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  Visual Studio Version 6 c++
Posted by Scott on Oct-02-2016 02:50
  I have been running Chartdirector V5.0 using Visual studio V6 C++, and also previous versions of chart director. I have downloaded V6.0 chart director and see the projects are gone now for VSC++ V6.0, is it possible to get these? I have many project on Visual Studio 6 and cant upgrade.

Also, I tried one example from the help file , on "Round Meters with Readout", and crashed on the following line:

    m->addRing(0, outerRadius, m->relativeRadialGradient(DoubleArray(bgGradient, (int)(sizeof(
        bgGradient) / sizeof(bgGradient[0]))), outerRadius * 0.66));

Many Thanks

  Re: Visual Studio Version 6 c++
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-03-2016 02:57
Hi Scott,

Unluckily, we no longer provide project files for VS 6. You would need to create them yourselves.

There are many development tools for C++ (various versions of Visual Studio, Borland C++, gcc, Qt, Eclipse, etc). Currently, we only provide projects files for VS 2005 or above and for Qt 4.0 or above. For other development tools, the developers would you need to create the project files themselves.

Like all C++ DLL libraries, to compile a program, you need the header files  (in ChartDirectorinclude). To link a program, you need to the ".lib" file (in ChartDirectorlib). To run the program, you need the ".dll" file (in ChartDirectorlib). The development tool should allow you to configure the location of those files, or you can copy them to the directory expected by the development tool.

I have just tried with VS 6, using the "Round Meters with Readout" sample code (the cppdemo version) you mentioned, and it works normally in my case. I have uploaded to our web site my VS 6 test project, with the header files, .lib and .dll files included. May be you can try to see if it works in your case.

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan

  Re: Visual Studio Version 6 c++
Posted by Scott on Oct-03-2016 03:55
Hi Peter,
  That worked great, thanks.

I have many very large projects that wont run on anything higher, and find this to compile a lot faster than newer ones. But great to find it still works on my old compiler.

Many Thanks