overlap and box size |
Posted by Babak on Oct-11-2016 19:40 |
Dear Peter
1-you can see that in some place in SW0,SW1 MM31,MM9 have overlap of labels and boxes how can i separating them in other levels that they show in true coordination .
I mean that they stay in correct SW but upper or downer each other .
2- how can i show my parameters and data as legend .
Re: overlap and box size |
Posted by Babak on Oct-11-2016 19:42 |
and other question how can i save my output in special folder.
My codes is :
#include "visualize.h"
#include "chartdir.h"
#include "memblock.h"
#define MAX_LABELS 20
using namespace std;
int visualize::vis(AM *am, PM *pm, SM *sm) {
static int counter = 0;
cout << "visualize " << counter << "n";
/************************************ VARIABLES Define **************************************************/
double HT = 2;//am->msg[0].size; // hope to hope static time
int JN = am->jobs.size(); // Finding size of Job array
int MSN = am->msg.size(); // Finding size of Message array
int Total_VH = 0; // Total visited HOP
int last_job = 0;
int SW_Num =pm->switches ; // Numbers of switchs
int ES_Num =pm->endsystems ; // Numbers of switchs
int Total_Exc_Time =am->jobs[0].starttime(*am,*sm)+am->jobs[0].ET;;//Total excecution time of schedule
/************************************ Total System Duration Time **************************************************/
for (int i=1;i< JN;i++)
if (Total_Exc_Time < am->jobs[i].starttime(*am,*sm)+am->jobs[i].ET)
Total_Exc_Time = am->jobs[i].starttime(*am,*sm)+am->jobs[i].ET ;
cout << "Last Job starttime= " << am->jobs[i].starttime(*am,*sm)<< " last Job ID=" << am->jobs[i].ID <<"n";
cout << "Total_Exc_Time " << Total_Exc_Time << "n";
/************************************ Label Define **************************************************/
/************************************ Y Axis Lables Define **************************************************/
char const* ESlabels[] = { "ES0", "ES1", "ES2", "ES3", "ES4", "ES5", "ES6", "ES7", "ES8", "ES9", "ES10", "ES11",
"ES12","ES13","ES14","ES15","ES16","ES17","ES18","ES19","ES20","ES21","ES22","ES23","ES24","ES25","ES26","ES27","ES28","ES29","ES30" };
char const* SWlabels[] = { "SW0", "SW1", "SW2", "SW3", "SW4", "SW5", "SW6", "SW7", "SW8", "SW9", "SW10", "SW11",
"SW12", "SW12", "SW13", "SW14", "SW15", "SW16", "SW17", "SW18", "SW19", "SW20", "SW21", "SW22", "SW23", "SW24", "SW25", "SW26", "SW27", "SW28", "SW29", "SW30" };
cout << "ES " << ES_Num << "n";
cout << "SW " << SW_Num << "n";
cout << "last Job ID" << last_job<< "n";
/************************************ Task Lables Define **************************************************/
char const* Jlabels[] = { "JOB0", "JOB1", "JOB2", "JOB3", "JOB4", "JOB5", "JOB6", "JOB7", "JOB8", "JOB9", "JOB10",
"JOB11", "JOB12", "JOB13" };
char const* MSGlabels[] = { "M0", "M1", "M2", "M3", "M4", "M5", "M6", "M7", "M8", "M9", "M10",
"M11", "M12", "M13", "M14", "M15", "M16", "M17", "M18", "M19" , "M20" };
/************************************ Task relation Define **************************************************/
/************************************ JOB Defines **************************************************/
vector<double>* JOB_Start_Time = new vector<double>(JN);
vector<double> JOB_WCET(JN);
for (int i=0;i<JN;i++)
JOB_Start_Time->at(i) =am->jobs[i].starttime(*am,*sm);
JOB_WCET.at(i) =am->jobs[i].ET+JOB_Start_Time->at(i);
double startDate3[] = { Chart::chartTime2(2), Chart::chartTime2(13), Chart::chartTime2(28), Chart::chartTime2(15) };
/************************************ Routing **************************************************/
vector<vector<double> > MSG_Path(MSN, vector<double>(SW_Num)); // Row Message number ,Priority =Switch No
cout << "MSGp" << 0 << " to ES " << sm->path[0].h[0] << "n";
cout << "MSGP" << 1 << " to ES " << sm->path[0].h[1] << "n";
cout << "MSGP" << 2 << " to ES " << sm->path[0].h[2] << "n";
for (int i=0;i<MSN;i++)
for (int j=0;j< sm->path[i].h.size()-2;j++)
MSG_Path.at(i).at(j)= sm->path[i].h[j+1];
cout << "Total_VH++ " << Total_VH++ << "n";
cout << "MSG_Path[0][j] " << MSG_Path[0][0] << "n";
cout << "MSG_Path[1][j] " << MSG_Path[6][0] << "n";
cout << "MSG_Path[5][j] " << MSG_Path[11][0] << "n";
/************************************ MESSAGE TO MESSAGE relation ***************************************************/
vector<double> MSG_Finish_Time(Total_VH); // Message finishing time array
vector<double> MSG_Inject_Time(Total_VH);
char const* Mlabels[Total_VH];
int count=0;
for (int i=0;i<MSN;i++)
for (int j=0;j < sm->path[i].h.size()-2;j++)
if(j ==0) MSG_Inject_Time.at(count) =sm->path[i].inject_time;
else MSG_Inject_Time.at(count)=MSG_Inject_Time.at(count-1)+HT; //making message times from inject to finish
MSG_Finish_Time.at(count) = MSG_Inject_Time.at(count) + HT;//am->msg[i].size; //multi message finish time
cout << "count++" << count<< "n";
//cout << "am->msg[i].size" << am->msg[i].size<< "n";
// cout << "i " << i<< "n";
// cout << "j " << j<< "n";
count++ ;
Total_VH=count ;//Total message that path
/************************************ Message Path making **************************************************/
int Total_Hop = 0;
vector<double> MCoor(Total_VH);
for(int i = 0; i < MSN; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j < SW_Num - 1; j++) {
if(MSG_Path[i][j] != 0)
MCoor[Total_Hop] = MSG_Path[i][j];
cout << " ************************************" <<"n";
cout << " MCoor[Total_Hop]"<<"="<< MCoor[Total_Hop] <<"n";
cout << "MSG_Inject_Time->at( Total_Hop)" << MSG_Inject_Time.at( Total_Hop)<< "n";
cout << " MSG_Finish_Time.at(Total_Hop)"<< MSG_Finish_Time.at(Total_Hop) <<"n";
cout << " Mlabels[ Total_Hop]"<< Mlabels[ Total_Hop] <<"n";
cout << " Total_Hop " << Total_Hop << "n";
cout << "Total_Hop" << "=" << Total_Hop << "n";
cout << "SW_Num" << SW_Num << "n";
cout << "job_Num" << am->jobs.size() << "n";
/************************************ Chart Define **************************************************/
// Create a XYChart object of size 620 x 280 pixels. Set background color to light blue
// (ccccff), with 1 pixel 3D border effect.
XYChart* c = new XYChart(1680,1100, 0xccccff, 0x000000, 1);
// Add a title to the chart using 15 points Times Bold Itatic font, with white (ffffff) text on
// a deep blue (000080) background
c->addTitle("MetaScheduling Time System", "timesbi.ttf", 15, 0xffffff)->setBackground(0x000080);
// Set the plotarea at (140, 55) and of size 460 x 200 pixels. Use alternative white/grey
// background. Enable both horizontal and vertical grids by setting their colors to grey
// (c0c0c0). Set vertical major grid (represents month boundaries) 2 pixels in width
c->setPlotArea(40, 55,1550,1000, 0xffffff, 0xeeeeee, Chart::Transparent, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0)
->setGridWidth(2, 1, 1, 1);
// swap the x and y axes to create a horziontal box-whisker chart
// Set the y-axis scale to be date scale from minimum to maxmim
// c->yAxis()->setDateScale(Chart::chartTime2(1), Chart::chartTime2(200), 0 );
// Set multi-style axis label formatting. Month labels are in Arial Bold font in "mmm d" format.
// Weekly labels just show the day of month and use minor tick (by using '-' as first character
// of format string).
//c->yAxis()->setMultiFormat(Chart::StartOfSecondFilter(), "<*font=arialbd.ttf*>{value|s}", Chart::StartOfSecondFilter(), "{value|s}");
// Set the y-axis to shown on the top (right + swapXY = top)
// Set the labels on the x axis
/*************************************** Y AXIS Lable **************************************************/
char const* FinalLabels[MAX_LABELS];
for (int i=0;i<ES_Num;i++)
FinalLabels[i] = ESlabels[i];
for (int i=0;i<SW_Num;i++)
FinalLabels[i+ES_Num] = SWlabels[i];
c->xAxis()->setLabels(StringArray(FinalLabels, ES_Num + SW_Num ));
// Reverse the x-axis scale so that it points downwards.
// Set the horizontal ticks and grid lines to be between the bars
/*************************************** Job **************************************************/
/************************************Draw BOX Job **************************************************/
// Add a green (33ff33) box-whisker layer showing the box only.
BoxWhiskerLayer* JLayer =c->addBoxWhiskerLayer(DoubleArray(&((*JOB_Start_Time)[0]), JN), DoubleArray(&(JOB_WCET[0]), JN), DoubleArray(),
DoubleArray(), DoubleArray(), 0x00cc00, Chart::SameAsMainColor, Chart::SameAsMainColor);
/************************************ BOX labels Job **************************************************/
vector<double> JCoor(ES_Num);
char const* FinalJobLabels[JN];
for (int i=0;i<JN;i++)
cout << "Alloc Job#" << i << " to ES " << sm->alloc.at(i) << "n";
for(int i = 0; i < JN; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < ES_Num;j++)
if(sm->alloc[i] == j)
JCoor[j] = sm->alloc[i] ;//Job coordination
FinalJobLabels[j]=Jlabels[i];//Job label cordination
// cout << "SW"<<k<<"="<<MCoor[k] <<"n";
// cout << "Hop_Num"<<Hop_Num <<"n";
JLayer->setXData(DoubleArray(&(JCoor[0]), ES_Num)); // Job cordination
JLayer->addExtraField(StringArray(FinalJobLabels, (int)(sizeof(FinalJobLabels) / sizeof(FinalJobLabels[0]))));
JLayer->setDataLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10)->setAlignment(Chart::Center);
/*************************************** Message **************************************************/
/************************************Draw BOX Message **************************************************/
BoxWhiskerLayer* MLayer =
c->addBoxWhiskerLayer(DoubleArray(&(MSG_Inject_Time[0]), Total_VH), DoubleArray(&(MSG_Finish_Time[0]), Total_VH),
DoubleArray(), DoubleArray(), DoubleArray(), 0x44ccFE, Chart::SameAsMainColor, Chart::SameAsMainColor);
/************************************ BOX labels Message **************************************************/
//MLayer->addExtraField(StringArray(Mlabels, (int)(sizeof(Mlabels) / sizeof(Mlabels[0]))));
MLayer->addExtraField(StringArray(Mlabels, Total_VH));
MLayer->setDataLabelStyle("arialbd.ttf", 10)->setAlignment(Chart::Center);
MLayer->setXData(DoubleArray(&(MCoor[0]), Total_Hop)); // BOX cordination
/************************************ Layer Define **************************************************/
// Add a line layer to the chart
LineLayer* layer0 = c->addLineLayer();
LineLayer* layer1 = c->addLineLayer();
LineLayer* layer2 = c->addLineLayer();
// Set the line width to 3 pixels
/************************************ Line connectio Start **************************************************/
// Add the 2 data sets to the line layer, using circles, diamands and X shapes as symbols
/* layer0->addDataSet(DoubleArray(&((*JOB_Start_Time)[4]), JN), 0x33ff33,
"Set1")->setDataSymbol(Chart::CircleSymbol, 4);
/*layer1->setXData(DoubleArray(&(MCoor[0]), Total_Hop));//Number of tasks fore new layer connection
layer1->addDataSet(DoubleArray(&((*MSG_Inject_Time)[0]), MSN), 0x33ff33,
"Set2")->setDataSymbol(Chart::DiamondSymbol, 18);
/* double xCoor2[] = {0,2,6,8};//related tasks
layer2->setXData(DoubleArray(xCoor2, 4));//Number of tasks fore new layer connection
layer2->addDataSet(DoubleArray(startDate3, (int)(sizeof( startDate3) / sizeof( startDate3[0]))), 0xf3ff33,
"Set2")->setDataSymbol(Chart::DiamondSymbol, 18);
/************************************ End Output the chart**************************************************/
string GT[2]={"Gantt_",".png"};
string OUT="";
string Count_No=to_string(counter) ;//conver int to string
OUT =GT[0]+Count_No+GT[1];// Make output string
c->makeChart(OUT.c_str()); // Make output file
cout << "OUT.c_str()"<<OUT.c_str() <<"n";
// free up resources
delete c;
return 0;
} |
Re: overlap and box size |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-12-2016 01:54 |
Hi Babak,
I see in your code you are saving the chart to a file, giving just the filename. If you want the file to be in a specific folder, please provide the full path name, including the name of the folder.
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |
Re: overlap and box size |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-12-2016 01:52 |
Hi Babak,
You can adjust the x-coordinates of the boxes to move them up and down. In assume in your code, you are uisng integer values like 7, 8, 9 to specify the x-coordinates of the boxes. You can use fractional values like 7.2, 6.8, etc., to move the boxes a little bit up or down.
For your case, you would need to write code to detect if the boxes overlap, and shift them accordingly by adjusting their x-coordinates up or down.
In ChartDirector, a legend box is used to provide names to some colors or icons. For example, if there are 3 lines with different colors, then we can create a legend box so that the user can know which color is for which type of data.
For your case, I am not sure which "parameters and data" you would like to display and how you would like them to be displayed. If you just want to show a text table, you can just display a table. I am not sure which GUI framework you are using. Most GUI framework has a control that can display a text table. If you would like to include a table in the chart, you can use a CDMLTable (see BaseChart.addTable).
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |
Re: overlap and box size |
Posted by Babak on Oct-13-2016 18:33 |
i want put like this data in down of chart as a box.
Could you please help me how can i do with a sample code.
#0 Msg (Inject at 24, arrive at 26): 6 -> 17 -> 5
#1 Msg (Inject at 26, arrive at 28): 6 -> 17 -> 4
#2 Msg (Inject at 39, arrive at 41): 5 -> 17 -> 7
#3 Msg (Inject at 25, arrive at 28): 6 -> 17 -> 18 -> 9
#4 Msg (Inject at 54, arrive at 56): 7 -> 17 -> 4
#5 Msg (Inject at 79, arrive at 82): 4 -> 17 -> 18 -> 9
#6 Msg (Inject at 9, arrive at 11): 13 -> 19 -> 12
#7 Msg (Inject at 9, arrive at 11): 1 -> 16 -> 0
#8 Msg (Inject at 139, arrive at 141): 9 -> 18 -> 10
#9 Msg (Inject at 40, arrive at 42): 5 -> 17 -> 4
#10 Msg (Inject at 39, arrive at 42): 12 -> 19 -> 18 -> 11
#11 Msg (Inject at 154, arrive at 156): 10 -> 18 -> 11
#12 Msg (Inject at 174, arrive at 176): 11 -> 18 -> 8
#13 Msg (Inject at 24, arrive at 26): 0 -> 16 -> 2
Re: overlap and box size |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-14-2016 01:24 |
Hi Babak,
I am not sure how you would like to represent the "data". If you want to display them as text, you can use BaseChart::addText. For example:
const char *myText = "#0 AAA {xxxx}: 6->17->5n#01 ....n#02 ....".
ChartDirector::TextBox *tb = c->addText(50, 400, myText, "arialbd.ttf", 10, 0x000000);
tb->setBackground(Chart::Transparent, 0x000000);
Note that the above code adds the text at (50, 400). Please modify it to add the text at the position you want.
Peter Kwan |