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  Polar plot with radial and azimuthal color gradient
Posted by Felix on May-04-2021 20:29
Hello Peter,

I am using ChartDirector to build a diagram like the one below. The value of the polar chart defines the color of the corresponding segment. Blue is low, red is high. Now I am working on a problem, where I also need to show changing colors in radial direction. (In addition to the changing color in azimuthal direction like it is now.)

What would be the best way to do that? Is it somehow possible, to define ring segments? Like for example I’d say the first ring starts at r=0 to r=0.1. Then I define all the colors for the ring from 0 to 360 degrees. Then I define the second ring, starting at r=0.1 and ending at r= 0.2 and I define the color of each pie segment in the ring from 0 to 360 deg. And so on…

I’d like to show flow conditions on a helicopter rotor with that. So I’d really appreciate your help!


chart 1.jpg

  Re: Polar plot with radial and azimuthal color gradient
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-05-2021 13:10
Hi Felix,

You can do this with AngularAxis.addZone. It allows you to fill a ring segment - a region between two angles and two radii. We use this API to create a rose chart. You can also use this API in a loop to fill all the "ring segments" with different colors:

Peter Kwan

  Re: Polar plot with radial and azimuthal color gradient
Posted by Felix on May-05-2021 19:45
Hello Peter,
I think that is exactly the solution I was looking for! Awesome! :D Thanks a lot for your help!