XYchart with RHS axis adding horizontalbarlayer to LHS of chart |
Posted by Craig R on May-29-2020 05:06 |
Hello Peter,
I have a XYchart with 2x datasets with 2x RHS Yaxis.
I am trying to add another dataset as LHS Y axis with a horizontal linelayer barlayer.
The chart data has no relation to X axis only LHS Y axis.
I see the method to swap axis but this affect existing chart.
Is there another approach to add another Linelayer barlayer as 3rd Yaxis LHS with horizontal visual.
Craig R |
Re: XYchart with RHS axis adding horizontalbarlayer to LHS of chart |
Posted by Craig R on May-29-2020 14:13 |
I have uploaded an image.
I am using XYchart, not financial chart.
Re: XYchart with RHS axis adding horizontalbarlayer to LHS of chart |
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-29-2020 18:25 |
Hi Craig,
Basically, you can draw a horizontal bar chart using a separate XYChart object, and then merge that bar chart to the plot area of your other financial XYChart.
As an example, I have modified the "CandleStick Chart" sample code that comes with ChartDirector by adding the price volume bars. See the attached files.
Peter Kwan
Re: XYchart with RHS axis adding horizontalbarlayer to LHS of chart |
Posted by Craig Roberts on May-30-2020 05:32 |
Hello Peter,
fyi, I am using vb.net WPF, if that's makes a difference to example.
I have tried to get the chart to merge, no success, cannot even see it.
I have tried basic example and no success.
Have enabled c.getDrawArea().setEnableExceptions(True) but getting no exceptions.
Any ideas
Craig R |
Re: XYchart with RHS axis adding horizontalbarlayer to LHS of chart |
Posted by Craig Roberts on May-30-2020 06:17 |
Hello Peter, all good, I had to set chart to transparent to see merged chart.
Craig R |