Converting horizontal x-axis date labels to vertical |
Posted by Bert on May-27-2020 00:37 |
I'm passing an array of dates (vb.net) to the layer.setXData method. I would like the dates to display vertically, so I can fit more on the axis. How can I do this? |
Re: Converting horizontal x-axis date labels to vertical |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-27-2020 13:27 |
Hi Bert,
You can rotate the text by 90 degrees. An example is at:
The code is:
' Set label to Arial Bold 8pt black color rotated by 90 degrees
c.xAxis().setLabelStyle("Arial", 8, &H000000, 90)
Hope this can help.
Peter Kwan |
Re: Converting horizontal x-axis date labels to vertical |
Posted by bert sirkin on May-27-2020 20:21 |
Thanks, Peter! |