Format the values in a dataset |
Posted by John Nelson on Dec-14-2017 23:09 |
Hi - I have an array of very large numbers that represent US dollar amounts. I need to use the actual values to build the correct bar charts - percent bar and stacked bar.
I would like to use a formatted value for the tool tips - or possibly as the value on the chart itself.
One issue is that I have no idea what the values will be - they can range from zero to a trillion.
Example: my dataset may be [0,123456789012, 222, 44444444, 55555]
I would like to use that data to build the bar charts but I would like the tool tip to display
"$0" for the 0 value
"$123.4 B" for the 123456789012 value
"$222" for the 222value
"$44.4M" for the 44444444 value
$55.5k" for the 55555 value
Are there any utilities or algorithms that you have that can help me out?
I assum I need to use code similar to this...
String representation = " "{"value"}";
imageGraphic.setHtmlImageMap(c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='{xLabel}: {dataSetName} Value = "+representation+"'"));
where the representation string would be the desired string to display.
Thoughts? |
Re: Format the values in a dataset |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Dec-16-2017 03:37 |
Hi John,
You can provide the tooltip you want to use as an array of text strings by adding them as extra fields to the layer. For example:
double[] redPercentage = ....
string[] redPrecentageToolTips = ....
layer.addDataSet(redPercentage, project.getHighLevelColor(), "High");
Then in the data label format (for labels on the chart), you can use:
// Use the extra field (the text strings) as the tooltip
You can also use {dsdiField0} in the tooltips.
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |