how to fill the xAxis with time lables |
Posted by hondodo on Apr-06-2016 12:34 |
Hi, i add a AreaLayer to the financeChart, but the xAxis cannot auto fill the blank space.
my codes as bellow:
FinanceChart *c = new FinanceChart(width);
c->setLegendStyle("normal", 9, Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);
c->setData(timeStamps, high, low, open, close, volData, 0);
c->setDateLabelFormat("{value|yyyy}", "{value|yyyy-mm}", "{value|mm}", "{value|mm-dd}", "{value|mm-dd}", "{value|mm-dd hh:nn}", "{value|hh:nn:ss}");
//c->setDateLabelFormat("", "", "", "", "", "", "");
XYChart *mainChart = c->addMainChart(getChartHeight());
//mainChart->setPlotArea(5, 5, width - 5 -50, getChartHeight() - 50, -1, -1, Chart::Transparent, 0xcccccc);
PlotArea *plotArea = mainChart->setPlotArea(leftBlank, topBlank, width - leftBlank - rightBlank,
getChartHeight() - rightBlank, -1, -1,
Chart::Transparent, Chart::Transparent);
mainChart->setBackground(chartBgColor, Chart::Transparent);
mainChart->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 9, 0xcccccc, 0);
mainChart->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("arial.ttf", 9, 0xcccccc, 0);
int areaColor = mainChart->linearGradientColor(0, plotArea->getTopY() + 20, 0, plotArea->getTopY() + plotArea->getHeight(), 0xa0ccffee, 0xff1c2329);
AreaLayer *layer = mainChart->addAreaLayer(volData, areaColor);
LineLayer *lineLayer = mainChart->addLineLayer(volData, 0xccffdd);
int tlen = timeStamps.len;
double maxValue[1], maxYValue[1], scatterDotValues[tlen];//, lineValues[2];
maxValue[0] = timeStamps[tlen -1];
maxYValue[0] = volData[volData.len - 1];
for(int i = 0; i < tlen; i++)
scatterDotValues[i] = Chart::NoValue;
int deci = Common::Instance->getdecimal(Common::Instance->getCurrentMode(), currentCode);
maxYValue[0] = Converter::Round(maxYValue[0], deci);
scatterDotValues[tlen - 1] = maxYValue[0];
int color = priceIsUp? 0xd73654 : 0x86bb37;
ScatterLayer *layerDot = mainChart->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(), DoubleArray(scatterDotValues, tlen), "", Chart::GlassSphere2Shape,11, color);
Mark *mark = mainChart->yAxis()->addMark(maxYValue[0], mainChart->dashLineColor(0xaaaaaa, Chart::DotLine),"");
TextBox *textbox = layerDot->setDataLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 12, 0xffffff);
textbox->setBackground(color, color, 1);
textbox->setPos(0, 0);
CandleStickLayer *candle = c->addCandleStick(0x00ff00, 0xff0000);
candle->setColors(0x00ff00, 0x00ff00, 0xff0000, 0xff0000);
delete viewer->getChart();
CandleStickLayer *candle = c->addCandleStick(0x00ff00, 0xff0000);
candle->setColors(0x00ff00, 0x00ff00, 0xff0000, 0xff0000);
Re: how to fill the xAxis with time lables |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Apr-07-2016 02:19 |
Hi hondodo,
The built-in labelling method of the FinanceChart object assumes the chart is at least for a few hours, and the closest label spacing is one label every hour.
For intraday charts, usually the timestamps will include the entire trading day (or at least a few hours), even though you may only have a few minutes of data. In this case, the x-axis of the chart will cover the entire trading day, and the chart will start from the left side. The hourly labels will look natural.
If you still want to create a financial chart with a short interval, you may add additional code for the x-axis labelling. See:
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |
Re: how to fill the xAxis with time lables |
Posted by hondodo on Apr-08-2016 14:51 |
I used the following code had slot my problem in my case, thank you ver much :
mainChart->xAxis()->setMultiFormat(Chart::StartOfMinuteFilter(10,0.5), "{value|h:nna}"); |