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  Finance candlestick right-most bar is too close to the edge
Posted by Brian Hui on May-13-2023 00:08
Hi Peter,

As subject, the candlestick right-most bar is too close to the edge (see left picture). Can leave some space between the right-most bar and the Y-axis? Ideally like the picture showing in the right hand side. Thanks!


  Re: Finance candlestick right-most bar is too close to the edge
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-13-2023 15:41
Hi Brian,

Yes, just add extra elements to your timestamps array. For example, if you have 100 candlesticks, you may extend your timestamps array to 105 elements, while keeping the other arrays (high/low/open/close/vol) at 100 elements. This will add 5 additional empty positions on the right side.

If you can predict the 5 future timestamps (eg. you know each timestamp must be 15 minutes apart and you also know the closing hours of the stock exchange), you can use these predicted values. Otherwise, you can just repeat the last timestamp value 5 more times for the 5 extra elements.

Best Regards
Peter Kwan

  Re: Finance candlestick right-most bar is too close to the edge
Posted by Brian Hui on May-15-2023 00:21
Hi Peter,

It works. Thanks a lot for your hints!!
