Good morning.
We are using chartdirector V6.1
In classic ASP, we are trying to obtain graphics in SVG format and we allways get them in PNG
I resume the code
Set cd = CreateObject("ChartDirector.API")
Set c = cd.XYChart(992, 480)
Call c.enableVectorOutput()
Set plotArea = c.setPlotArea(10, 100, c.getWidth() - 160, c.getHeight() - 80, _
, -1, cd.Transparent, c.dashLineColor(&Haa000000, cd.DotLine), -1)
Call c.packPlotArea(leftMargin + 2, 10, c.getWidth() - 3, c.getHeight() - 3)
chart1URL = c.makeTmpFile(Server.MapPath("/tmpcharts"), "SVG")
<img class="img-responsive" src="tmpcharts/<%=chart1URL%>" border="0">
If need mor information, pls ask.
thanks in advance
Regards |