Track lines on the interactive finance chart |
Posted by techsoft on May-27-2015 17:42 |
hi Peter,
I have created the interactive finance chart and its working nicely. But i don't know how to mix trackfinance.php with financedemo.php to create track lines on the graph image.
Is there any example for that or any sample code.
Below is my finance chart.
Re: Track lines on the interactive finance chart |
Posted by techsoft on May-27-2015 19:54 |
hi peter,
What changes should i make in this to get track lines.
this is my financedemochart.php code.
include '../../db_connection.php';
# Utility to compute modulus for large positive numbers. Although PHP has a built-in fmod
# function, it is only for PHP >= 4.2.0. So we need to define our own fmod function.
function fmod2($a, $b) { return $a - floor($a / $b) * $b; }
# Create a finance chart based on user selections, which are encoded as query
# parameters. This code is designed to work with the financedemo HTML form.
# The timeStamps, volume, high, low, open and close data
# ** NOTE ** : This sample code is written assuming the time stamps are in
# ChartDirector chartTime format. It is because this format supports dates before
# 1970 (which may be needed in some long term charts). See the ChartDirector
# documentation on chartTime for details. When you retrieve the time stamps from your
# database, please remember to convert them to chartTime.
$timeStamps = null;
$volData = null;
$highData = null;
$lowData = null;
$openData = null;
$closeData = null;
# An extra data series to compare with the close data
$compareData = null;
# The resolution of the data in seconds. 1 day = 86400 seconds.
$resolution = 86400;
#/ <summary>
#/ Get the timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="durationInDays">The number of trading days to get.</param>
#/ <param name="extraPoints">The extra leading data points needed in order to
#/ compute moving averages.</param>
#/ <returns>True if successfully obtain the data, otherwise false.</returns>
function getData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, $durationInDays, $extraPoints) {
global $resolution;
# This method should return false if the ticker symbol is invalid. In this sample
# code, as we are using a random number generator for the data, all ticker symbol
# is allowed, but we still assumed an empty symbol is invalid.
if ($ticker == "") {
return false;
# In this demo, we can get 15 min, daily, weekly or monthly data depending on the
# time range.
$resolution = 86400;
if ($durationInDays <= 10) {
# 10 days or less, we assume 15 minute data points are available
$resolution = 900;
# We need to adjust the startDate backwards for the extraPoints. We assume
# 6.5 hours trading time per day, and 5 trading days per week.
$dataPointsPerDay = 6.5 * 3600 / $resolution;
$adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)(
$extraPoints / $dataPointsPerDay * 7 / 5 + 0.9999999) * 86400 - 2 * 86400
# Get the required 15 min data
get15MinData($ticker, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);
} else if ($durationInDays >= 4.5 * 360) {
# 4 years or more - use monthly data points.
$resolution = 30 * 86400;
# Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints
$YMD = getChartYMD($startDate);
$currentMonth = (int)($YMD / 100) % 100 - $extraPoints;
$currentYear = (int)($YMD / 10000);
while ($currentMonth < 1) {
$currentYear = $currentYear - 1;
$currentMonth = $currentMonth + 12;
$adjustedStartDate = chartTime($currentYear, $currentMonth, 1);
# Get the required monthly data
getMonthlyData($ticker, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);
} else if ($durationInDays >= 1.5 * 360) {
# 1 year or more - use weekly points.
$resolution = 7 * 86400;
# Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints
$adjustedStartDate = $startDate - $extraPoints * 7 * 86400 - 6 * 86400;
# Get the required weekly data
getWeeklyData($ticker, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);
} else {
# Default - use daily points
$resolution = 86400;
# Adjust startDate backwards to cater for extraPoints. We multiply the days
# by 7/5 as we assume 1 week has 5 trading days.
$adjustedStartDate = $startDate - fmod2($startDate, 86400) - (int)((
$extraPoints * 7 + 4) / 5) * 86400 - 2 * 86400;
# Get the required daily data
getDailyData($ticker, $adjustedStartDate, $endDate);
return true;
#/ <summary>
#/ Get 15 minutes data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function get15MinData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
# In this demo, we use a random number generator to generate the data. In
# practice, you may get the data from a database or by other means. If you do not
# have 15 minute data, you may modify the "drawChart" method below to not using
# 15 minute data.
generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 900);
#/ <summary>
#/ Get daily data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function getDailyData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
# In this demo, we use a random number generator to generate the data. In
# practice, you may get the data from a database or by other means.
generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 86400);
$myrange =(int)($_REQUEST["rangedata"]);//daily,weekly or monthly
convertDailyToWeeklyData();//to convert to weekly data
convertDailyToMonthlyData();//to convert to monthly data
#/ <summary>
#/ Get weekly data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function getWeeklyData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
# If you do not have weekly data, you may call "getDailyData(startDate, endDate)"
# to get daily data, then call "convertDailyToWeeklyData()" to convert to weekly
# data.
generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 86400 * 7);
$myrange =(int)($_REQUEST["rangedata"]);//daily,weekly or monthly
convertDailyToWeeklyData();//to convert to weekly data
convertDailyToMonthlyData();//to convert to monthly data
#/ <summary>
#/ Get monthly data series for timeStamps, highData, lowData, openData, closeData
#/ and volData.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
function getMonthlyData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate) {
# If you do not have weekly data, you may call "getDailyData(startDate, endDate)"
# to get daily data, then call "convertDailyToMonthlyData()" to convert to
# monthly data.
generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, 86400 * 30);
$myrange =(int)($_REQUEST["rangedata"]);//daily,weekly or monthly
convertDailyToWeeklyData();//to convert to weekly data
convertDailyToMonthlyData();//to convert to monthly data
#/ <summary>
#/ A random number generator designed to generate realistic financial data.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="ticker">The ticker symbol for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="startDate">The starting date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="endDate">The ending date/time for the data series.</param>
#/ <param name="resolution">The period of the data series.</param>
function generateRandomData($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, $resolution) {
global $timeStamps, $volData, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData;
/* $db = new FinanceSimulator($ticker, $startDate, $endDate, $resolution);
$timeStamps = $db->getTimeStamps();
$highData = $db->getHighData();
$lowData = $db->getLowData();
$openData = $db->getOpenData();
$closeData = $db->getCloseData();
$volData = $db->getVolData();*/
$yyyymmdd = getChartYMD($startDate);
$isoStartDate = substr($yyyymmdd, 0, 4) . "-" . substr($yyyymmdd, 4, 2) . "-" .substr($yyyymmdd, 6, 2);
$yyyymmdd2 = getChartYMD($endDate);
$isoEndDate = substr($yyyymmdd2, 0, 4) . "-" . substr($yyyymmdd2, 4, 2) . "-" .substr($yyyymmdd2, 6, 2);
//newly added
$sql = "SELECT UNIX_Timestamp(date_added) As cash_date,Open_Price, High_Price, Low_Price, Close_Price, NET_TRDQTY FROM cash_data WHERE SYMBOL='$ticker' AND date_added >='$isoStartDate' and date_added <
'$isoEndDate' ORDER BY date_added ";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
// $dbtime = explode('-',$row['Date_acc']);
// $y = $dbtime[0];
// $m =$dbtime[1];
// $d=$dbtime[2];
// $theDate[] = str_replace("-","",$row['cash_date']);
$timeStamps[] = chartTime2($row['cash_date']);
// $timeStamps[] = chartTime($y, $m, $d, 09, 30, 0);
$openData[] = $row['Open_Price'];
$highData[] = $row['High_Price'];
$lowData[] = $row['Low_Price'];
$closeData[] = $row['Close_Price'];
$volData[] = $row['NET_TRDQTY'];
#/ <summary>
#/ A utility to convert daily to weekly data.
#/ </summary>
function convertDailyToWeeklyData() {
global $timeStamps;
$tmpArrayMath1 = new ArrayMath($timeStamps);
#/ <summary>
#/ A utility to convert daily to monthly data.
#/ </summary>
function convertDailyToMonthlyData() {
global $timeStamps;
$tmpArrayMath1 = new ArrayMath($timeStamps);
#/ <summary>
#/ An internal method used to aggregate daily data.
#/ </summary>
function aggregateData(&$aggregator) {
global $timeStamps, $volData, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData;
$timeStamps = $aggregator->aggregate($timeStamps, AggregateFirst);
$highData = $aggregator->aggregate($highData, AggregateMax);
$lowData = $aggregator->aggregate($lowData, AggregateMin);
$openData = $aggregator->aggregate($openData, AggregateFirst);
$closeData = $aggregator->aggregate($closeData, AggregateLast);
$volData = $aggregator->aggregate($volData, AggregateSum);
#/ <summary>
#/ Create a financial chart according to user selections. The user selections are
#/ encoded in the query parameters.
#/ </summary>
function drawChart() {
global $timeStamps, $volData, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData,
$compareData, $resolution;
# In this demo, we just assume we plot up to the latest time. So end date is now.
$endDate = chartTime2(time());
# If the trading day has not yet started (before 9:30am), or if the end date is
# on on Sat or Sun, we set the end date to 4:00pm of the last trading day
while ((fmod2($endDate, 86400) < 9 * 3600 + 30 * 60) || (getChartWeekDay($endDate
) == 0) || (getChartWeekDay($endDate) == 6)) {
$endDate = $endDate - fmod2($endDate, 86400) - 86400 + 16 * 3600;
# The duration selected by the user
$durationInDays = (int)($_REQUEST["TimeRange"]);
# Compute the start date by subtracting the duration from the end date.
$startDate = $endDate;
if ($durationInDays >= 30) {
# More or equal to 30 days - so we use months as the unit
$YMD = getChartYMD($endDate);
$startMonth = (int)($YMD / 100) % 100 - (int)($durationInDays / 30);
$startYear = (int)($YMD / 10000);
while ($startMonth < 1) {
$startYear = $startYear - 1;
$startMonth = $startMonth + 12;
$startDate = chartTime($startYear, $startMonth, 1);
} else {
# Less than 30 days - use day as the unit. The starting point of the axis is
# always at the start of the day (9:30am). Note that we use trading days, so
# we skip Sat and Sun in counting the days.
$startDate = $endDate - fmod2($endDate, 86400) + 9 * 3600 + 30 * 60;
for($i = 1; $i < $durationInDays; ++$i) {
if (getChartWeekDay($startDate) == 1) {
$startDate = $startDate - 3 * 86400;
} else {
$startDate = $startDate - 86400;
# The moving average periods selected by the user.
$avgPeriod1 = 0;
$avgPeriod1 = (int)($_REQUEST["movAvg1"]);
$avgPeriod2 = 0;
$avgPeriod2 = (int)($_REQUEST["movAvg2"]);
//extra added
$avgPeriod3 = 0;
$avgPeriod3 = (int)($_REQUEST["movAvg3"]);
$avgPeriod4 = 0;
$avgPeriod4 = (int)($_REQUEST["movAvg4"]);
if ($avgPeriod1 < 0) {
$avgPeriod1 = 0;
} else if ($avgPeriod1 > 300) {
$avgPeriod1 = 300;
if ($avgPeriod2 < 0) {
$avgPeriod2 = 0;
} else if ($avgPeriod2 > 300) {
$avgPeriod2 = 300;
//extra added
if ($avgPeriod3 < 0) {
$avgPeriod3 = 0;
} else if ($avgPeriod3 > 300) {
$avgPeriod3 = 300;
if ($avgPeriod4 < 0) {
$avgPeriod4 = 0;
} else if ($avgPeriod4 > 300) {
$avgPeriod4 = 300;
# We need extra leading data points in order to compute moving averages.
$extraPoints = 20;
if ($avgPeriod1 > $extraPoints) {
$extraPoints = $avgPeriod1;
if ($avgPeriod2 > $extraPoints) {
$extraPoints = $avgPeriod2;
//extra added
if ($avgPeriod3 > $extraPoints) {
$extraPoints = $avgPeriod3;
if ($avgPeriod4 > $extraPoints) {
$extraPoints = $avgPeriod4;
# Get the data series to compare with, if any.
$compareKey = trim($_REQUEST["CompareWith"]);
$compareData = null;
if (getData($compareKey, $startDate, $endDate, $durationInDays, $extraPoints)) {
$compareData = $closeData;
# The data series we want to get.
$tickerKey = trim($_REQUEST["TickerSymbol"]);
if (!getData($tickerKey, $startDate, $endDate, $durationInDays, $extraPoints)) {
return errMsg("Please enter a valid ticker symbol");
# We now confirm the actual number of extra points (data points that are before
# the start date) as inferred using actual data from the database.
$extraPoints = count($timeStamps);
for($i = 0; $i < count($timeStamps); ++$i) {
if ($timeStamps[$i] >= $startDate) {
$extraPoints = $i;
# Check if there is any valid data
if ($extraPoints >= count($timeStamps)) {
# No data - just display the no data message.
return errMsg("No data available for the specified time period");
# In some finance chart presentation style, even if the data for the latest day
# is not fully available, the axis for the entire day will still be drawn, where
# no data will appear near the end of the axis.
if ($resolution < 86400) {
# Add extra points to the axis until it reaches the end of the day. The end
# of day is assumed to be 16:00 (it depends on the stock exchange).
$lastTime = $timeStamps[count($timeStamps) - 1];
$extraTrailingPoints = (int)((16 * 3600 - fmod2($lastTime, 86400)) /
for($i = 0; $i < $extraTrailingPoints; ++$i) {
$timeStamps[] = $lastTime + $resolution * ($i + 1);
# At this stage, all data are available. We can draw the chart as according to
# user input.
# Determine the chart size. In this demo, user can select 4 different chart
# sizes. Default is the large chart size.
$width = 780;
$mainHeight = 255;
$indicatorHeight = 80;
$size = $_REQUEST["ChartSize"];
if ($size == "S") {
# Small chart size
$width = 450;
$mainHeight = 160;
$indicatorHeight = 60;
} else if ($size == "M") {
# Medium chart size
$width = 620;
$mainHeight = 215;
$indicatorHeight = 70;
} else if ($size == "H") {
# Huge chart size
$width = 1000;
$mainHeight = 320;
$indicatorHeight = 90;
# Create the chart object using the selected size
$m = new FinanceChart($width);
# Set the data into the chart object
$m->setData($timeStamps, $highData, $lowData, $openData, $closeData, $volData,
# We configure the title of the chart. In this demo chart design, we put the
# company name as the top line of the title with left alignment.
$m->addPlotAreaTitle(TopLeft, $tickerKey);
# We displays the current date as well as the data resolution on the next line.
$resolutionText = "";
$myrange =(int)($_REQUEST["rangedata"]);//daily,weekly or monthly
if ($resolution == 30 * 86400 || $myrange==3) {
$resolutionText = "Monthly";
} else if ($resolution == 7 * 86400 || $myrange==2) {
$resolutionText = "Weekly";
} else if ($resolution == 86400 || $myrange==1) {
$resolutionText = "Daily";
} else if ($resolution == 900) {
$resolutionText = "15-min";
$m->addPlotAreaTitle(BottomLeft, sprintf(
"<*font=arial.ttf,size=8*>%s - %s chart", $m->formatValue(chartTime2(time()),
"mmm dd, yyyy"), $resolutionText));
# A copyright message at the bottom left corner the title area
"<*font=arial.ttf,size=8*>(c) Stocks Potter");
# Add the first techical indicator according. In this demo, we draw the first
# indicator on top of the main chart.
addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator1"], $indicatorHeight);
# Add the main chart
# Set log or linear scale according to user preference
if ($_REQUEST["LogScale"] == "1") {
# Set axis labels to show data values or percentage change to user preference
if ($_REQUEST["PercentageScale"] == "1") {
# Draw any price line the user has selected
$mainType = $_REQUEST["ChartType"];
if ($mainType == "Close") {
} else if ($mainType == "TP") {
} else if ($mainType == "WC") {
} else if ($mainType == "Median") {
# Add comparison line if there is data for comparison
if ($compareData != null) {
if (count($compareData) > $extraPoints) {
$m->addComparison($compareData, 0x0000ff, $compareKey);
# Add moving average lines.
addMovingAvg($m, $_REQUEST["avgType1"], $avgPeriod1, 0x663300);
addMovingAvg($m, $_REQUEST["avgType2"], $avgPeriod2, 0x9900ff);
addMovingAvg($m, $_REQUEST["avgType3"], $avgPeriod3, 0x663300);//extra
addMovingAvg($m, $_REQUEST["avgType4"], $avgPeriod4, 0x9900ff);//extra
# Draw candlesticks or OHLC symbols if the user has selected them.
if ($mainType == "CandleStick") {
$m->addCandleStick(0x33ff33, 0xff3333);
} else if ($mainType == "OHLC") {
$m->addHLOC(0x008800, 0xcc0000);
# Add parabolic SAR if necessary
if ($_REQUEST["ParabolicSAR"] == "1") {
$m->addParabolicSAR(0.02, 0.02, 0.2, DiamondShape, 5, 0x008800, 0x000000);
# Add price band/channel/envelop to the chart according to user selection
$bandType = $_REQUEST["Band"];
if ($bandType == "BB") {
$m->addBollingerBand(20, 2, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff);
} else if ($bandType == "DC") {
$m->addDonchianChannel(20, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff);
} else if ($bandType == "Envelop") {
$m->addEnvelop(20, 0.1, 0x9999ff, 0xc06666ff);
# Add volume bars to the main chart if necessary
if ($_REQUEST["Volume"] == "1") {
$m->addVolBars($indicatorHeight, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0xc0c0c0);
# Add additional indicators as according to user selection.
addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator2"], $indicatorHeight);
addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator3"], $indicatorHeight);
addIndicator($m, $_REQUEST["Indicator4"], $indicatorHeight);
return $m;
#/ <summary>
#/ Add a moving average line to the FinanceChart object.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="m">The FinanceChart object to add the line to.</param>
#/ <param name="avgType">The moving average type (SMA/EMA/TMA/WMA).</param>
#/ <param name="avgPeriod">The moving average period.</param>
#/ <param name="color">The color of the line.</param>
#/ <returns>The LineLayer object representing line layer created.</returns>
function addMovingAvg(&$m, $avgType, $avgPeriod, $color) {
if ($avgPeriod > 1) {
if ($avgType == "SMA") {
return $m->addSimpleMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
} else if ($avgType == "EMA") {
return $m->addExpMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
} else if ($avgType == "TMA") {
return $m->addTriMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
} else if ($avgType == "WMA") {
return $m->addWeightedMovingAvg($avgPeriod, $color);
return null;
#/ <summary>
#/ Add an indicator chart to the FinanceChart object. In this demo example, the
#/ indicator parameters (such as the period used to compute RSI, colors of the lines,
#/ etc.) are hard coded to commonly used values. You are welcome to design a more
#/ complex user interface to allow users to set the parameters.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="m">The FinanceChart object to add the line to.</param>
#/ <param name="indicator">The selected indicator.</param>
#/ <param name="height">Height of the chart in pixels</param>
#/ <returns>The XYChart object representing indicator chart.</returns>
function addIndicator(&$m, $indicator, $height) {
if ($indicator == "RSI") {
return $m->addRSI($height, 14, 0x800080, 20, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
} else if ($indicator == "StochRSI") {
return $m->addStochRSI($height, 14, 0x800080, 30, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
} else if ($indicator == "MACD") {
return $m->addMACD($height, 26, 12, 9, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x008000);
} else if ($indicator == "FStoch") {
return $m->addFastStochastic($height, 14, 3, 0x006060, 0x606000);
} else if ($indicator == "SStoch") {
return $m->addSlowStochastic($height, 14, 3, 0x006060, 0x606000);
} else if ($indicator == "ATR") {
return $m->addATR($height, 14, 0x808080, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "ADX") {
return $m->addADX($height, 14, 0x008000, 0x800000, 0x000080);
} else if ($indicator == "DCW") {
return $m->addDonchianWidth($height, 20, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "BBW") {
return $m->addBollingerWidth($height, 20, 2, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "DPO") {
return $m->addDPO($height, 20, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "PVT") {
return $m->addPVT($height, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "Momentum") {
return $m->addMomentum($height, 12, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "Performance") {
return $m->addPerformance($height, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "ROC") {
return $m->addROC($height, 12, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "OBV") {
return $m->addOBV($height, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "AccDist") {
return $m->addAccDist($height, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "CLV") {
return $m->addCLV($height, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "WilliamR") {
return $m->addWilliamR($height, 14, 0x800080, 30, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
} else if ($indicator == "Aroon") {
return $m->addAroon($height, 14, 0x339933, 0x333399);
} else if ($indicator == "AroonOsc") {
return $m->addAroonOsc($height, 14, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "CCI") {
return $m->addCCI($height, 20, 0x800080, 100, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
} else if ($indicator == "EMV") {
return $m->addEaseOfMovement($height, 9, 0x006060, 0x606000);
} else if ($indicator == "MDX") {
return $m->addMassIndex($height, 0x800080, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
} else if ($indicator == "CVolatility") {
return $m->addChaikinVolatility($height, 10, 10, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "COscillator") {
return $m->addChaikinOscillator($height, 0x0000ff);
} else if ($indicator == "CMF") {
return $m->addChaikinMoneyFlow($height, 21, 0x008000);
} else if ($indicator == "NVI") {
return $m->addNVI($height, 255, 0x0000ff, 0x883333);
} else if ($indicator == "PVI") {
return $m->addPVI($height, 255, 0x0000ff, 0x883333);
} else if ($indicator == "MFI") {
return $m->addMFI($height, 14, 0x800080, 30, 0xff6666, 0x6666ff);
} else if ($indicator == "PVO") {
return $m->addPVO($height, 26, 12, 9, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x008000);
} else if ($indicator == "PPO") {
return $m->addPPO($height, 26, 12, 9, 0x0000ff, 0xff00ff, 0x008000);
} else if ($indicator == "UO") {
return $m->addUltimateOscillator($height, 7, 14, 28, 0x800080, 20, 0xff6666,
} else if ($indicator == "Vol") {
return $m->addVolIndicator($height, 0x99ff99, 0xff9999, 0xc0c0c0);
} else if ($indicator == "TRIX") {
return $m->addTRIX($height, 12, 0x0000ff);
return null;
#/ <summary>
#/ Creates a dummy chart to show an error message.
#/ </summary>
#/ <param name="msg">The error message.
#/ <returns>The BaseChart object containing the error message.</returns>
function errMsg($msg) {
$m = new MultiChart(400, 200);
$textBoxObj = $m->addTitle2(Center, $msg, "arial.ttf", 10);
return $m;
# create the finance chart
$c = drawChart();
# Output the chart
//header("Content-type: image/png");
//to add cursor point
#Create the image and save it in a temporary location
$chart1URL = $c->makeSession("chart1");
#Create an image map for the chart
$imageMap = $c->getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='".$c->getToolTipDateFormat()." {value|G}'");
<!--to add cursor point-->
<body leftMargin=0 topMargin=0>
<img src="myimage.php?<?php echo $chart1URL?>" border="0" usemap="#map1">
<map name="map1">
<?php echo $imageMap?>
</html> |
Re: Track lines on the interactive finance chart |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-28-2015 01:52 |
Hi techsoft,
First, please develop and debug the financedemochart.php to make sure it works. I have
just tried to use the orignal financedemochart.php, and copy and paste the track
cursor code from the trackfinance.php into it, and it works normally.
Once you have a working financedemochart.php, you can insert it into
financedemo.php. In the original sample code, it is inserted using an <IMG> tag, as the
original financedemochart.php is a chart image. The modified financedemochart.php is HTML
instead of an image (you can see the HTML tags), so it cannot be contained in an <IMG>
tag. I replace it with an <IFRAME> tag, which can contain HTML, and it works with the
financedemochart.php as expected.
I have attached my test code for your reference.
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan