Back ground color (Finance and XYChart) |
Posted by icm63 on Apr-19-2020 08:11 |
For some reason I can not change the color of the back ground of price chart (see attached, white area)
This is my code to build the chart, using Finance Chart and XYChart overlay
The st.backgroundcolor variable is correct, and it transfers ok to functions (I have done an audit of the variables)
Any ideas ??
'Background and Border colors to integer
BackGroundColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex(st.BackGroundColor)
BackGroundTextColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex(st.BackGroundTextColor)
BorderColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex(st.BorderColor)
BorderTextColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex(st.BorderTextColor)
'Setup Finance chart
Dim GridColor As Integer
Select Case st.GridColor
Case Is = 10 'Light Gray
GridColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex("#E2E2E2")
Case Is = 20 'White
GridColor = Chart.Transparent
Case Is = 30 'Light Red
GridColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex("#FFD1D4")
Case Is = 40 'Light Blue
GridColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex("#DACEFF")
Case Is = 50 'Light Orange
GridColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex("#FFEA84")
Case Is = 60 'Light Green
GridColor = Util.HTMLColorToHex("#ABF2B1")
End Select
'Setup Finance chart
Dim mainChart As cFinanceChart = New cFinanceChart(st.PlotWidth + FC_leftMargin + FC_rightMargin + FC_MinMargin)
mainChart.setMargins(FC_leftMargin, FC_topMargin, FC_rightMargin, FC_bottomMargin)
mainChart.setData(Period, High, Low, Open, Close, Volume_N, ExtraBars)
mainChart.setPlotAreaStyle(BackGroundColor, GridColor, GridColor, GridColor, GridColor)
mainChart.setCustomTextColors(BackGroundTextColor, BorderTextColor)
mainChart.RTT_setYAxisStyle("normal", 8, BorderTextColor)
mainChart.setXAxisStyle("normal", 8, BorderTextColor, 0)
Dim leftAxis As ChartDirector.Axis = Nothing
Dim HLOCWidth As Integer = 5
Dim HLOCLineWidth As Integer = 1
Calc_HLOCDataWidth(High, HLOCWidth, HLOCLineWidth, False)
Dim ChartHeight As Integer = CInt(FinHeight * (st.Height0 / 100))
Dim mainXYChart As XYChart = mainChart.addMainChart(ChartHeight)
HurstCycleSingle(mainChart, mainXYChart, Series, st.Symbol0Period1, st.Symbol0Period2, st.Symbol0Period3, st.Symbol0Period4, GridColor, tempColor0, PublicChartsCutBack, Symbol)
Dim HLOC As HLOCLayer = mainXYChart.addHLOCLayer(High, Low, Open, Close, &H0, &H0)
leftAxis = mainXYChart.addAxis(Chart.Left, 2)
If leftAxis IsNot Nothing Then
leftAxis.setColors(&H0, BorderTextColor, BorderTextColor, &H0)
End If
Re: Back ground color (Finance and XYChart) |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Apr-20-2020 02:02 |
Hi icm63,
I started with the Finance Chart (2) sample code that comes with ChartDirector, and I added the line:
c.setPlotAreaStyle(&Hff99ff, &Hdddddd, &Hdddddd, &Hdddddd, &Hdddddd)
and the above works normally.
For your case, for testing, please use hard coded colors:
mainChart.setPlotAreaStyle(&Hff99ff, &Hdddddd, &Hdddddd, &Hdddddd, &Hdddddd)
If hard coded colors work, but your original code does not work, that means the variables used in your code is not the same as the hard coded colors.
If even hard coded colors do not work, some possibilities are:
- There may be another line of code that changes the plotarea color back to white.
- I noted that your FinanceChart may have been modified. For example, it has the setCustomTextColors and RTT_setYAxisStyle methods, which are not in the original ChartDirector FinanceChart. May be the modifications affects the plotarea background color.
If the above still does not solve the problem, is it possible to create a complete example that can reproduce the problem with hard coded colors (such as by modifying the "Finance Chart (2)" sample code to reproduce the problem)?
Peter Kwan |
Re: Back ground color (Finance and XYChart) |
Posted by icm63 on Apr-20-2020 03:23 |
What routines can override the painting of 'setPlotAreaStyle' back ground color? Using another XYchart layer?
.setBackGround ?? Maybe
Any others ? |
Re: Back ground color (Finance and XYChart) |
Posted by icm63 on Apr-20-2020 03:44 |
Fixed it
This is how it should have been (I had adjusted the addMainChart function)
'Set Finance Chart as XYChart and OHLC layer
mainXYChart = mainChart.addMainChart(FinHeight, BackGroundColor)
mainXYChart.getLegend.setKeySpacing(5) |
Re: Back ground color (Finance and XYChart) |
Posted by Peter Kwan on Apr-20-2020 20:26 |
Hi icm63,
If you look at the original FinanceChart source code (this is included in the download), you can see that the FinanceChart.setPlotAreaStyle, it just stores the background color into a member variable m_plotAreaBgColor. It does not actually do anything other than storing the colors.
Later, when you add the main chart or any kind of indicator chart, the FinanceChart will use m_plotAreaBgColor as the plotarea background color of the chart (by calling XYChart.setPlotArea). This is the only place that uses the m_plotAreaBgColor variable. Note that setPlotAreaStyle only affects charts that are added after calling the method. If you call addMainChart first, then call setPlotAreaStyle, it will have no effect to the main chart.
Some other APIs can change the plotarea background include:
XYChart.setBackground only changes the XYChart background. It does not change the plotarea background.
Peter Kwan |