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  How to place multiple symbols on the same index in finance chart.
Posted by London on Oct-25-2024 07:11
I'm in php.

Sell Signal at Index 134: 1.87
Sell Signal at Index 134: 1.72

Buy Signal at Index 134: 1.35
Buy Signal at Index 134: 1.24
Buy Signal at Index 134: 1.1
Buy Signal at Index 134: 1.1
Buy Signal at Index 134: 1.1

as you can see they are all using the same index but I'm having trouble placing more than 1 symbol for each execution

I can get 1 sell symbol and 1 buy symbol and they are the last ones in the array.

        // Plot execution markers
        $buySignal = array_fill(0, count($finalTimeStamps), NoValue);
        $sellSignal = array_fill(0, count($finalTimeStamps), NoValue);

        foreach ($entryTime as $index => $entry) {
            $closestIndex = array_search($entry, $finalTimeStamps);
            \Log::info("Entry: $entry | Closest Index: $closestIndex");

            if ($closestIndex !== false) {
                $sellSignal[$closestIndex] = $entryPrices[$index]; // Add sell marker (short)
                \Log::info("Sell Signal at Index $closestIndex: " . $entryPrices[$index]);
            } else {
                \Log::info("Sell marker not found for entry: $entry");

        foreach ($exitTime as $index => $exit) {
            $closestIndex = array_search($exit, $finalTimeStamps);
            \Log::info("Exit: $exit | Closest Index: $closestIndex");

            if ($closestIndex !== false) {
                $buySignal[$closestIndex] = $exitPrices[$index]; // Add buy marker (cover)
                \Log::info("Buy Signal at Index $closestIndex: " . $exitPrices[$index]);
            } else {
                \Log::info("Buy marker not found for exit: $exit");

        // \Log::info("Final Time Stamps: " . json_encode($finalTimeStamps));

        // Log the final signals for verification
        \Log::info("Final Buy Signals: " . json_encode($buySignal));
        \Log::info("Final Sell Signals: " . json_encode($sellSignal));

        // Add scatter layers for sells and buys
        $sellLayer = $mainChart->addScatterLayer(null, $sellSignal, "sells", 6, 10, 0xffadad);

        $buyLayer = $mainChart->addScatterLayer(null, $buySignal, "buys", 3, 10, 0xccffcc);

Would I need to use something like a scatter layer data set so that when 2 executions are on the same index they both show up?

my desired outcome is the pic.

  Re: How to place multiple symbols on the same index in finance chart.
Posted by Peter Kwan on Oct-25-2024 14:46
Hi London,

The following is an example:

In brief, you can add a scatter layer with both x and y coordinates. However, like all other data series in FinanceChart, the first 30 points (assume extraPoints = 30) are not plotted, so the first 30 positions in the array are unused. Also, the x coordinate need to be the array index subtracted by the extraPoints.

Best Regards
Peter Kwan