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  Visual Studio compatibility version
Posted by BA on Jun-13-2023 15:05

I downloaded this chart tool for my windows application.
I tried to open sample project, but it gives compatibility issue.
I have Visual Studio 2022. Does this tool works with VS 2022, or which latest version of Visual Studio should i use?

Please check the attached file having actual error screenshot.
contour chart compatibility issue.png

  Re: Visual Studio compatibility version
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jun-13-2023 17:51
Hi BA,

I have just tried myself. It works normally in my VS 2022.

The Visual Studio solution you tried is NetWinCharts. It is a Windows Forms project for the .NET Framework. There is another project NetCoreWinCharts. It is a Windows Forms project for .NET. In case you are not sure what is ".NET Framework" and what is ".NET", please refer to:

Visual Studio supports many kinds of projects, but they may not be installed by default. When you install Visual Studio, there are a lot of options to select. If you want to use .NET Framework (as opposed to .NET), please verify that you have installed .NET Framework support when you install Visual Studio? If you want to use .NET (instead of .NET Framework), please try the "NetCoreWinCharts" instead of "NetWinCharts".

I have attached two screen shots for your reference. One shows my Visual Studio version (VS 2022 17.5.5) and that the Visual Basic Tools are installed with the Visual Studio. The other shows the other Visual Studio options installed. Note that it includes .NET Desktop Application development, which both the .NET and .NET Framework options selected.

If the above still cannot solve the problem, is it possible to provide me what the exact Visual Studio version?

Best Regards
Peter Kwan

  Re: Visual Studio compatibility version
Posted by BA on Jun-15-2023 14:06
Thank u for your reply.
Now at least I am able to open the project, but when i tried to run it i got internet restricted zone error, i have attached the screenshot of the same.

The whole code is on my local machine, then also why that error is coming?

  Re: Visual Studio compatibility version
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jun-15-2023 14:24
Hi BA,

On the download page, below the link that download ChartDirector for .NET, there is another link that mentions you must unblock the zip file before using it. Have you unblocked the zip file? See:

In brief, Windows will disable all DLL and EXE downloaded from the Internet, including any DLL and EXE in the zip file. Internally, Windows will set a flag to indicate the files come from the Internet, so even if you put the files in your local machine, Windows knows it comes from the Internet. If it is an EXE, when you execute it, Windows will pop up a warning and you can press a button to allow Windows to run the EXE. However, ChartDirector is not a EXE (it is a DLL) and it cannot be executed directly. Instead, the developer will need to manually reset the flag to unblock the DLL. In addition to EXE/DLL, other files (eg. CHM) may also be blocked, so it is suggested you unblock the zip file itself.

Best Regards
Peter Kwan