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  How can I have a legend with just some entries
Posted by David Thielen on Feb-23-2021 05:39

I want to have a legend with just some entries (not the grey columns in the below example). Do I do this with addKey()?

And if so, is there an example somewhere?

Also, do I need to first clear out the defaults? Or does that happen on the first addKey() call?

thanks - dave

  Re: How can I have a legend with just some entries
Posted by Peter Kwan on Feb-23-2021 11:49
Hi David,

If your data set has no name, it will not have automatic legend entry. For example:

// This will have a legend entry
BarLayer layer = c.addBarLayer(data, 0x6699cc, "My DataSet");

// This will have not have a legend entry since there is no text to display
LineLayer layer2 = c.addLineLayer(data, 0xff6600);

If you must provide a name to the data set, but does not want the legend entry, you would like to disable it using:



The LegendBox.addKey can be used to add legend entries to the legend box. It will not remove the automatic entries.

The following is an example that uses LegendBox.addKey:

Due to compatibility with some very early versions of ChartDirector, by default, the legend icon of all entries will be a square. To use line style icons, you need to add the line:

LegendBox b = c.getLegend();

With setLineStyleKey, lines will use line icons. Other layer types will use the icons appropriate for them (box icons for bar/area, symbols for scatter layers, etc). To add a line style icon, just provide a non-zero line width in LegendBox.addKey:

b.addKey("ABC", 0x336699, 2);

ChartDirector will try to keep all icons the same width. This ensures the text for different icon types will align properly for vertical legend boxes.

Peter Kwan