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  add viewportcontrol to multichart in qt
Posted by Lee on Apr-01-2023 23:13
Hi Peter
hope you are doing well.

I have two question as follows:
1. I am using real-time MultiChart in Qt and need to add viewPortControl (Like  realtimeviewport extra example) under each XYChart. i try to do this by adding drawFullChart function to realtimemultichat class but it only draw one chart.

2. when i use addchart function to draw a chart right side of first one, the multiTrackLine don't work well and draw trackbox on left chart.

I would be very appreciated if you could help me to find solution.

  Re: add viewportcontrol to multichart in qt
Posted by Lee on Apr-02-2023 22:46
Hi Peter
I could solve my second question but i still have problem to add viewportcontrol to each char.

  Re: add viewportcontrol to multichart in qt
Posted by Peter Kwan on Apr-03-2023 15:16
Hi Lee,

The viewportcontrol is like a scrollbar with a background image. The background image can anything. In the sample code we use a chart displaying the full data range as the background image for the scrollbar.

I think there will be issues if we put multiple scrollbars in the middle of a chart (which can be a MultiChart). It may be better to put the scrollbar (viewportcontrol) at the bottom like in the sample code. The background of the viewportcontrol can be a smaller MultiChart showing the full data range of data. In this way, the viewportcontrol can show the full range of all the charts. Would this be an acceptable?

Peter Kwan