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Visual Studio compatibility version contour chart compatibility issue.png BA 3 Jun-15-2023 14:24
7.1 XYChart makeImage method missing David S 2 Jun-14-2023 00:11
Rose chart with axis origin not in the middle Screenshot 2023-06-08 174246.jpg Medic89 3 Jun-13-2023 03:44
Draw a vertical line where addRsi(...) crosses vertical_line.png dave 5 Jun-01-2023 01:57
Load images from CImage array to chart Medic89 5 May-22-2023 16:12
XY Scatter plot with colored dots based on z-value Holger 4 May-20-2023 06:07
Finance candlestick right-most bar is too close to the edge pic2.png Brian Hui 2 May-15-2023 00:21
CSS & Font Sean Laks 5 May-11-2023 22:43
Resize a chart, I cannot figure out how to do it. Tony 8 May-10-2023 21:08
Gridline problem (finance chart) chartdirector1.png Brian Hui 4 Apr-30-2023 12:46
Lowess2 edge effects Phil 6 Apr-27-2023 19:10
Memory leak with const char* arrays Medic89 9 Apr-27-2023 00:56
XYZ Line in 3D Plot Vinay Williams 1 Apr-17-2023 20:57
on zoomin xlabel will shown multiple of 17 .. till 255 Poonam bhosale 1 Apr-11-2023 18:21
Mouse Usage Raimund Gottkehaskamp 1 Apr-03-2023 15:55
add viewportcontrol to multichart in qt Lee 2 Apr-03-2023 15:16
Realtime plot serial port data in multiple charts. qtdemo_test.rar Oliver Smith 2 Apr-01-2023 22:14
Dynamic series addition Sean L 2 Apr-01-2023 04:55
Wafer Chart 027_WaferMapChart.png Aldy 9 Mar-29-2023 00:42
NullPointerException has occurred when I use "outSVG" LJ 5 Mar-14-2023 17:39
Label color is displayed incorrectly. choynsg 3 Mar-13-2023 14:20
Crash in BaseChart method setOutputOptions Ulrich Telle 2 Mar-12-2023 19:27
CDML img tag not displaying an image chart_with_no_triangle_symbol.png Ryan Gray 1 Mar-11-2023 20:13
Will ChartDirector 7.0 support Ruby 3.2? Sarah 1 Mar-08-2023 17:05
Area Line Chart Legend grayed out when any value if negative Dharm 1 Mar-08-2023 09:26
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