Hi Cho,
I happened to have a similar example as show below. It is basically a donut chart with some custom drawings. May be you can start from that example and modify the colors, size of the donut and the text to achieve what you need.
double angles[] = { 270, 90 }; // must sum to 360
int colors[] = { 0xA00060, 0x3f0025 };
// Chart object size
int midRadius = 80;
int halfRingWidth = 20;
int chartWidth = (midRadius + halfRingWidth + 10) * 2;
int chartHeight = chartWidth;
int cX = chartWidth / 2;
int cY = chartHeight / 2;
// Donut chart
PieChart *c = new PieChart(chartWidth, chartHeight, 0x004060);
c->setDonutSize(cX, cY, midRadius + halfRingWidth, midRadius - halfRingWidth);
c->setData(DoubleArray(angles, 2));
c->setLabelFormat(" ");
c->setColors(Chart::DataColor, colors);
// DrawArea for drawing extra objects
DrawArea *d = c->makeChart();
// Add two circles at the end points of the donut sector
d->circle(cX, cY - midRadius, halfRingWidth, halfRingWidth, colors[0], colors[0]);
double endX = cX + midRadius * sin(angles[0] * 3.1416 / 180);
double endY = cY - midRadius * cos(angles[0] * 3.1416 / 180);
d->circle(endX, endY, halfRingWidth, halfRingWidth, colors[0], colors[0]);
// Add the circle and the label in the center
d->circle(cX, cY, 40, 40, 0xEEEEEE, 0xEEEEEE);
c->addText(cX, cY, "3", "arialbd.ttf", 40, colors[0], Chart::Center);
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan