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  multiple properties for object
Posted by Martin Gross on Nov-03-2023 00:58
I have an Add Mark
$c->yAxis()->addMark($accuracy_corr{team}, 0x228B22, $accuracy_corr{team},"arialb.ttf", 14)->setLineWidth(5);

I'd also like to have the mark drop behind my plot.

How do I add ->setDrawOnTop(0) to the syntax above?

Also, my addMark value sometimes show up on the left, sometime on the right, sometimes in the center.

Thank you.

  Re: multiple properties for object
Posted by Peter Kwan on Nov-03-2023 23:35
HI Martin,

You can save the Mark object in a variable, so you can call it multiple times.

my $myMark = $c->yAxis()->addMark($accuracy_corr{team}, 0x228B22, $accuracy_corr{team},"arialb.ttf", 14);


Best Regards
Peter Kwan

  Re: multiple properties for object
Posted by Martin Gross on Nov-03-2023 23:47
Thanks so much Peter!, one more tweak did the trick, 0 for On Top