Legend |
Posted by Sean L on Feb-28-2023 09:32 |
I have a unique need for a Doughnut chart. If the sector(s) in a given dataset constitutes < .1% , I want to exclude them from the chart BUT list ALL the sectors in the legend.
So the question is 'Is it possible to format a legendbox that does not match the Doughnut chart? Can they be made independent assuming I can create an array for data and Labels based on the specific logic I need"
data {99.5, .1, .1, .1,.1,.1}
labels {"l1" , "l2" , "l3" , "l4", "l5 , "l6"}
However my chart should ONLY have the 99.5 data value as rest of them are <=.1%, I can have a white sliver (break in the ring) for the remaining data points
BUT My legend should list all 6 values with the right %
Thx |