Hi Chema,
Are you trying to add the extra field to the ThreeDScatterGroup, or are you adding it to the ThreeDScatterChart?
The ThreeDScatterChart should support addExtraField. The ThreeDScatterGroup does not have addExtraField.
In 3D Scatter Chart, the chart itself can be considered analogous to the "Layer" in an XYChart. The "ThreeDScatterGroup" is analogous to the "DataSet". There is no addExtraField for the "ThreeDScatterGroup", just like there is on addExtraField for the "DataSet".
You should be able to use addExtraField for the "ThreeDScatterChart" to achieve what you need, just like you can use addExtraField for the "Layer" in XYChart.
For example, if your chart has 3 ThreeDScatterGroup objects, and you want to associate an extra value or text string to each point, you can add 3 extra fields to the ThreeDScatterChart, then use "{dsdiField0}" to represent the extra field in formatting.
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |