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  CharDirector Control in Visual Studio
Posted by Heng on Jul-19-2017 14:30

Recently I have my desktop replaced. After that, I install Visual Studio and Chartdirector into my new PC. But, there is no ChartDirector control in my VS toolbox. My goal is to create charts in new pages that I have done so many similar pages in my old PC before.

The version of ChartDirector is 5.0.3 and Visual Studio Professional 2013 (version 12.0.30501.00 Update 2)

Would anyone pleas help me?

Thank you very much!


  Re: CharDirector Control in Visual Studio
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jul-20-2017 00:01
Hi Heng,

Have you installed ChartDirector into your Visual Studio toolbox? The method is mentioned in the Installation section of the ChartDirector documentation. Basically, you can just drag and drop the ChartDirector assembly "netchartdir.dll" onto a tab in your Visual Studio toolbox. See:

*** Note: For .NET, ChartDirector 5.1 or above are released as zip files so there is no need to execute an "installer". Because Windows would not trust any DLL downloaded from the Internet, you would need to "unblock" the zip file first. If you are using ChartDirector 5.0.3, it is distributed as an EXE. When you execute the EXE, Windows will prompt you to authorize running the installer, and there is no need for the unblock step.

Hope this can help.

Peter Kwan