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  Z-order for shapes in finance chart
Posted by London on Aug-09-2024 09:34
How do i bring the shapes forward so they are over the candles?

  Re: Z-order for shapes in finance chart
Posted by Peter Kwan on Aug-09-2024 19:26
Hi London,

I assume your code add the shapes by adding a scatter layer. If this is the case, you can use Layer.moveFront to move the layer to the front of the chart. See:

As I am not sure which programming language you are using, I will randomly choose to use the C#/Java language to provide an example:

ScatterLayer myLayer = myChart.addScatterLayer(.........);

Best Regards
Peter Kwan

  Re: Z-order for shapes in finance chart
Posted by London on Aug-09-2024 21:07
My apologies, I didn't mention it was PHP but I fixed it.


*For future people that are looking for a solution this is what does it:

$buyLayer = $mainChart->addScatterLayer(null, $buySignal, "Buy", 2, 12, 0xccffcc);