Design "Real-Time Chart with Viewport Control" on Android (Smart Phone) OS |
Posted by Jong Pyo Jin on Dec-04-2019 11:18 |
I live in South korea
We are talking through Google Translator. Sorry.
I worked hard to design S/W using "Real-Time Chart with Viewport Control" with C#(Visual Studio)
I have attached a picture of my ".Net" program.
Meeting ChartDirector was the best experience of my programming life.
ChartDirector brings dramatic improvements in programming
I would like to try a new one with "Real-Time Chart with Viewport Control"
I want to design "Real-Time Chart with Viewport Control" on Android (Smart Phone) OS.
I want to design a "real time graph" using serial communication(RS232 or MODBUS RTU) between a Smart phone and an external device by creating an application on the Samsung Galaxy S10.
Search for "android" in ChartDirector Forums
There is an Android realtime chart example that we wrote for testing
http://www.advsofteng.com/ChartDirectorAndroid.zip (Normal)
http://www.advsofteng.com/android_app.zip (Real Time Chart)
I have a 2 question here
1. What Java programming "tool" should I use to run android_app?
I downloaded "android studio" yesterday and ran it, but it didn't work (Java and studio tool should be studied).
When developing an Android app using a realtime chart Can I develop using the Android Studio Tool?
Is there anything I should study or pay attention to when developing android apps using ChartDirector?
I understand C, C #, C ++, and LabView languages among computer languages and learn "JAVA" language for this attempt.
thank you for reading