Minor Ticks in Grid |
Posted by Alexander on May-22-2018 00:30 |
I want to have different colors of vertical grid lines on days and monthes.
How may I set ticks with labels as minor?
Or may I change colors of vertical grid lines for defined ticks?
Or may I draw grid separate from tick labels?
Re: Minor Ticks in Grid |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-22-2018 16:05 |
Hi Alexander,
From your screen shot, I assume you are using the FinanceChart object.
In ChartDirector, for label based x-axis, if a label starts with the "-" character, it means the label is a minor tick label. (The "-" character will not be displayed. It is only used to specify that the label is for a minor tick.)
For a FinanceChart, the x-axis labels are automatically generated based on the timestamps. The date/time format is configurable using FinanceChart.setDateLabelFormat. See:
You can change the format to include a "-" character in the format string, and it will become a minor tick. For the label in your screen shot, it is the "otherDayFormat" format, so the code is like (in C#/Java):
myFinanceChart.setDateLabelFormat(null, null, null, null, "-{value|d}", null, null);
You can set the minor and major tick grid line colors using FinanceChart.setPlotAreaStyle. See:
For example:
myFinanceChart.setPlotAreaStyle(Chart.Transparent, 0xaaaaaa, 0xaaaaaa, cd.Transparent, &Heeeeee);
Note that the FinanceChart.setDateLabelFormat should be called before your set the data to the FinanceChart. For example, you may call this method immediately after creating the FinanceChart object.
Peter Kwan |
Re: Minor Ticks in Grid |
Posted by Alexander on May-23-2018 00:33 |
Thank you, Peter. |