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  Trying to get Example project to run on and arm a53
Posted by Dan on Jun-19-2024 03:51
I am using a Toradex Verdin IMX8 running a yocto system as my target. I am building the project on an ubuntu laptop with Qt Creator. I can get the project to build fine but when i try and run create the executable and send it to the target I cant get it to work.  I am getting an error " Cannot run: No command given."

  Re: Trying to get Example project to run on and arm a53
Posted by Peter Kwan on Jun-21-2024 00:55
Hi Dan,

Sorry for the late reply.

You are trying the cross compile the code. Have you try to compile a simple Qt program without using ChartDirector to see if it can run on Toradex Verdin IMX8. For example, you can create a Qt project with a single Window that contains just a push button. Try to see if this can run on Toradex Verdin IMX8.

If the simple program cannot run on Toradex Verdin IMX8, it is possible your cross compilation system may not be set up correctly.  I searched the Internet and found an article contain some instructions on how to set up the cross compilation system.

You target is an ARM system, so you should use the ChartDirector ARM shared object available in the arm64 edition of ChartDirector for C++. (ChartDirector only supports arm64 or aarch64 or 64bit ARM.) Your Qt should also be of an edition that targets your system.

Best Regards
Peter Kwan