Zoom In and Zoom out is not working in liner scale |
Posted by abhishek.mr on May-05-2018 00:45 |
I have created a chart using linear scale for y axis and x axis , problem with the Zoom In , Zoom out functionality is not working and also i need a input for reset functionality(reset x & y axis to initial minimum and maximum value when button click)
Hope you understand my problem
Thanks & Regards,
Abhishek |
Re: Zoom In and Zoom out is not working in liner scale |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-05-2018 03:19 |
Hi abhishek.mr,
There is an example in ChartDirector for a chart using linear scale for y axis and x axis and can zoom in/out. See:
To reset to the initial scale, just set the ViewPortLeft and ViewPortTop to 0, and ViewPortWidth and ViewPortHeight to 1, and then call updateViewPort to update the chart.
Peter Kwan |