomDataLabel(ptr, i, label, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret;}

class PolarAreaLayer : public PolarLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarAreaLayer(const PolarAreaLayer &rhs);
	PolarAreaLayer &operator=(const PolarAreaLayer &rhs);

public :
	PolarAreaLayer(PolarAreaLayerInternal *ptr) : PolarLayer(PolarAreaLayer2PolarLayer(ptr)) {}
	~PolarAreaLayer() {}

class PolarLineLayer : public PolarLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarLineLayer(const PolarLineLayer &rhs);
	PolarLineLayer &operator=(const PolarLineLayer &rhs);

	PolarLineLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	PolarLineLayer(PolarLineLayerInternal *_ptr) : PolarLayer(PolarLineLayer2PolarLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PolarLineLayer() {}

	void setCloseLoop(bool b)
	{ CPolarLineLayer_setCloseLoop(ptr, b); }
	void setGapColor(int lineColor, int lineWidth = -1)
	{ CPolarLineLayer_setGapColor(ptr, lineColor, lineWidth); }

class PolarSplineLineLayer : public PolarLineLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarSplineLineLayer(const PolarSplineLineLayer &rhs);
	PolarSplineLineLayer &operator=(const PolarSplineLineLayer &rhs);

	PolarSplineLineLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	PolarSplineLineLayer(PolarSplineLineLayerInternal *_ptr) : PolarLineLayer(PolarSplineLineLayer2PolarLineLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PolarSplineLineLayer() {}

	void setTension(double tension) { CPolarSplineLineLayer_setTension(ptr, tension); }

class PolarSplineAreaLayer : public PolarAreaLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarSplineAreaLayer(const PolarSplineAreaLayer &rhs);
	PolarSplineAreaLayer &operator=(const PolarSplineAreaLayer &rhs);

	PolarSplineAreaLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	PolarSplineAreaLayer(PolarSplineAreaLayerInternal *_ptr) : PolarAreaLayer(PolarSplineAreaLayer2PolarAreaLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PolarSplineAreaLayer() {}

	void setTension(double tension) { CPolarSplineAreaLayer_setTension(ptr, tension); }

class PolarVectorLayer : public PolarLayer
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarVectorLayer(const PolarVectorLayer &rhs);
	PolarVectorLayer &operator=(const PolarVectorLayer &rhs);

	PolarVectorLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	PolarVectorLayer(PolarVectorLayerInternal *_ptr) : PolarLayer(PolarVectorLayer2PolarLayer(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PolarVectorLayer() {}

	void setVector(DoubleArray lengths, DoubleArray directions, int lengthScale = Chart::PixelScale)
	{ CPolarVectorLayer_setVector(ptr,, lengths.len,, directions.len, lengthScale); }
	void setArrowHead(int width, int height = 0) { CPolarVectorLayer_setArrowHead(ptr, width, height); }
	void setArrowHead(IntArray polygon) { CPolarVectorLayer_setArrowHead2(ptr,, polygon.len); }
	void setArrowStem(IntArray polygon) { CPolarVectorLayer_setArrowStem(ptr,, polygon.len); }
	void setArrowAlignment(int alignment) { CPolarVectorLayer_setArrowAlignment(ptr, alignment); }
	void setIconSize(int height, int width = 0) { CPolarVectorLayer_setIconSize(ptr, height, width); }
	void setVectorMargin(double startMargin, double endMargin = Chart::NoValue)
	{ CPolarVectorLayer_setVectorMargin(ptr, startMargin, endMargin); }

class PolarChart : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	PolarChart(const PolarChart &rhs);
	PolarChart &operator=(const PolarChart &rhs);

	PolarChartInternal *ptr;

public :
	PolarChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CPolarChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(PolarChart2BaseChart(ptr)); }
	static PolarChart *create(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ return new PolarChart(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect); }

	void setPlotArea(int x, int y, int r, int bgColor = Chart::Transparent,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int edgeWidth = 1)
	{ CPolarChart_setPlotArea(ptr, x, y, r, bgColor, edgeColor, edgeWidth); }
	void setPlotAreaBg(int bgColor1, int bgColor2 = -1, bool altRings = true)
	{ CPolarChart_setPlotAreaBg(ptr, bgColor1, bgColor2, altRings); }
	void setGridColor(int rGridColor = 0x80000000, int rGridWidth = 1, int aGridColor = 0x80000000,
		int aGridWidth = 1)
	{ CPolarChart_setGridColor(ptr, rGridColor, rGridWidth, aGridColor, aGridWidth); }
	void setGridStyle(bool polygonGrid, bool gridOnTop = true)
	{ CPolarChart_setGridStyle(ptr, polygonGrid, gridOnTop); }
	void setStartAngle(double startAngle, bool clockwise = true)
	{ CPolarChart_setStartAngle(ptr, startAngle, clockwise); }

	AngularAxis *angularAxis() { AngularAxis *ret = new AngularAxis(CPolarChart_angularAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	RadialAxis *radialAxis() { RadialAxis *ret = new RadialAxis(CPolarChart_radialAxis(ptr)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	int getXCoor(double r, double a) const { return CPolarChart_getXCoor(ptr, r, a); }
	int getYCoor(double r, double a) const { return CPolarChart_getYCoor(ptr, r, a); }

	PolarAreaLayer *addAreaLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ PolarAreaLayer *ret = new PolarAreaLayer(CPolarChart_addAreaLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	PolarLineLayer *addLineLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ PolarLineLayer *ret = new PolarLineLayer(CPolarChart_addLineLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	PolarSplineLineLayer *addSplineLineLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ PolarSplineLineLayer *ret = new PolarSplineLineLayer(CPolarChart_addSplineLineLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	PolarSplineAreaLayer *addSplineAreaLayer(DoubleArray data, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ PolarSplineAreaLayer *ret = new PolarSplineAreaLayer(CPolarChart_addSplineAreaLayer(ptr,, data.len, color, name)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	PolarVectorLayer *addVectorLayer(DoubleArray rData, DoubleArray aData, DoubleArray lengths,
		DoubleArray directions, int lengthScale = Chart::PixelScale, int color = -1, const char *name = 0)
	{ PolarVectorLayer *ret = new PolarVectorLayer(CPolarChart_addVectorLayer(ptr,, rData.len,, aData.len,, lengths.len,, directions.len, lengthScale, color, name)); 
	  reg(ret); return ret; }

class PyramidLayer : public AutoDestroy, protected GarbageContainer
private :
	//disable copying
	PyramidLayer(const PyramidLayer &rhs);
	PyramidLayer &operator=(const PyramidLayer &rhs);

	PyramidLayerInternal *ptr;

public :
	PyramidLayer(PyramidLayerInternal *_ptr) : ptr(_ptr) {}
	~PyramidLayer() {}

	TextBox *setCenterLabel(const char *labelTemplate = "{skip}", const char *font = "{skip}", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = -1)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPyramidLayer_setCenterLabel(ptr, labelTemplate, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TextBox *setRightLabel(const char *labelTemplate = "{skip}", const char *font = "{skip}", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = -1)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPyramidLayer_setRightLabel(ptr, labelTemplate, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TextBox *setLeftLabel(const char *labelTemplate = "{skip}", const char *font = "{skip}", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = -1)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPyramidLayer_setLeftLabel(ptr, labelTemplate, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	void setColor(int color)
	{ CPyramidLayer_setColor(ptr, color); }
	void setJoinLine(int color , int width = -1)
	{ CPyramidLayer_setJoinLine(ptr, color, width); }
	void setJoinLineGap(int pyramidGap, int pyramidMargin = -0x7fffffff, int textGap = -0x7fffffff)
	{ CPyramidLayer_setJoinLineGap(ptr, pyramidGap, pyramidMargin, textGap); }
	void setLayerBorder(int color, int width = -1)
	{ CPyramidLayer_setLayerBorder(ptr, color, width); }
	void setLayerGap(double layerGap)
	{ CPyramidLayer_setLayerGap(ptr, layerGap); }

class PyramidChart : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	PyramidChart(const PyramidChart &rhs);
	PyramidChart &operator=(const PyramidChart &rhs);

	PyramidChartInternal *ptr;

public :
	PyramidChart(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CPyramidChart_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(PyramidChart2BaseChart(ptr)); }

	void setPyramidSize(int cx, int cy, int radius, int height)
	{ CPyramidChart_setPyramidSize(ptr, cx, cy, radius, height); }
	void setConeSize(int cx, int cy, int radius, int height)
	{ CPyramidChart_setConeSize(ptr, cx, cy, radius, height); }
	void setFunnelSize(int cx, int cy, int radius, int height, double tubeRadius = 0.2, double tubeHeight = 0.3)
	{ CPyramidChart_setFunnelSize(ptr, cx, cy, radius, height, tubeRadius, tubeHeight); }
	void setData(DoubleArray data, StringArray labels = StringArray())
	{ CPyramidChart_setData(ptr,, data.len,, labels.len); }
	TextBox *setCenterLabel(const char *labelTemplate = "{skip}", const char *font = "{skip}", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = -1)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPyramidChart_setCenterLabel(ptr, labelTemplate, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TextBox *setRightLabel(const char *labelTemplate = "{skip}", const char *font = "{skip}", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = -1)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPyramidChart_setRightLabel(ptr, labelTemplate, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	TextBox *setLeftLabel(const char *labelTemplate = "{skip}", const char *font = "{skip}", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = -1)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CPyramidChart_setLeftLabel(ptr, labelTemplate, font, fontSize, fontColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	void setPyramidSides(int noOfSides)
	{ CPyramidChart_setPyramidSides(ptr, noOfSides); }
	void setViewAngle(double elevation, double rotation = 0, double twist = 0)
	{ CPyramidChart_setViewAngle(ptr, elevation, rotation, twist); }

	void setGradientShading(double startBrightness, double endBrightness)
	{ CPyramidChart_setGradientShading(ptr, startBrightness, endBrightness); }
	void setLighting(double ambientIntensity = 0.5, double diffuseIntensity = 0.5, double specularIntensity = 1, double shininess = 8)
	{ CPyramidChart_setLighting(ptr, ambientIntensity, diffuseIntensity, specularIntensity, shininess); }

	void setJoinLine(int color, int width = -1)
	{ CPyramidChart_setJoinLine(ptr, color, width); }
	void setJoinLineGap(int pyramidGap, int pyramidMargin = -0x7fffffff, int textGap = -0x7fffffff)
	{ CPyramidChart_setJoinLineGap(ptr, pyramidGap, pyramidMargin, textGap); }
	void setLayerBorder(int color, int width = -1)
	{ CPyramidChart_setLayerBorder(ptr, color, width); }
	void setLayerGap(double layerGap)
	{ CPyramidChart_setLayerGap(ptr, layerGap); }

	PyramidLayer *getLayer(int layerNo)
	{ PyramidLayerInternal *p = CPyramidChart_getLayer(ptr, layerNo); if (!p) return 0; 
	  PyramidLayer *ret = new PyramidLayer(p); reg(ret); return ret; }

class MeterPointer : public DrawObj
	//disable copying
	MeterPointer(const MeterPointer &rhs);
	MeterPointer &operator=(const MeterPointer &rhs);

	MeterPointerInternal *ptr;

public :
	MeterPointer(MeterPointerInternal *_ptr) : DrawObj(MeterPointer2DrawObj(_ptr)), ptr(_ptr) {}
	void setColor(int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CMeterPointer_setColor(ptr, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void setPos(double value) { CMeterPointer_setPos(ptr, value); }
	void setShape(int pointerType, double lengthRatio = Chart::NoValue, double widthRatio = Chart::NoValue)
	{ CMeterPointer_setShape(ptr, pointerType, lengthRatio, widthRatio); }
	void setShape(IntArray pointerCoor, double lengthRatio = Chart::NoValue, double widthRatio = Chart::NoValue)
	{ CMeterPointer_setShape2(ptr,, pointerCoor.len, lengthRatio, widthRatio); }

class BaseMeter : public BaseChart
private :
	//disable copying
	BaseMeter(const BaseMeter &rhs);
	BaseMeter &operator=(const BaseMeter &rhs);

	BaseMeterInternal *ptr;

public :
	BaseMeter() : ptr(0) {}
	void init(BaseMeterInternal *_ptr) { this->ptr = _ptr; BaseChart::init(BaseMeter2BaseChart(_ptr)); }

	MeterPointer *addPointer(double value, int fillColor = Chart::LineColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ MeterPointer *ret = new MeterPointer(CBaseMeter_addPointer(ptr, value, fillColor, edgeColor)); reg(ret); return ret; }

	void setScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, double majorTickInc = 0, double minorTickInc = 0, double microTickInc = 0) 
	{ CBaseMeter_setScale(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit, majorTickInc, minorTickInc, microTickInc); }
	void setScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, StringArray labels)
	{ CBaseMeter_setScale2(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit,, labels.len); }
	void setScale(double lowerLimit, double upperLimit, DoubleArray labels, const char *formatString = 0)
	{ CBaseMeter_setScale3(ptr, lowerLimit, upperLimit,, labels.len, formatString); }

	void addLabel(double pos, const char *label) { CBaseMeter_addLabel(ptr, pos, label); }
	const char *getLabel(double i) const { return CBaseMeter_getLabel(ptr, i); }
	DoubleArray getTicks() const
	{ const double *d; int len; CBaseMeter_getTicks(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }

	TextBox *setLabelStyle(const char *font = "bold", double fontSize = -1, int fontColor = Chart::TextColor, double fontAngle = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CBaseMeter_setLabelStyle(ptr, font, fontSize, fontColor, fontAngle)); reg(ret); return ret; }
	void setLabelPos(bool labelInside, int labelOffset = 0) { CBaseMeter_setLabelPos(ptr, labelInside, labelOffset); }
	void setLabelFormat(const char *mainLabelFormat) { CBaseMeter_setLabelFormat(ptr, mainLabelFormat); }
	void setTickLength(int majorLen, int minorLen = -0x7fffffff, int microLen = -0x7fffffff)
	{ CBaseMeter_setTickLength(ptr, majorLen, minorLen, microLen); }
	void setLineWidth(int axisWidth, int majorTickWidth = 1, int minorTickWidth = 1, int microTickWidth = 1)
	{ CBaseMeter_setLineWidth(ptr, axisWidth, majorTickWidth, minorTickWidth, microTickWidth); }
	void setMeterColors(int axisColor, int labelColor = -1, int tickColor = -1)
	{ CBaseMeter_setMeterColors(ptr, axisColor, labelColor, tickColor); }

	int getCoor(double v) const { return CBaseMeter_getCoor(ptr, v); }

class AngularMeter : public BaseMeter
private :
	//disable copying
	AngularMeter(const AngularMeter &rhs);
	AngularMeter &operator=(const AngularMeter &rhs);

	AngularMeterInternal *ptr;

public :
	AngularMeter(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CAngularMeter_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(AngularMeter2BaseMeter(ptr)); }

	void addRing(int startRadius, int endRadius, int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CAngularMeter_addRing(ptr, startRadius, endRadius, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void addRingSector(int startRadius, int endRadius, double a1, double a2, int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CAngularMeter_addRingSector(ptr, startRadius, endRadius, a1, a2, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void setCap(int radius, int fillColor, int edgeColor = Chart::LineColor)
	{ CAngularMeter_setCap(ptr, radius, fillColor, edgeColor); }

	void setMeter(int cx, int cy, int radius, double startAngle, double endAngle)
	{ CAngularMeter_setMeter(ptr, cx, cy, radius, startAngle, endAngle); }

	void addZone(double startValue, double endValue, int startRadius, int endRadius, int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CAngularMeter_addZone(ptr, startValue, endValue, startRadius, endRadius, fillColor, edgeColor); }
	void addZone(double startValue, double endValue, int fillColor, int edgeColor = -1)
	{ CAngularMeter_addZone2(ptr, startValue, endValue, fillColor, edgeColor); }

class LinearMeter : public BaseMeter
private :
	//disable copying
	LinearMeter(const LinearMeter &rhs);
	LinearMeter &operator=(const LinearMeter &rhs);

	LinearMeterInternal *ptr;

public :
	LinearMeter(int width, int height, int bgColor = Chart::BackgroundColor,
		int edgeColor = Chart::Transparent, int raisedEffect = 0)
	{ ptr = CLinearMeter_create(width, height, bgColor, edgeColor, raisedEffect);
	  init(LinearMeter2BaseMeter(ptr)); }

	void setMeter(int leftX, int topY, int width, int height, int axisPos = Chart::Left, bool isReversed = false)
	{ CLinearMeter_setMeter(ptr, leftX, topY, width, height, axisPos, isReversed); }
	void setRail(int railColor, int railWidth = 2, int railOffset = 6)
	{ CLinearMeter_setRail(ptr, railColor, railWidth, railOffset); }
	TextBox *addZone(double startValue, double endValue, int color, const char *label = 0)
	{ TextBox *ret = new TextBox(CLinearMeter_addZone(ptr, startValue, endValue, color, label)); reg(ret); return ret; }

class ArrayMath
private :
	ArrayMathInternal *ptr;

public :
	ArrayMath(DoubleArray a) : ptr(CArrayMath_create(, a.len)) {}
	~ArrayMath() { CArrayMath_destroy(ptr); }
	static ArrayMath *create(DoubleArray a) { return new ArrayMath(a); }
	void destroy() { delete this; }

	ArrayMath(const ArrayMath &rhs) { DoubleArray r  = rhs; ptr = CArrayMath_create(, r.len); }
	ArrayMath &operator=(const ArrayMath &rhs) { CArrayMath_destroy(ptr); DoubleArray r  = rhs; ptr = CArrayMath_create(, r.len); return *this;}
	operator DoubleArray() const { return result(); }

	ArrayMath& add(DoubleArray b) { CArrayMath_add(ptr,, b.len); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& add(double b) { CArrayMath_add2(ptr, b); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& sub(DoubleArray b) { CArrayMath_sub(ptr,, b.len); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& sub(double b) { CArrayMath_sub2(ptr, b); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& mul(DoubleArray b) { CArrayMath_mul(ptr,, b.len); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& mul(double b) { CArrayMath_mul2(ptr, b); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& div(DoubleArray b) { CArrayMath_div(ptr,, b.len); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& div(double b) { CArrayMath_div2(ptr, b); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& financeDiv(DoubleArray b, double zeroByZeroValue) { CArrayMath_financeDiv(ptr,, b.len, zeroByZeroValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& shift(int offset = 1, double fillValue = Chart::NoValue) { CArrayMath_shift(ptr, offset, fillValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& delta(int offset = 1) { CArrayMath_delta(ptr, offset); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& rate(int offset = 1) { CArrayMath_rate(ptr, offset); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& abs() { CArrayMath_abs(ptr); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& acc() { CArrayMath_acc(ptr); return *this; }

	ArrayMath& selectGTZ(DoubleArray decisionArray = DoubleArray(), double fillValue = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectGTZ(ptr,, decisionArray.len, fillValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectGEZ(DoubleArray decisionArray = DoubleArray(), double fillValue = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectGEZ(ptr,, decisionArray.len, fillValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectLTZ(DoubleArray decisionArray = DoubleArray(), double fillValue = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectLTZ(ptr,, decisionArray.len, fillValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectLEZ(DoubleArray decisionArray = DoubleArray(), double fillValue = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectLEZ(ptr,, decisionArray.len, fillValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectEQZ(DoubleArray decisionArray = DoubleArray(), double fillValue = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectEQZ(ptr,, decisionArray.len, fillValue); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectNEZ(DoubleArray decisionArray = DoubleArray(), double fillValue = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectNEZ(ptr,, decisionArray.len, fillValue); return *this; }

	ArrayMath& selectStartOfHour(int majorTickStep = 1, double initialMargin = 300)
	{ CArrayMath_selectStartOfHour(ptr, majorTickStep, initialMargin); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectStartOfDay(int majorTickStep = 1, double initialMargin = 3 * 3600)
	{ CArrayMath_selectStartOfDay(ptr, majorTickStep, initialMargin); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectStartOfWeek(int majorTickStep = 1, double initialMargin = 2 * 86400)
	{ CArrayMath_selectStartOfWeek(ptr, majorTickStep, initialMargin); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectStartOfMonth(int majorTickStep = 1, double initialMargin = 5 * 86400)
	{ CArrayMath_selectStartOfMonth(ptr, majorTickStep, initialMargin); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectStartOfYear(int majorTickStep = 1, double initialMargin = 60 * 86400)
	{ CArrayMath_selectStartOfYear(ptr, majorTickStep, initialMargin); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& selectRegularSpacing(int majorTickStep, int minorTickStep = 0, int initialMargin = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_selectRegularSpacing(ptr, majorTickStep, minorTickStep, initialMargin); return *this; }

	ArrayMath& trim(int startIndex = 0, int len = -1)
	{ CArrayMath_trim(ptr, startIndex, len); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& insert(DoubleArray a, int insertPoint = -1)
	{ CArrayMath_insert(ptr,, a.len, insertPoint); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& insert(double c, int len, int insertPoint = -1)
	{ CArrayMath_insert2(ptr, c, len, insertPoint); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& replace(double a, double b)
	{ CArrayMath_replace(ptr, a, b); return *this; }

	ArrayMath& movAvg(int interval)
	{ CArrayMath_movAvg(ptr, interval); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& expAvg(double smoothingFactor)
	{ CArrayMath_expAvg(ptr, smoothingFactor); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& movMed(int interval)
	{ CArrayMath_movMed(ptr, interval); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& movPercentile(int interval, double percentile)
	{ CArrayMath_movPercentile(ptr, interval, percentile); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& movMax(int interval)
	{ CArrayMath_movMax(ptr, interval); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& movMin(int interval)
	{ CArrayMath_movMin(ptr, interval); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& movStdDev(int interval)
	{ CArrayMath_movStdDev(ptr, interval); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& movCorr(int interval, DoubleArray b = DoubleArray())
	{ CArrayMath_movCorr(ptr, interval,, b.len); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& lowess(double smoothness = 0.25, int iteration = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_lowess(ptr, smoothness, iteration); return *this; }
	ArrayMath& lowess(DoubleArray b, double smoothness = 0.25, int iteration = 0)
	{ CArrayMath_lowess2(ptr,, b.len, smoothness, iteration); return *this; }

	DoubleArray result() const { const double *d; int len; CArrayMath_result(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
#ifndef max
	double max() const { return CArrayMath_max(ptr); }
	double maxValue() const { return CArrayMath_max(ptr); }
#ifndef min
	double min() const { return CArrayMath_min(ptr); }
	double minValue() const { return CArrayMath_min(ptr); }
	double avg() const { return CArrayMath_avg(ptr); }
	double sum() const { return CArrayMath_sum(ptr); }
	double stdDev() const { return CArrayMath_stdDev(ptr); }
	double med() const { return CArrayMath_med(ptr); }
	double percentile(double p) const { return CArrayMath_percentile(ptr, p); }
	int maxIndex() const { return CArrayMath_maxIndex(ptr); }
	int minIndex() const { return CArrayMath_minIndex(ptr); }

	DoubleArray aggregate(DoubleArray srcArray, int aggregateMethod, double param = 50) const
	{ const double *d; int len; CArrayMath_aggregate(ptr,, srcArray.len, aggregateMethod, param,
	  &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }

class RanTable
private :
	//disable copying
	RanTable(const RanTable &rhs);
	RanTable &operator=(const RanTable &rhs);

	RanTableInternal *ptr;

public :
	RanTable(int seed, int noOfCols, int noOfRows) : ptr(CRanTable_create(seed, noOfCols, noOfRows)) {}
	~RanTable() { CRanTable_destroy(ptr); }
	static RanTable *create(int seed, int noOfCols, int noOfRows) { return new RanTable(seed, noOfCols, noOfRows); }
	void destroy() { delete this; }

	void setCol(int colNo, double minValue, double maxValue)
	{ CRanTable_setCol(ptr, colNo, minValue, maxValue); }
	void setCol(int colNo, double startValue, double minDelta, double maxDelta,
		double lowerLimit = -1E+308, double upperLimit = 1E+308)
	{ CRanTable_setCol2(ptr, colNo, startValue, minDelta, maxDelta, lowerLimit, upperLimit); }
	void setDateCol(int i, double startTime, double tickInc, bool weekDayOnly = false)
	{ CRanTable_setDateCol(ptr, i, startTime, tickInc, weekDayOnly); }
	void setHLOCCols(int i, double startValue, double minDelta, double maxDelta,
		double lowerLimit = 0, double upperLimit = 1E+308)
	{ CRanTable_setHLOCCols(ptr, i, startValue, minDelta, maxDelta, lowerLimit, upperLimit); }
	int selectDate(int colNo, double minDate, double maxDate)
	{ return CRanTable_selectDate(ptr, colNo, minDate, maxDate); } 
	DoubleArray getCol(int i)
	{ const double *d; int len; CRanTable_getCol(ptr, i, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }

class RanSeries
private :
	//disable copying
	RanSeries(const RanSeries &rhs);
	RanSeries &operator=(const RanSeries &rhs);

	RanSeriesInternal *ptr;

public :
	RanSeries(int seed) : ptr(CRanSeries_create(seed)) {}
	~RanSeries() { CRanSeries_destroy(ptr); }
	static RanSeries *create(int seed) { return new RanSeries(seed); }
	void destroy() { delete this; }

	DoubleArray getSeries(int len, double minValue, double maxValue) 
	{ const double *ret; int retLen; CRanSeries_getSeries(ptr, len, minValue, maxValue, &ret, &retLen);
	  return DoubleArray(ret, retLen); }
	DoubleArray getSeries(int len, double minValue, double maxValue, double maxDelta, 
		double lowerLimit = -1E+308, double upperLimit = 1E+308) 
	{ const double *ret; int retLen; CRanSeries_getSeries2(ptr, len, minValue, maxValue, maxDelta, 
	  lowerLimit, upperLimit, &ret, &retLen); return DoubleArray(ret, retLen); }
	DoubleArray getDateSeries(int len, double startTime, double tickInc, bool weekDayOnly = false) 
	{ const double *ret; int retLen; CRanSeries_getDateSeries(ptr, len, startTime, tickInc, weekDayOnly, 
	  &ret, &retLen); return DoubleArray(ret, retLen); }

class FinanceSimulator
private :
	//disable copying
	FinanceSimulator(const FinanceSimulator &rhs);
	FinanceSimulator &operator=(const FinanceSimulator &rhs);

	FinanceSimulatorInternal *ptr;

public :
	FinanceSimulator(int seed, double startTime, double endTime, int resolution) :
	   ptr(CFinanceSimulator_create(seed, startTime, endTime, resolution))
	FinanceSimulator(const char *seed, double startTime, double endTime, int resolution) :
	   ptr(CFinanceSimulator_create2(seed, startTime, endTime, resolution))
	~FinanceSimulator() { CFinanceSimulator_destroy(ptr); }

	DoubleArray getTimeStamps() 
	{ const double *d; int len; CFinanceSimulator_getTimeStamps(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
	DoubleArray getHighData()
	{ const double *d; int len; CFinanceSimulator_getHighData(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
	DoubleArray getLowData()
	{ const double *d; int len; CFinanceSimulator_getLowData(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
	DoubleArray getOpenData()
	{ const double *d; int len; CFinanceSimulator_getOpenData(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
	DoubleArray getCloseData()
	{ const double *d; int len; CFinanceSimulator_getCloseData(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }
	DoubleArray getVolData()
	{ const double *d; int len; CFinanceSimulator_getVolData(ptr, &d, &len); return DoubleArray(d, len); }

class ImageMapHandler
private :
	//disable copying
	ImageMapHandler(const ImageMapHandler &rhs);
	ImageMapHandler &operator=(const ImageMapHandler &rhs);

	ImageMapHandlerInternal *ptr;

public :
	ImageMapHandler(const char *imageMap) : ptr(CImageMapHandler_create(imageMap)) {}
	~ImageMapHandler() { CImageMapHandler_destroy(ptr); }

	int getHotSpot(int x, int y)
	{ return CImageMapHandler_getHotSpot(ptr, x, y); }
	const char *getValue(const char *key)
	{ return CImageMapHandler_getValue(ptr, key); }
	const char *getKey(int i)
	{ return CImageMapHandler_getKey(ptr, i); }
	const char *getValue(int i)
	{ return CImageMapHandler_getValue2(ptr, i); }

class ViewPortManager
private :
	//disable copying
	ViewPortManager(const ViewPortManager &rhs);
	ViewPortManager &operator=(const ViewPortManager &rhs);

	ViewPortManagerInternal *ptr;

public :

	ViewPortManager() : ptr(CViewPortManager_create()) {}
	~ViewPortManager() { CViewPortManager_destroy(ptr); }

	void setChartMetrics(const char *metrics) { CViewPortManager_setChartMetrics(ptr, metrics); }
	int getPlotAreaLeft() { return CViewPortManager_getPlotAreaLeft(ptr); }
	int getPlotAreaTop() { return CViewPortManager_getPlotAreaTop(ptr); }
	int getPlotAreaWidth() { return CViewPortManager_getPlotAreaWidth(ptr); }
	int getPlotAreaHeight() { return CViewPortManager_getPlotAreaHeight(ptr); }
	bool inPlotArea(int x, int y) { return CViewPortManager_inPlotArea(ptr, x, y); }

	double getViewPortLeft() { return CViewPortManager_getViewPortLeft(ptr); }
	void setViewPortLeft(double left) { CViewPortManager_setViewPortLeft(ptr, left); }
	double getViewPortTop() { return CViewPortManager_getViewPortTop(ptr); }
	void setViewPortTop(double top) { CViewPortManager_setViewPortTop(ptr, top); }
	double getViewPortWidth() { return CViewPortManager_getViewPortWidth(ptr); }
	void setViewPortWidth(double width) { CViewPortManager_setViewPortWidth(ptr, width); }
	double getViewPortHeight() { return CViewPortManager_getViewPortHeight(ptr); }
	void setViewPortHeight(double height) { CViewPortManager_setViewPortHeight(ptr, height); }
	void validateViewPort() { CViewPortManager_validateViewPort(ptr); }

	double getZoomInWidthLimit() { return CViewPortManager_getZoomInWidthLimit(ptr); }
	void setZoomInWidthLimit(double viewPortWidth) { CViewPortManager_setZoomInWidthLimit(ptr, viewPortWidth); }
	double getZoomOutWidthLimit() { return CViewPortManager_getZoomOutWidthLimit(ptr); }
	void setZoomOutWidthLimit(double viewPortWidth){  CViewPortManager_setZoomOutWidthLimit(ptr, viewPortWidth); }
	double getZoomInHeightLimit() { return CViewPortManager_getZoomInHeightLimit(ptr); }
	void setZoomInHeightLimit(double viewPortHeight) { CViewPortManager_setZoomInHeightLimit(ptr, viewPortHeight); }
	double getZoomOutHeightLimit() { return CViewPortManager_getZoomOutHeightLimit(ptr); }
	void setZoomOutHeightLimit(double viewPortHeight){  CViewPortManager_setZoomOutHeightLimit(ptr, viewPortHeight); }
	bool canZoomIn(int zoomDirection) { return CViewPortManager_canZoomIn(ptr, zoomDirection); }
	bool canZoomOut(int zoomDirection) { return CViewPortManager_canZoomOut(ptr, zoomDirection); }
	bool zoomAt(int zoomDirection, int x, int y, double zoomRatio) 
	{ return CViewPortManager_zoomAt(ptr, zoomDirection, x, y, zoomRatio); }
	bool zoomTo(int zoomDirection, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) 
	{ return CViewPortManager_zoomTo(ptr, zoomDirection, x1, y1, x2, y2); }

	void startDrag() { CViewPortManager_startDrag(ptr); }
	bool dragTo(int scrollDirection, int deltaX, int deltaY) 
	{ return CViewPortManager_dragTo(ptr, scrollDirection, deltaX, deltaY); }

    void setFullRange(const char *id, double minValue, double maxValue)
	{ CViewPortManager_setFullRange(ptr, id, minValue, maxValue); }
	void clearAllRanges()
	{ CViewPortManager_clearAllRanges(ptr); }
    double getValueAtViewPort(const char *id, double ratio, bool isLogScale = false)
	{ return CViewPortManager_getValueAtViewPort(ptr, id, ratio, isLogScale); }
	double getViewPortAtValue(const char *id, double ratio, bool isLogScale = false)
	{ return CViewPortManager_getViewPortAtValue(ptr, id, ratio, isLogScale); }
    void syncLinearAxisWithViewPort(const char *id, Axis *axis)
	{ CViewPortManager_syncLinearAxisWithViewPort(ptr, id, axis->getInternalPtr()); }
    void syncLogAxisWithViewPort(const char *id, Axis *axis)
	{ CViewPortManager_syncLogAxisWithViewPort(ptr, id, axis->getInternalPtr()); }
    void syncDateAxisWithViewPort(const char *id, Axis *axis)
	{ CViewPortManager_syncDateAxisWithViewPort(ptr, id, axis->getInternalPtr()); }
    void commitPendingSyncAxis(BaseChart *c)
	{ CViewPortManager_commitPendingSyncAxis(ptr, c->getInternalPtr()); }

	void setPlotAreaMouseMargin(int leftMargin, int rightMargin, int topMargin, int bottomMargin)
	{ CViewPortManager_setPlotAreaMouseMargin(ptr, leftMargin, rightMargin, topMargin, bottomMargin); }
	bool inExtendedPlotArea(int x, int y)
	{ return CViewPortManager_inExtendedPlotArea(ptr, x, y); }


//	This section is obsoleted - retained for compatibility only.
//	Global identifiers are now moved into the Chart namespace

static const double LogTick = +1.6e308;
static const double NoValue = +1.7e308;
static const double TouchBar = -1.7E-100;

enum Alignment
	TopLeft = 7,	TopCenter = 8,		TopRight = 9,
	Left = 4,		Center = 5,			Right = 6,
	BottomLeft = 1,	BottomCenter = 2,	BottomRight = 3,
	Top = TopCenter,
	Bottom = BottomCenter

	DashLine = 0x0505,
	DotLine = 0x0202,
	DotDashLine = 0x05050205,
	AltDashLine = 0x0A050505

static const int * const goldGradient = Chart::goldGradient;
static const int * const silverGradient = Chart::silverGradient;
static const int * const redMetalGradient = Chart::redMetalGradient;
static const int * const blueMetalGradient = Chart::blueMetalGradient;
static const int * const greenMetalGradient = Chart::greenMetalGradient;

enum AntiAliasMode { NoAntiAlias, AntiAlias, AutoAntiAlias };
enum PaletteMode { TryPalette, ForcePalette, NoPalette };
enum DitherMethod { Quantize, OrderedDither, ErrorDiffusion };

enum CDFilterType { BoxFilter, LinearFilter, QuadraticFilter, BSplineFilter, HermiteFilter,
	CatromFilter, MitchellFilter, SincFilter, LanczosFilter, GaussianFilter, HanningFilter,
	HammingFilter, BlackmanFilter, BesselFilter };

	Transparent = 0xff000000,
	Palette = 0xffff0000,
	BackgroundColor = 0xffff0000,
	LineColor = 0xffff0001,
	TextColor = 0xffff0002,
	DataColor = 0xffff0008,
	SameAsMainColor = 0xffff0007

enum ImgFormat {PNG, GIF, JPG, WMP, BMP};

static const int * const oldDefaultPalette = Chart::oldDefaultPalette;
static const int * const defaultPalette = Chart::defaultPalette;
static const int * const whiteOnBlackPalette = Chart::whiteOnBlackPalette;
static const int * const transparentPalette = Chart::transparentPalette;

enum {SideLayout, CircleLayout};

enum SymbolType
	NoSymbol = 0,
	SquareSymbol = 1,
	DiamondSymbol = 2,
	TriangleSymbol = 3,
	RightTriangleSymbol = 4,
	LeftTriangleSymbol = 5,
	InvertedTriangleSymbol = 6,
	CircleSymbol = 7,
	CrossSymbol = 8,
	Cross2Symbol = 9

enum DataCombineMethod { Overlay, Stack, Depth, Side, Percentage };

enum LegendMode { NormalLegend, ReverseLegend, NoLegend };

enum ScaleType { PixelScale, XAxisScale, YAxisScale,
	AngularAxisScale = XAxisScale, RadialAxisScale = YAxisScale };

static inline int getVersion() { return Chart::getVersion(); }
static inline const char * getDescription() { return Chart::getDescription(); }
static inline const char * getCopyright() { return Chart::getCopyright(); }

static inline bool testFont(const char *font, int fontIndex, double fontHeight,
		double fontWidth, double angle, char *buffer)
{ return Chart::testFont(font, fontIndex, fontHeight, fontWidth, angle, buffer); }

static inline bool isLicensed() { return Chart::isLicensed(); }
static inline bool getLicenseAttr(const char *key, char *buffer) 
{ return Chart::getLicenseAttr(key, buffer); }
static inline bool setLicenseFile(const char *filename = 0, char *buffer = 0)
{ return Chart::setLicenseFile(filename, buffer); }
static inline bool setLicenseCode(const char *licCode, char *buffer = 0)
{ return Chart::setLicenseCode(licCode, buffer); }

static inline double chartTime(int y, int m, int d, int h = 0, int n = 0, int s = 0)
{ return Chart::chartTime(y, m, d, h, n, s); }
static inline double chartTime2(int t)
{ return Chart::chartTime2(t); }



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  Re: Using ChartDirector with Borland C++ Builder 6.0
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-14-2014 01:54
Hi Jack,

I have never used Borland C++ 6.0 myself. However, our customers told us that it worked.

For the naming conflict in Mark, the problem can be solved by adding a namespace around
the include file. There is no need to modify the chartdir.h. For example, the post below was
created by one of the ChartDirector users using Borland C++ 6.0, and he encountered the
same naming conflict problem for the "Mark", and confirmed that the problem can be solved
without modifying "chartdir.h".

For the "CHARTDIR51.DLL is not designed for Windows or it contains errors", this type of
error is usually because of using the 64-bit edition of "chartdir51.dll" in a 32-bit application
or vice versa. It is also possible the "chartdir51.dll" is corrupted for some reason. Is the
"chartdir51.dll" the exact original unmodified DLL? If you have more than one "chartdir51.dll"
in your system, would you mind to double check if the "chartdir51.dll" used by your
application to run the program (which can be different from the one used to build and link
the program, depending on your configuration) is the correct one?

As I am not familiar with Borland C++, I am not sure if using COFF2OMf is the correct
method. I remembered one of the Borland C++ users in this forum mentioned he used
implib.exe on the DLL to generate the import library (LIB file), and it works. (The DLL is not
modified with this method.)

Peter Kwan

  Re: Using ChartDirector with Borland C++ Builder 6.0
Posted by Jack on Oct-14-2014 11:01
Hi Peter

After cheking my dll , i found the file was not correct because of some mistakes of trying to
use COFF2OMf and implib to generate a new lib file , it worked well when i replaced the dll
from original one.

And the method of adding a namespace without modifying "chartdir.h" is also good for
me(Although both can woks well),now i can generate my first graph , really appreciate
your help.
