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  Angular Meter going out of maximum allowed data
Posted by Massimo on Jul-05-2017 15:25

I have an angular chart - see code in atatched txt file -   patient data goeas above the maximum scale of 60 and the pointer goes nut :-) can I set the pointer to stay at the maximum scale value?

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  Re: Angular Meter going out of maximum allowed data
Posted by Massimo on Jul-05-2017 15:29
of course I can set my data value to be 60 if the value is above in c# but I am just curious to know why if I set the scale to 60 the chart does go beyond that value.

  Re: Angular Meter going out of maximum allowed data
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jul-05-2017 21:18
Hi Massimo,

End-user software typically must validate all inputs. So all data should have already been validated by the caller before passing to ChartDirector. So if the value exceeds the maximum scale, ChartDirector assumes your code must want the pointer to move beyond the maximum scale.

The same applies to XYChart or and other chart types as well. For example, it is possible for a line to overshoot the axis scale. (In fact, some of our clients do this to create special effects.)

For your case, I think it is not a bad idea for your code to check the data range before passing the data to ChartDirector.

Peter KWAN

  Re: Angular Meter going out of maximum allowed data
Posted by Massimo on Jul-05-2017 22:03
Thanks Peter, already implemented the check and now that i know this I am implementing the same for all other charts