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  Clickable radar chart
Posted by Eirik on May-05-2022 20:46
In reference to the "Multi Radar Chart", VBNetASP. I'm trying to find a way to extend the info passed for the clickable PolarChart.

I can make the legends and datapoints clickable and pass {dataSetName}, {label}, {value}, e.g. for the datapoints:

WebChartViewer1.ImageMap = c.getHTMLImageMap(url, "", "title='{dataSetName}, {label}: {value}%'")

However, as a drilldown to the url, I also need to pass some reference keys.

For other objects e.g. a LineLayer, this can be done with layer.addExtraField, and then picked up in the mapping with e.g. {dsField0}, but how can I do this with e.g. a PolarLineLayer.

I can make a c.addExtraField for the PolarChart, but the values does not seem to be aligned.

Also, how do I do a getHTMLImageMap to the labels in the PolarCart, added with c.angularAxis().setLabels(labels)?

Any help appreciated.

Best regards,

  Re: Clickable radar chart
Posted by Peter Kwan on May-06-2022 04:27
Hi Eirik,

The {dsField0} is to associate the parameter with the data set. For example, suppose in an XYChart, you have one line layer that obtains 3 data sets, and each data set contains 100 data points. To use {dsField0}, your extra array should contain 3 elements, with each element associated with a data set.

In a PolarChart, there is no concept of data set. Each layer only contains one data series. So {dsField0} is not applicable.

If you want to associate a special parameter with each layer, you can always set the layer image map directly by using PolarLayer.setHTMLImageMap. For example:

myLayer0.setHTMLImageMap("", "x={x}&label={label}&name={name}&value={value}&special_parameter=abcd", "title='[some special text {dataSetName}] ({radius}, {angle})'")

myLayer1.setHTMLImageMap("", "x={x}&label={label}&name={name}&value={value}&special_parameter=xyzw", "title='[some more text {dataSetName}] ({radius}, {angle})'")

WebChartViewer1.ImageMap = c.getHTMLImageMap("", "", "") & c.angularAxis().getHTMLImageMap("", "axisLabel={label}", "title='My Label = {label}'")

Note that AngularAxis.getHTMLImageMap is used above to provide tooltips to the angular axis labels.

Peter Kwan