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  file not recognized:file format not recognized
Posted by JACK on Sep-25-2024 18:41
Hello, I would like to post the issue of using the simple examples in the download file. When I build the example project using Qt Creator, was not recognized as shown in the capture of the screen. I tried different versions of Chartdirector, but still cant solve it. My qt creator version is 4.12.2 and the qt version is 5.14.2, gcc 5.3.1, 64 bits

  Re: file not recognized:file format not recognized
Posted by Peter Kwan on Sep-25-2024 23:36

From your description, I assume you are using the Linux operating system.

The most common reasons for the linker not understanding the are the mismatch architecture or the symbol links of are broken.

For Linux, we support 3 architectures:  i386/i686 (32-bit), x64 (intel 64-bit) and arm64 (ARM 64-bit). The architecture must match your compiler and linker. If you are using Intel 64-bit, please make sure you download the edition for "Linux (x86_64)". If you are using ARM64, then download the edition for "Linux (aarch64) (64-bit ARM)".

Like all common Linux library, the "" is not a file. It is a symbolic link to the actual file which is Because Window does not understand symbolic link, please make sure you extract the files on Linux. If you extract the files on Windows, then copy them to LInux, it may break the symbolic links.

In the folder /home/alphates/ChartDirector/lib, you should find 3 files "", "" and "". Only the "" is an actual file. The first two ones should be symbolic links to "".

If this still cannot solve the problem, please try the following commands and inform what are the results. These commands can help confirm your machine architecture and whether the files are correct.

uname -a
cd /home/alphates/ChartDirector/lib
ls -al

Best Regards
Peter Kwan