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  is this possible with chartdirector?
Posted by jef on Dec-18-2024 04:53
I would like to display a 3d x,y,z chart like the attached where each marker is a rectangular box with length = +/- 1 standard deviation from a central value (like a candlestick chart) plotted over the xy plane. there are also "walls" representing budget limits.

if not, I could plot x vs. z and y vs. z in separate charts I guess.

would something like this be possible?

  Re: is this possible with chartdirector?
Posted by Peter Kwan on Dec-18-2024 19:21
Hi Jef,

Unluckily, ChartDirector cannot plot this type of 3D chart.

May be you can consider to use a bubble chart instead. A bubble chart is like:

The bubble size can be based on the standard deviation. The bubble shape can be a square (I think a circle may be suitable too), or you can use different shapes to indicate different things. You can set the color of the bubble based on the z value. You can add mark lines and/or zones to indicate the budget limit.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact me.

Best Regards
Peter Kwan

  Re: is this possible with chartdirector?
Posted by jef on Dec-20-2024 02:20
thanks peter. I'll experiment with those.