Addmark on DateTime X Axis |
Posted by abhishek.mr on May-19-2018 15:47 |
I am trying to implement sweep char functionality using CD with real time data.Here I am facing on issue to add vertical line( c.xAxis().addMark()) on datetime X axis .Could you please help me on adding Vertical line on DateTime X axis and also if you have any sample on sweep chart please share with.
Abhishek MR |
Re: Addmark on DateTime X Axis |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-21-2018 00:18 |
Hi Abhishek,
There are some additional sample code in our library section, one of them is a real-time sweep chart, which contains a vertical mark line. May be you can use it as a reference:
Peter Kwan |
Re: Addmark on DateTime X Axis |
Posted by abhishek.mr on May-22-2018 20:30 |
Hi Peter Kwan,
The examples which you shared is adding vertical mark to number/Linear/Numeric x-Axis.My scenario is to add vertical mark on Date time x- axis.
Hope you understand my problem
Abhishek |
Re: Addmark on DateTime X Axis |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-23-2018 00:34 |
Hi Abhishek,
You can use Axis.addMark even for a date/time axis. For all ChartDirector API, if you want to use DateTime but the API accepts "double" for the coordinate, you can use Chart.CTime to change the DateTime to double. It is like:
c.xAxis().addMark(Chart.CTime(myDateTime), .....);
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |